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� � <br /> ��. D��D C�C�C�O�D �o� ��n <br /> ____ _ ___ �__ _ . � . __ __-__... _ __ ___ ___� �_- _ __ ___ __ _ _ - _ __ <br />_ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _ <br />__ ��di0—KLOPP&BARTI ETT CO.,Pri�tlinp,Liliingraphing a�ed G'ounty.Supplies;(>mak¢. � � __ <br /> F��� I herebz� certifz� that this ir�stru.rrcent was entered ora Numeri,cal <br /> Index and filed for record this____________13___.______daz�of_____JUI1Q_______________ <br /> .g. I)., 19--��----, a.t--- _- --- -3_.��_ _ -- - -------dclock----P,__,M. <br /> ------ ---�,_r_._P�_�ridgg---& wifs - . - - Warranty <br /> � �,0 � Deed. � � ; �� <br /> - - -- ----- --- - -- - - -------------- <br /> - ------------ - -- <br /> Re�is er of Dee,ds, <br /> ---- -- -- --- --�ary--Philli-pa - - - --- ---- ---- <br /> B�------- ----- --- ----- - -- ------- ---------------- ------ ;` <br /> -- --- -- ---- Deputz�. <br /> �.�oba �Y� �er� �p �C�je�e �xe�e�t�: <br /> ����----- ---�1_.r._Par_txid�,e ancl__�ifs__E.,�_QBe�hine._._P.a�_trid�e--- -_ ------------ -------------------------------- _------------------ - <br /> of the CountJ of_--------------Hs'1.�_�.--------._---crric� ,S'ta,te of-------1'�ex2r��_k8.----------- ----------- ------------Grantor-�------, in consideratiorc <br /> of the sum of-----,-------Qne--Hurc3red_�:ifty---ancl_-no�100----------------------------------------- ---.DO_LLr1RS, <br /> -- --- - - --------------- .------ ---------- --- <br /> in hand paid, do------- ----_---h,erebr� GR��''T, B�RG.f1IN, SEI,L, .F1.ND CONVEY'unto---------_��T�---�11�.�.�-�?�---------------------------------- ---------------- <br /> --- -- - ---- --- - <br /> 'iall YJebraska <br />� of the CountJ o}------ - - - `---- - --..__and State of_------- - ----- - -- --- ..- -- - ---- --------- --- - - -- -- ----------,Gran.tee--------, the followirt� <br /> described, situated in the County of_______ __.__._ ___H�111__________._._________________..____a,rzd State of JV'e,brsaka, to zvit: <br /> ._.......L..o�-s---n�rubex----��.v�_n----(7�---and.__Eigh�---���----in__�loc_Y__numbe�.._E��v��..._��.�,�..--�.�,-.BQ�g-�--..and__Hi.�.��-s----.As��li_��_or� <br />�ar�a...�.s_7.and,_- He_bx_as�a,- -aa__s.ux.v�.y�.d,---R�,��t_ed--�n�....�ecorde.c�_........... ... .. ...-�---- ------ --------------------- ---- --- �-----�--------- <br /> -- - - - - ----- -- -- -- ------- --- - --- ------- -------- ----- ---- ---------------- - - - --- - - - -- --- -------- - --...---�-------------._-- ----- - ------------------------------ ------ - <br /> ------- --------- - ------ ------- ------ - -__ - ---- -- - -�- ----- --- - - -- - -�---- ------ ----- �---------�--�----... - ----------_.....-- -- --- ------- ------- ------ --------------------�---------- -��---------.... <br /> ------------- -.....-�---- �------- -� - ---�-- - - --- -- - ----- -- -- -- - - - - ------------------------- ---------- --__....-----�---- -- --_ --------------------------------------�------ ---- - ------------------------�-----�- <br /> -------------_._......----- - - - - - - ---- - - -- - -- - - -- - - . _- ---- - -._. _ ... <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, laeredit,am.ents, a.nd a�purtenaiaces thereunto belon�sin�s, und all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozver, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantar=__E-_,czr�d of either of them, of, ir�, or to the same,or any part thereof. <br />'�, <br />�'�I �0 �d�1C �1�� t0 �D�� the above-described pr�em.ises, with the appurtenasaees, urLto the said�rantee________ared to__.___.__xl@�_____.__ heirs <br /> I and assi�ns forever. ✓lnd_____i�YS______herebz�covenant________with the said Grant.ee_______that______________�tC6____,_________. hold___________said premises by�ood and ' <br /> perfect title; that.______'�!�_______________ha_v�_600d ri�ht and lawful authoritr� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever___1213C1�___��'10�.__�_9__.�hQ__d�t�_@___Of__sel�.�_ _t0___the_,_�r321_tA@_ h6rei_2�____tc?-_W__3.t_:-__ ___________________________ <br /> ---------5-���.�mhsx---2-$-=1�11_.._ - ------------- ----- ---- -- ---- -- -- - - - - -- ----- - <br /> --- --- - - ----- - ------------------------------------------------- -------- -- -- <br /> �nd_,._____-_________Y��_______________________________________ covenant________towarrantand defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever----------- @x�_@j?�__a�_ _�Q_V_�3__.8_�_3�8C1-4----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------- -- ------- ------------------ <br /> 1 <br />� """"""'""_"_"'""_'___"'"""__'___"""'_'_ _'_____"___".___"_____""_'___-_"__'__"___"_"'_"'__"_"______'_'___'___"'__'_"'_'__""__'_________'_"________"""' '____"__'_""'__"__"'_"__"_'"_'__"_"""'_"""___________'____"'__'__'_"_'_"'___'_'___'"_""____""___ '. <br /> Dated the-------------------13�h-----------------daJ �1�- - --- --�TLiTl6-- - -------------- -----�1. D.,19--1�----• <br /> W7TNESS ----_�.G.Par t r i d�e----------_---_ <br />' --------------- -- - -- --��t.yax-d---H.1'�ing------------- ---- - - --- <br /> ----E---�TQ_�_���ine---P�_r__�x�d8e------------------------ <br />� --------------- - - -- -------------- - - --- - - -- ---- ---- - -- - - <br />; ------------------------------- ------------ ----------------------------------- <br />' ST.1TE OF NEBRJISK.,4, t <br /> r ss. <br /> -------------------------�i_all-------------county, ) Orc this---------].�th---- -----------d�� �f-------------'J�i�18------------------------------.q. D., 19_12_ ._ , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�rrLed, a Notary Public-------_-_-____-_-_-----_-----------within ar�d for said County, personally came---_----_--------__-____------_--__.---___-__-_-_-__---_--_ ' <br /> ------7�_.�_,_�?ar t r�,ci�e--ansl__�`.Ja sex�hi ne---Par tr i d�e-------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_8�._..____.whose narrze___8____�Q___._________________afj'ixed to the above <br /> {SEAL� instrumer�t as �rantor_H____, and_________��1Qy_________.______.severally acknowled�ed the sarne to be___�he�.r___.___voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose thereifz expressed. <br /> INW7T✓Y'ESSYVHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my rcame and af)ixed my ofJicial seal at____________________._____ <br /> ____.�r_rd12d_.I�33riC�__.__T�Bb2£�Sk1____________orz the date last above written. <br /> - ------------- -------B�yar_d---H._P_aine------------- <br /> .Notart�Public. <br /> .My commission expires------- -- -- --- -- - ---------- -------TZUV--1�?---___--------19-16-----• <br />