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�� <br /> �-�.,-. D�C�D C���O�D �loo �d� <br />_;_� ____ _ :- :_—__ ___ ____�_A�_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> .,u.,�L-K�OpT'-����A7iTLETfiCU..PrinGinq,Lith.opraphins/aniZCounEp/si�ppZies:��OnxaFea: _�_, ___---- -__._ __...�__._� __..� ._ _�__. � <br /> FR0�11 I hereby certi,fy that this instrument was entered on .Numerical <br /> ----------------I_�I._L�I2Q�L1Q--�--htlsb3�ld�.---3i�--------- Index and filed for record this-----------�Q-----------day of_------,7_L1riH----------------- <br /> �. D., 19-��----, at--- -- -�_��_Q__ - -----o'clock----P_.-.M. <br /> - --P�S_.C�le �-i�tife - - _ ----- - Warranty <br /> T� Deed. ��, � �/e / <br /> --------------------- - ��1'"'"""'-�'�"�--- ,�?'------- --------------------- � <br /> Re�i er of Deeds, <br /> --------- --- �aia__A_•_�'eP-��-- �---�if��-------- ---------- <br /> B�-------- ------ ----------- --------- - - ------------------------- <br /> De ut <br /> ---- --------------- -- --- - -------- A �J• <br /> �.�oi� �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> ����--- -- r�.L__I2e�ue -and. P_.-S.Cale___and_-Senni$--CQIe----,-huaband--and--�ri��------------------------------------------------ ----- -- <br /> of the County of_--------rIc211------ ---------.-----,�ra,c7 ,4tcr.te o�'-----------------------------ii_8�rs'�f.��1------------------------------------Grantor�-£�_-----, in eonsideratiorz <br /> of the sum of--------�ri@ & ri0 ----------------------..DOLL.qRS <br /> -- - ------ - ----- - - -- --- - - ----------------- ------ ------------- -- - ---- ----- --- ---- ----- - - <br /> - ------ ------- � <br /> in hand paid, do______________herebz� GR.f1JV'T, B.F1RG�1I.h�, SELL, ✓IJV'D CONVEY'ur�to___Ed'1@___A._D_�pue__s�if_a__4f__s�id._I�d.-L.I?@pll�.:..____ <br /> o the Count o -----------hal.l - __ _ �' - - -�T bT��.ks'�-- -- --- ----- -- <br /> f y f -and State o ----------. iv_�- - - - -----------------,Grantee--------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the Count� of____. ______Ha_ll______________________..._____..____.____�xnd State ot Nebrsaka, to wit: <br /> __..._..The_.:Ne.�.�---o.�e___hal#'....��D...t_}_._...._Qf._ L_ots _�ne----ll-)----�n�1...T�ro-.--�2.}..--;----Tr�e---�:��s,�..-f_o.ur.----(-�4)---fsat---af.--...... <br /> -----Lot.-Thxee.--l�-)-"�---T=�e--�9u�h___Eigh��en 118�----fe�t._.of---the__;N.�.s_t_.h��f.-o�...Lo�_...'�hx.ea..._��-)-.._and---all--4.f...Ls��.s <br /> _,Four_--�4�--_��d__ Fiv_e_---(-5-�_..all---in-_�ls�.ck---5evan�a�n----(17.}.._.of_._Pac.ker....and...Barr-!s---�-e-cond---l�dcli.�i-an-_�a._.t-he_ <br /> ---_Ci-t-y---of_�rand._I_�1_and,-_,_TJebrask.a,-----��wn-_k�y-_t he...rec orcled---�l at_._of_..sai ci-_Adcli_�i_on-.-_---------_---_-_-------_-------- <br /> --- ------- -- - ------ - --- ---- - ------ -- --- -�- -- ---- -- - - - - -- --_ - ---�------ -------- --------------------------�-------....._.__ ---- ------�-------- ------------------- ------------------------------------ <br /> ---- ------- - ---- ----- --------------- - --- -- - ---- -------- - -�- -- ------�---------...----------------- -----... ---------� --�-- - - ------------ - ---........---.._.._..--- ......_.... .---...------- �--------- ------ --...._....---- � -- <br /> -------------- ------ ----._.... - ---- --- - ---� ------ ---- -- -- ----- -- -- -- --- -- - ....._...------------------ -- �-__......_.. ---------------- ---------�------------ ----------- - -- ---- --------------�----.....----- <br /> -- �---------- --- ----------- - - - - ---- --- - ----- - �- - ------ - - <br /> Tosether with all the tenements, hereditamerzts, a-nd appurtenances thereunto belorz�in�, and all the Estate, Ri.�ht, Title,Ircterest,Dorve�°, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe��er of the said Grantor_�_____,and of either of them, of, irz, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> �CD �A�1C �IYb t0 �OC� th,e above-described premises, with the appurtenanees, unto the said�rantee________arcd to______h�r___________ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �lnd______�_7_9_____hereby covenant______with the said Grantee_______that______________t'VA___________.__ hold_________.said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that_____._____�!e_.__________ha_Y�_�ood ri�ht and Zazvful authorit;y to sell and convey the same; that thez�are free and clear of all liens ! <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever______:_____________.____._ <br /> -- ------------------------------- -------- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------- ' <br /> ,gnd____.________.______dV8_________________._____ _____.._____________ covenant._______to warrant and defend the said premises a�airLSt the lawful claims of all persons : <br /> whomsoever--------- __--..- ---- - - - -- - ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> ----------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- <br />' ------------------------ ----- --- - --- --- -- - -- --- -- - ---- - - ------------- -- --- --- ----------------- ----------------- --- ---- ----------------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the-----St h----------- --------- ---da�J ��-- - sTL1I79---- - ------- -- - - ---�. D.,19---�2----• <br /> W7T✓V'ESS ------�-�L_,_D�pue-------------------------- ------- <br /> L.R.Br i ni n e r_------- -------P_,��_,_�o�e------------------ - --- ---- ------ - - <br /> --- <br /> --�-- - -------- -- - -- <br /> -----J_anni-e--�nl�------------------------------ -- -- -- ---- --- <br /> ---------------------- _. <br /> o ------------------------------------- ---------- --- ----------------- . <br /> ST.gTE OF ✓Y'EBR./1SX'�, ; <br /> ss. � <br /> ------------------�111-------------------County, Ori this------------------�th-------�'a�J of------------Ju21Q----------------------------_-✓1. D., 191�-- - , before me, <br />', the undersi�ned, a✓y'otary Public._________________ .____with�n and for said Countz�, personally came_._____.___________________________ i� <br /> �.L.De�ue- p.S.Cole €�nd �7ennie Cale i; <br /> -- ----- -------- - ----------------------- --- - ---------- ------- ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personallz� known to be the ideratical persorzH___._____whose name._H___3r_B_________.______________._ufj"ixed to the above ; <br /> ��F�11+� instrument as�rantor_a_____, and._____th�.Y__________________.__severally acknowled�ed the same to be_____thAl�_.__voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein e��ressed. <br /> INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my rcame and afjaxed my of)ieial seal at__._______________.____ <br /> � ________._on the date last above written. <br /> ----�r�nd__I_�_��n�-----�?g-r-�------ ---- <br /> --------- -- -------�_._R_.�xi.r�i.��ex----------------------------- <br /> ✓l�'otarz�Public. <br /> dYly commission expires------- ------ --- - -- ---- -- ---- --- �vi�ech- ---1�"------- _--------r9�4------• <br /> i '; <br />