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��� �'°;�. <br /> � .�h DC��D �C�C�O�D �Joo �d� <br /> -•-.. Go�0-7{LbP7s k 13ARfiLT•fiT�L'd.;PrinEin�,Litho�rapkin�and Covnty�'StcppliesfC�maha. -- __ _.__,, __ . -_ - --- _ —� <br /> _ -- ----_-_ _„_,_ _ -'-....____�._...----- _ ---__—__ -` ._.�_____ Y_�__..A..:� <br /> FRO.M I hereby certif� that this instrurnertt was entered on .Numerical <br /> Ircdex and fcled for record this____________3 da�of________S_L1T).B_________________ <br /> d4. D., 79--12----, at---- - -- - -- _ _- - -�----o'clock- --P._.M. <br /> ------ Eltna -S��.ue�n��.� -c� ��zsb�d --- V�arranty � <br /> TO Deed. ' <br /> ------------------ - --- -- - -------- - ------------------------ -- <br /> �ister of Deeds, <br /> ----- -- ------------�`�Q_��.O---u_•_CQt78�-- - ------ - ----- ----•- <br /> B�----- ----- ------ --- -- ----- -- - -- -----. _------------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�oi� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t� : <br /> �i��t-----------�l�ia__ailv�r_�ai_1__ancl--xal'�er-t--r-•-Si_l�resnail,----�l-f-e---an.d---husk�anc�-------------------------------------------- ---- <br /> of the CountJ of_-- --------�311__--- --------cr�t,c� bytcr-t;c� of---- -._?IB�;T_351:-3--- -------- ----- - -------- -------------Graritor--.S-----, in consideratiorz <br />; of the sum of---------Thr-e-e- -Thr�usand---ar_ci-nQ - -��-`--- ------------------- ------- ------ ---- ---- ---- - --- -- -- ---------- ---- ----- -------_.DoLL.�RS, <br />�' in hand paid, do_____________her•eb� GR./1.N'T, B.F1RG.h(I�V', SFLL, ✓I.h�D CO�N'VEY�unt�____??e_13o__�_,,Cover_______________ <br />' f J f ----and State of------..-?'1B1"Jr3Sk1------ ----------- ____-------------,Grantee--------, the followirt� <br />, o the Courtt o -------- - -- Ha11- - - - - .. _ <br /> ---- ---� - --- - --- <br />'� described premises, situated in the County o/'__________________��1_�_�.__________________.___________________arzd State of JV'ebrsaka, to wi•t: <br />��, ...---..�,a_t_..a'�ux�t�r_.E�ve.--j�-)----jn---�1�-c-k--rIumU.e.r_--Ei.vo---�-5-�---q-f--F��s..�larL'_�..._A�lui�ian----tQ---ths_..Git.y--..o.f_Jr.and------- <br />�� -- --..I.�_l.and._i:Isr�r.a�I�� --platt_ed._ar.d re_c.o_r_dad• - -- �-�............................. ...- --------------------------------- --- ---.....-�-� ---------- <br /> --.----�-��--e_c_�--hac�e_ye_r..�Q--�-he---unnai-d--�al�.nce...of----thr-e.e---mo.r.t gagQS--.�,-----ane_..�Q�---�15DD-.--antl�--o-r�e-- <br /> -----------f-ox---�2QG;---�n �'av�r- of ��s-.�q_ui.t.a�le Buixci3:ng & _L�an.._..As$.o�ia�ir�n.--Af:..��-ranci---I.s�.and�---�d�b-�ask-a . <br />', ----....and__one---f-o-r_---�1.0-(14-.-- �n---�a.v-o-�----af---�i�g�as�--J..Aauxnanny-----v�hi-�h..-mc�r_t�ages �-r-a��ee--�.e-r-si�- -a-s-s-�s-s-..-...a�r�c� <br />' -----��r.aes-to---?�ay_- -as:.._��x�._of_._the__canai�erati_an...ab_o_vs----named-•------------- -- --- --- -- --- -- ------ -----._....--------------..._.....-------...-- ----- <br />��i --...---- ------------.._ ... ..........- ----- ---- --- ---- - - -----...._�_ - --------- ---------------------�---�--------._..... ------��----�----------...--- --------------- ------� -- -- --- - ------------------�--- <br /> � <br />' -- -----------._.----------- - - - ----- - -- -- - �--�- - - -- - --- - - -- - - -- -- - - -- - - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------....------ <br /> To�ether with all the teneznents, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dor,ver, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_g___,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �CO ���1C �I1� tD �OC� the above-described prein,ases, with the appurtena�cces,unto the said�ran�ee.__.___arzd to________h�_S______._ heirs <br /> and assi�sns foTever. �Ind___._YY6______hereby covenarct____.__with the said Grantee______.that_____________�l_8_______.__.__ hold____________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfeet title; that______________�e_________ha_Ve_�ood risht and Zawful author•ity to sedl and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br />' and incumbrances whatsoever------------Q.XC@�2�---�8---3�?_4YQ---St24�_SC�.-------------------------------- <br />, -------------------------------------------- ---- -- --- ----------- ----- - - ------- - - -- ---- - ----- ---- ---- -------------------- --------------------------------------- - ----- -------- ,' <br /> �lnd___.____�J6_________-______.________________ _._ ____________ _ cove.nant_..____to warrcznt and defend the said prejnises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever--- -a����t___:as___aho_us sta�-ad--�nd---taxas�_..fAx---�he---Yaar---1912-•----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - <br /> ------------------------ ------- ---- -- -- ----- ------- - - ---------- ------------------ --- - -- - -- - --- ------- ---------- - -- -------------------�------------------------- -------- - <br /> Dated the--------28th-----------------------da�J ��- -- ---���y _ --- - -- --- - - ---.g. D.,19_._��----• <br /> W'ITNESS ------��.T11_c'L__a�j.�_Y_°r1�8.1-1-------- <br /> ------------ - - ---------L.i�.I��ini_ngax-------------- - -- -------Halb�rt---�_._�i_ly�_rnail <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR�F1SK.g, <br /> �ss. <br /> ----------------------?���.�,.----------•-----Cou�2ty, On this------ ---!�-8,�Y1-----------a'a�J ��----------------��1_�Y-------------------------------..1. D., 19_��-- - , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public_____________._____________________within,arLd for said County, personally came____�___.________________.___ <br /> -------.�lrn_�,__�ilv�x_n�i_l__��asi__Hal.bext---�_._S.i lY�r_nail_----------- --------------------------- -------------------------- ----- ° <br /> --- ----- ------------------------------------- --------------- ---------------- -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- <br /> to be t ' a n _ ____wh e r <br /> to me ersonall known he identac L erso 8._._ os �ar ze_ ___ xed to the above <br /> A �J A � a.T a f� <br /> �SEA.L� instrument as�rantors_____, and________.___t�_@�_______________severally ackraowled�ed the same to be__.__�h8_ir_.___voluntary <br /> aet and deed for the purpose ther�in expressed. <br /> IdV W'ITNESSW'HEREOF,I havehereunto subscribed my name and af)ixed my ofJ'Lcial seal at__________..__________.___ <br /> ____._r�r_and__IB�3nd.__1`�Eibr______ ___._________orz the date last above written. <br /> -------------------------L-R.13rini_r��ex--------------- --- <br /> ✓1�'otarz�Public. <br /> .M,y commission ex,roires-------- - ---�-��h-- --1�-"------------19---1�---• <br />� . ,. <br />