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� �� # � A'� - -_ <br /> - � , . `� <br /> _ . . � ��� <br /> � D��D [�C�C�Oo �D �loo �0� � � - � �� � � <br /> ____ . . _ _ _ �_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __� ___ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ ___ . _i_-___ _ __� _ __ _ _ ___ __ <br /> . _,_ _ . �__.. � � _ _ <br /> �4u�U—KUOPP c�BARTLETT CO. Przntzng,Lxthographxnp and County 5uypltes Oi�taTia ____ <br /> _�, .: �_�..:.-- �. ,:.- –--. _- .._-,. _._-- _ _ . . _ _._�Y_ _ _.._ ___�. � <br /> ..� .::.,__. =;_. , _ __, _ _. . _._._ ._. _ _. _. _ _. _._�_ _-- --=--__`--�–� <br /> __ _____-.—._ . . _.__.._�._.-__ --_-'- - <br /> �, <br /> '? F'RO.M 1� lzereby certify that this irzstru.merct zvr�s ey2tered of2 �l�'umerical <br /> -- - - - - - -- ---- -- - - _-- - - Index an-d led oi•reeord this-- - - --3 ._ �a � June <br /> - ._ _--. � � N � ---- --------- - -------- <br /> �1. D., 19_ 1_`N_� --., at, -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 1--o'clocic P: -�l. <br /> -__-___ Li11�3n_L..Fer�u�vn______(_ t�i�c�oc�_)-_ Warranty <br /> ' T� � Deed. • <br /> -- - -_. . --- ---. - - <br /> Reo ,ter of Deeds, <br /> - -- -- - Archi� E_._H9�re�7, - -- i <br /> �ts - - _-- -- - -- --- _ -------� --- ------ <br /> � � . <br /> -- - -_-- - - - - --- --- -- - - - - - _. <br /> eputy. <br />, --- - — -- --- --- _=--==_ -_-� -- ----- =-_ --_ ___- —__ _ ---- -- <br /> __ - - -- -- - - � <br /> � <br /> �.�.ob� ��Y �et� �p ��je�e ��e�et�t� : ' <br /> ��At-- Lillian_L._F.�r�;us�n � a__�aidaw � _ - - - - - -- - - --- - _ ---- --- <br /> - --- -- - -- ---- � <br /> ' -- -------- ---- -- - ----------- ---- ----- � <br /> ; <br /> of the Countz� of- -----�;__O__0,�-- --------------- an,cl Stcrte of-----Z�..1_�2'J.4j.S-------- _ ----- --- ------------ - --- ----__-------Grarctor__.__-- ----, in consideratiorz I <br /> ' of the sum of. --- -- Elght.- -HLi21�r.Qd__�d_.FOr#y ---- - _. __ --- -- - ------ - --DOLI,.qRS, <br /> irZ hartd paid, do----._--- -------lz,erebr� GRa!(NT, B.EI RG.ql���', SELI,, .FI�N'D COJV°VEY'r�rLto---.�,rC hl @_�.'.��_O_WB-�.-� -------- ----_-------- -- -------------- ' <br /> �f the Cour2tr�of-- -------- -----.1��11_. _ ---- -------�nd Stat,e,of-------- --NBbr_d8�C3_ _---,�raratee-------, the followin� <br /> deseribed premises, sitacated in, tlae Courzty of_______ __ ._A�1_1_ __ . _ .___________ . ______ __ccrzd St,ate of��V°ebrsaka, to zuit: <br /> __......--�------�o�.__Nur�b�x.__Eive-- �5-�--.i_n..FJ.QC�--�Ttar.i�_�x Td�.�_n�-Y--�-�v.Qr�....t2'�.)---�n:.:F��ss_��,.._�►_�e��.�.x.'.-s--�.dd�.�ion- tQ_..- � � <br /> .................��,.---N�hr.a�k�,--_.-as---aur.vQye�----�l.a��_ed----and...x�.c�xs�a�l---?,rhi�h...aha.�r_s....a.�.i_d_._1�-�----t-o--k�e------------ � <br /> - - - - - a- lot--52_.��`- in_.width--s�nc�--132 -f'eet.--.deep� --- - - ...._ - -- ---- - -- - ----------------- -- - � <br /> ----- --- --- - - - --- -- --- - --- - -----• - - �---- --� -�-�----- -------�---._...--�- --�----------------------------- --- --- .....-----..._..._.. -._------ - -- -- -- ---------------------------------�------- � <br /> ---- ---... - - - - -- - - - - �- -- - ---- - - - - - --- - -�- ---- - - -- --- --- ---�---...---. ... . ............._....._.._.....------...--�� ---- --- -- - � ---._........_--------------- ------�- ------.._. <br /> �� i <br /> - -� ---- - - - -- - - -- - ..__....-- -- - - - -- -- - - - - - - --- ----- ---...---- -� -----�- -..._. ----- � ---- --- ----------- -- --- --- -- ---- -- -------�- - ......----- -------- -._.. ------ - i <br /> � ----- - ---- - - -- -- ---- - --- - - ---- - - <br /> � <br /> -- - ----- - . ... ...-- --- ----------- I <br /> � To�ether zvith all the terze�rzerzts, hereditamerzts, arzd �zppu.rten.a.nces t,hereurito belorz�irz�, an,d a,lZ the Estate, I�isht, 7'i�7,e,Irzte�•est, I�or��P�•, � <br /> Curtesy,Claim and De�nan.d w7�atsdever of th,� said (�r�arttoi•_____,a.n�cl of eith,Pr of th.en�-, of, ir�, or to the ,sam,e, or a.rzy part th.e.reof. <br /> � �D ���le �.lY� t0 �0�� the rcbove-descrihed preirzises, zvitTi the appurterzaraces, z��ato tyr,e said�rarctee_____arzd to_______�11$_ �___ heir.s � <br /> i <br /> � and assi�rts forever. grcd___.__�________hereby covenarct_______zvith the sczid C�rarztee_____that_____________I_________.__ hodd_______said prerr�zises by sood a,�n,c� <br /> � <br /> perfect title; tTzat_______�_____..____________h,a__Y_8_sood risht arzd larvftcl autlzority to sell ccrLd conae�� the same; that the� are free arzd clear of all lien-s <br /> and ineumbranees whatsoever------- -- ----- -- -- .... -- -- -- -_ - - - - - -- --- -- - <br /> --- ---- ---- ------ ----------- -------------------- � <br /> �' ./�nd_________�_ _______________________________ ____._ couerzant_____to warrant and deferad the said prern,ises asainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> I whomsoever--------8XC6��----t3xHB- �Or--1�12,--S31d--S11hS8.Qu8xLt---th9l_e�O-.-------- --------------------------------------- __. ---------------------------- <br /> - - ___ . _.__ - - - -- . ----- <br /> _ - - _ -- - -- --- _ - <br /> - <br /> � <br /> Dated the--tP1QS1�jt.__��Y_B_rit� -----day of_ . �r�_c'1.�7 ---- _ -._.,4. D.,19 12__ . <br /> u�zT��ss -----Li_1_1i an--i,_.Fergus_on--------------_- <br /> __ -- -- Hexbs�t J_�Fe�r_gua9n - -- -- --- ---- -- - - ------ ---- -- - -- -- - - i <br /> - -- - ------ --- - -- ------ -- - - -- ' <br /> ' sT�T� oF .°Illinoi.� ` <br /> �ss. I <br /> ------- - ------ _G'_OQ�- ---Coun,t�J, ) Ort this_Z'VYB�ty _SQY_�Tl��lday of----------��.� - -=---- ------- --------�1. D., 19_�.� , before m,e, � <br /> the undersi�ned, a dl�'otdry Public---_-_ ---_ _--- -- - _-_- _---_--withi,n arLd for said Count�, �ersoroallz� came- -__--_-- ------ --- -- -----___ _- ___ _-___ -__--- _ ___ .__- <br /> --- --- Lill�.�n_.L_._Fe�gu�o�----�--�--��t�o�r---� ----------------- - --- -- - -- -- - - -- --- --- -- -- ---- I <br /> �_ � � � <br /> - - -_-- --- - ---- - ----- - - - -- --- ---- - -- -- - - --- - <br /> t,o me erso a ' ' � <br /> P <br /> n ll known to be the ade,ntzcal erson____.____._avhose narn,e___ ___ _1_S___________ ___ _____u xed to the above <br /> ?� � � <br /> irastrument as �rantor________, artd.__________sh$___________.__ ���jj�ack,nowled�ed t�ae sarrze to be____he�_____.__voluntar� I <br /> (SEAL) <br /> �� act artd deed for the purpose thes•eirz ex,��r•essed. <br /> I.NW'ITdY'ESSW'HEREOF,Ihave,hereu.rzto subscr•ibed my name and afJixed my of�'icial seal at____ _ ._ __ __ __.___ i <br /> , ----------------._�;�l.l_�_3�',,0�----��.�.�X1U1 f�-------------on th,e date last above writtera. <br /> -- -- --- H.�_apix- ----- ----- --- - - --- - ' <br /> � � � JV'otaT�Public. � <br /> I ' ,Mz� commr.ssion expires---- - -_ _ --- -- - - -- --- -- - --•TLl�i9- ^ :: -- - _19_�,�------• I <br /> � � <br />