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�.� <br /> �..;. DC��D ��C�O�D �Joo �do <br /> � <br /> _ ___ _ . __ : : _ __ � _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ___ _ __ _ _ <br />— ,,6.��0—IfLb2'P���7�TLETT CO.,Prinling,Lit3an�raphing�ind County 5upplies:ZSinaAa. _ �� � -��� � � .-- <br /> I'�0� I hereb� certify that this instrument was entered orc .N'urraerical <br /> _ _ - - Index an,d lecl or record this---------11---__-__---da o Ju'1� ' <br /> --- - -- - � f J �---------`-------------------- � <br /> �. D., 19---��-- -, at-- - - _ .___ - _- - �----o'clock,----P_�_.M. <br /> ------•7o hn_ �{�._t t e_z�as�rf_--�--,�rif� ----- - ---- ---_ Warranty _ <br /> � TO Deed. - <br /> , <br /> -------- -------�-- - -- ���_�-/!__'_v --------------- <br /> Re�ist of Pe.e,ds, <br /> ---- --- - ----- H�rry---C_._i�inr�- - -- -- - - -- -- <br /> ��------ - -- - _ __ ._ - - -- -- ------------ ------ - > <br /> _ _ Deputy. <br /> �.�o� �Y� �ea� �p ��je�e ��e�e�ct� : <br /> ����----- �e_.T__oh�..__�it_t.�ndQrf_.&_ Sadi-e--Ki��snda-rf-------------- - - ----------------------._--------------------- --------------------------------- - <br /> -------------------- - ---- ----- - - --- -- -- - --------- - --------- - -- ---( hus i?and_ �__wi f e--�------ - ----- -------------------- <br /> h ' ''' ___-------__-__---------_------Grantor--g-_--_, in consideratiori <br /> of the Coui2tJ �f------ -----�11- -- -- --- -<arr,c�? �5tcr,te of---- -1_V_@_l2�_c1$�-�-- - --- ------------ <br /> . <br /> of the sum of----------- - Ei�hteQn__Hunairsd---&---n0�140--- ---------------------------- ------------------------ ---- ---------------------------------------DOLL✓�RS, <br /> in harzd paid, do- ---------------hereby GIi✓�.NT, B�4RG.FIIN, SELL, �4dV'D COJV'VEY'unto---------F�3�Sy_--�,_-•-F��S171--------------------------------------- ------------------ <br /> ----------------------------- - - -- ------------ ------- -- --------------------------------------------------- - ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- --- -- - -- <br /> H111-- -- ----and State o -------- T1@�Jr218k3 - - - -- --- --- --- - -- -- --- -----,, the ollowin <br />, of the Courity of----------- ----- -- � -- - } <br /> -- � <br /> described premises, situated in the Courcty oj'______________Hall_ .____________________ ______.____and State of dV'ebrsaka, to wit: <br /> Frac..Lo_�...N.u..�b��__�1ix3.�----(.�.�---1-n---f ra�_t_i.Q_nal---�-1Q-�-k--nur;ik��.x.._S.Q�T_�.r�t.��n._..�1.7.�----ix�---E�a.rvi��r---Par_k._.Ac�d.i_t.i_o.n.._�.fl <br /> �rand__I.s.land_..��e��rask-a,---a�---surYe_y_�dr---,P-lat-t-e-d---&-.--x.�-�-oxde�.._...a�,�o.._�..�.�....�.am�l_em�.nt-a,.----b�_ing---��.rt--Qf---------- <br /> fraction�l bloc_k___Three_,_�3_)____of__H.�.Glark.'_s___Addition,..._de�c_ribed..,as.._fol_lows,____ commencing___at.__a__noint..._ � <br /> 38.--& 2-/-1Q--f�e�---z-n--a�--e-a�-t-�-r-3-Y---di_x�c��on...�'xQm---t-��---�outh__�!e��e-�-lX---��x�er---o�----$-ai-d---��ion_�----7.0-�----x�ine <br /> (9} tll�ence e�.sterly & t,arallel ��ritll the northerly line �f said fractional lat nine (9) 14 & 6 10 " <br />�'�� fes-�,--�-T�er�c-e-i� a--�o-r-ttie-r--�y -�i�-ree-�i�on--�a�al�l-e-l--wi-�-Y�---�he-�res�e-r--�y ..l�ne- -af---said- -f�$etio-r�a�----��t----n#�te `` <br /> (9), to _ a point where the east�rly line of said_ fractional lot nina (9), int�r�ects the .,rest�rlp <br /> line of said fraetional block tlzree (3), thence south to the plaee af beginning, Both of said <br /> I <br /> Ac�d�.�-�-o�s---'�ei�$----adclitior�-s -��-th� ����--of �-�ran�---�s3�fld�---�3eb�aal�-a;-...--ac-ea-rdir�g---t-Q-.t�is. .�eco-r�l�d---��at-s� <br />'� thereof. <br /> --------------- -- ----------- - -- - ----- -- ----- -- - - - - - - -- - <br /> To�ether with all the teneynents, hereditaments, and appurteriances thereunto belon�in�, arcd all the F,state,Ri�ht, Title,Irtterest,Dozver, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demarzd whatsoever of the said Grantor.&___,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or ar�y part thereof. <br />, �0 �A�1C �YY� t0 �OYb the above-describPd premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rar�tee_______and to_________h�8________ heirs <br />' and assi�ns forever. .,4nd.____�e_._____hereby covenant..____with the said Grantee_______.that___.__�!8________________________'hold____________said premises by�ood and <br /> I' perfect title; that.____we_________ ha_.v��ood risht and lawful authorit� to sell ccnd convey the same; that they are free ared clear of all liefzs <br />�I and incumbranees whatsoever----------------- -- --------- ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- <br />', --------------------------------------------- ---------------- --- ---- --- - ------ --- _ __ ---- ---- - - - - - -- ------------------------------ ------- -- --------- --------- <br /> �nd_________________�+Ye__ _______________.__.___________._.__.____ covenarct_.__.___to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of alZ persons <br />'. whomsoever----------- --- - - - - - - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------•----------------------------------- -------- ------------------ -- ;. <br /> ------------------------ - -- -- --- ---- - -- - --- - ---_ --- - -------- ----- - ---- ----- ------ -----------• ---------------- --- ------------------------------------------------ ------------ <br />� Dated the-------ElAV6Tlth------- --------da�J �/�-- - ---��u719-- ------- --- --- - -�. D.,19��------• <br />',, WITNESS ----J4��---I�i_t_t_�nd9r f_---- -- -------------------- - - <br />��'�, ------ - -- - -----5_.C_.H�zat�o-n--------------------- - - ------ <br /> ----�.�.adia---Ki-�-t-e.ncior-f------------- ------------------------- <br />'� --------------------------------------------------------------- <br />�I ------------ ---- - - ------ -- --- -- - <br /> ST✓1TE OF NEBR.ISK�, <br /> �ss. <br /> -------------------------------�A�,�,.------County, On this-----E�94_Y�I1��-------------da�J o�----------•--JL1T18--------------------------------Jl. D., 19_1�_ ._ , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a Notarz�Public..--------------------------,-----within ancl for� sczid County, personally came----------------------------------_ ------------------------ <br /> -----------John--I�i_t_�_�_xa�c�o:�'�._�_�d,�it_�.�x�.�l�x�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />'� --- ------------------------------------------------ ------ --- --- ----------�-hu�bsnd_.�_wife �_ <br />,, <br /> to me personally known to be the identieal person_9__.___._whose name___�__��_�________________________afj'axed to the above <br /> I, �SEAI.� instrument as�rantor___.�_, arzd__________tl?eY_____________severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be__.._th@fT___.voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therezn expressed. <br /> INW7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed mz� name and af)ixed my of�'ieial seal at__.____________.__________ <br />', ____�'x3T1C1_S_Si�X1Llt____PJ��?��k�__________or� the date Zast above written. <br /> I' ------- ----------------------5��.,�_Ll£�O Zl---------------------------- , <br /> Notary Public. <br />''', .Mz� eommission expires----------------- -------- ------ - ---------_July_--25------ 19_12-----• <br />'I <br />�� <br />� it <br />