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�� 4i a;,... . <br /> DC�C�D G���O�D �oo ��� <br /> . ._ _ . _i _ _ __ <br />__ : _ . _ � _ __ _ .__ _____ __�__ _ _ _ _ : _ _ _ _ __ _ __ <br /> ab��U--�CLOpP c�fiART7 FTT CO.,Printing,I.xlh�praphi�ag ancd Coztnty Supplies;Onirz)�a. _ <br />_ __ _. �'RO.M � �� <br /> , I hereb� certifi� that this instrurraent was entered on ✓1�'umerical <br /> - --- Index arid filed for record this-----�------------------daJ of_------,I11YlH---------------- '' <br />' .1. D., 19--1.�----, at---- - - _ _ - _ _ - � -----o'clock;-----�i._.M. <br /> -----------�`r-AZlk---II����QO�.83� &-v�i f e- - -- - Warranty <br /> TO Deed. � <br /> II -- ---- - -- -' ----- - --- <br /> ---- -- --------------------- - - <br /> � e�ister of Deeds, � <br /> ��3!-�,g�e-rT- -- -�- ------ --- <br />',, B�-- --- ---- ---- - - __ - <br /> -------Deputy.-- <br />; <br /> ��o�n �Y� �e�. �p ��je�e �re�e�t�: <br /> ����----- --�_eT_ _Frank -D.-�chQ�leY_ �nd A�ax�ha �.-�chooley; - hu$band---ar�d--�rife ------------- ---�------- -------- -- __ ' <br /> ' , _____Grantor__8_____, in eonsideration <br /> of the Coui2tJ �}------ -- x311 -- -- --t�n.d bt�i.tF� <�f'--.___._ -.__�'1Q�?S�_6��- -- ---- -- -- <br />'�i ---- -------- - - -- <br /> of the sum of_---------C3ne �iunCiT9d_�.'�.fty_._�ns�__,2�.0_��.4Q- -------------- -------- --- -- ------------------.DOLL.<1RS, <br /> � - - --- ---- - - - --- - ------ ----- - ---- <br /> irL hand paid, do------ _._---------hereby GRd4,��'T, B�RG✓IIJV', SELL, d4�'D CONVEY'unto---�-a3t-E-.Ay_ar__------------------------------------------.----- ------------------- <br /> ------------------------------- -- - --------- - --- - --------------- ---------------------- ------ ---- --- -- - - ------------------------------------�----- --------------------------------------------------------- <br /> o the Count o _ ' <br /> Ha.11._----------- - ------and btate o --------N@bTa�ka--------------- --------------- - - -----,Graratee-------, the ollowin <br /> f � f-------- - - ---- - - --- - f � <br /> -- <br /> described premises, situated in the Gbuntr� of___.______________Hal�.______.__________ ._._.__ccrz.d State of Ne,brsaka, to wit: <br /> ;. <br /> ---�------�------...The----�ast---hal,f---�7�..�-��- -af--1-at- eleue-n (11�. ir�---81o�k---",�"....i-n._.�he---�',Ac�,d�-t�-on--ta----the- ---------- - <br />'',, --�----� ----.._Vi..l.lag�_..of -�IQQd._Riv_ex___Neb_raska,--------- -- ..._... ---------- -- --........-�-- ...... --� -�-� - - - -- ----------�-------------------------------------� -------- ��- -- <br /> - ---..... - --_.... - -- - -- --- - -------------------- -=------- ---- -------- -- - ----_. - ------ -- - -- - - - ---- --- - - ----� -�------------�------------ ------------- -----------...-------�------- ------- . <br /> I <br />, .--...._ ---- --------�- --�-- -- - - � - --- -- - - - -- - - -- ----_- ----- --- - - --�-------------.. ---�----- ------- -------------�------ --....................�--�---.........--� - --------------------- ---- <br /> --------------------------- -_ - -- ------ -- - - -- . . ------------------------------�-----�-----------_ <br /> To�ether with all the tenemercts, hereditaments, and appurterzarcees thereur�to belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou>er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe��er of the,said Grantor_8,___,ct�3-e¢'-�ea#nTv,�e�-e�f-#,�e��, of, irz, or to the same, or any part tTiereof. <br /> �o �abe attb to �oY� th�e above-described pre�rLises, with the appurtenarLCes, unto the said�ra�2tee________and to___._____tl�_B______ ___ heirs <br /> I'', and assi�ns forever. J�nd_____i�@______hereby coUenant____.with the said Grantee________that______W6_____________________ hold________said premises by�ood and <br /> I' perfect title; that______,___�Q__.__________ha__-V-f3-�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and eonvey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever-------------------------------------------- ------- - - �---------- <br /> --- - - -- -- - - --- - ---- -- - ---- - ---- _ - -- ------ -- - -------- ------------- ---------------- --------------------- -------- -- ------------ ------------------ <br /> .Flnd______.___'�tY_8_____________.________________ ____________________. covenant_._____to warrant and defend the said prernises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever-------- -- - ---- -- -- - - -- --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- -------- ---------------- --------- ------------- - -- <br /> Dated the.------------�_21B t-- -------- - --da�J��-- __----�48Y-- --- -- -- - -- -.g. D.,19�2------• <br /> YVITNESS ----F�'�Ylk---�,$Ch0019y_----------------- -- ------ <br /> ----------N_,.L,_S�ra�ue-------------------------- - -- ---- ---�ia��ha_�.8chu�1�_y_---- --------------� � <br /> ST�FITE OF NEBR.ISX'�, <br /> �ss. <br /> -------------------����,-------------------County, On this----------5'��------------------da�J ��--------•-----.TL1Tit3----�--------------------------�. D., 19.1�_ ._ , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a�Y'otary Public--__-_-----__---_-_-____---------within and for said County, personall9 came--__---_--..--__----____-_--_-__--------__--_------_-_-___-_- <br /> -----...Fxank--D._gcho ol e y_--an�1--�d�r�ha__��.,���hoo 1�Y:----hu�b and--an�i--v�i f Q-------------- <br /> --- ------ ------------ ------------ ---- ------------ -- --�--- ---- ----- ------------------- -------------------------------------- -------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical persorz_a_______whose name_._g__�e_____________________._u fjixed to the above <br /> ts9a1� irestrument as �rantor_g.___, ar�d____________theY_______.__._severall�acknowled�ed the same to be_.___Y1?e�.r____voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose thef�eir� expressed. <br /> INW7TNESSYVHEREOF,Ihavehereurcto subscribed my name and afJixed my ofjicial seal at_.._______.___________ <br /> 79oOd _RiV9s�____N�ehr_�_____iSi_.S�id___�O_uri�y__on the date Zast above written. <br /> -------------------- <br /> ---�-.�.S�r-a��e-------------------------- <br /> �Y'otary Public. <br /> ,My commission expires-------------------------------------_.-�darCh----27 --19-18-----• <br /> i! <br />