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I <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> DC��C� ���O�D �loo �00 <br /> _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ ___ <br /> ti�iU---KLOPP c�BARTLETT CO.,Printing,7iLhnprapTcing anrl County Supplies;�Ornalaa. J .� . . _ <br /> ,... . . ... _ ... . . _ ...._ . ._. __..__. ,. -__ _ ...._ _ .._. . _ . ,. .R.._ _ __._.--k���_.�e_.� .. <br /> � r'� <br /> F��� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on ,N'umerical <br /> Iridex arzd filed for record this._____.___lst________daz�of__.__.�U??g___________.___ <br /> - �h_��.ss_N ��ri_ni_n�3r --& �ri_fe- Warranty �. P., z9--�-�---, at- -- - - - ---- - -- -�---.o�cto�k ---_P__.__.M. <br /> �,U Deed. � <br /> ------ -- --- - - -------- ----------- <br /> - ----------- -- - <br /> R �ister of Dee,ds, <br /> -------- ------------x�-r-�--�SrTlflt�-1 n------ - ----------- <br /> B�J-------- ------------ -- - - ---- ------- -- ---------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o�n �Y� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: <br /> ����----- Lh_a�.�er�__�'�_,_ariningQx--and_2�ia�i-g--L-�B_xiz?i.�?ger---:----husbanci._an�.wife-------------------- - -�--- -------------- <br /> --- - <br /> of the CouritJ ��----�- -ii���, --- - -a,rz-d bYtexte of---- -.�1Q�?_Ta£'z�s�--- -- - .._-- ---- ----------------- ------- - -----Grantor--Q-- ---, in eon,sideration <br /> � � ----- - --------------------DOLL✓1RS, <br /> of the sum of_--------�?� Fr n�-------- -- ------ --- <br /> - -- ----- - --------------------------------------------- ---------- -------- ------- - - <br /> in hand paid, do_ lze��eby GR.gNT, B.1RCaIIJV', SELL, d4,N'D C.OJV'VEY'unto.x?�rrY _A�rriBtSfri <br /> ---------------- --------- - - - ------------- ----- ------ --------- -------------------------- - --- --- - -- ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- - <br /> of the County af------------��2t1-�.-------- --..__------and State of------------- _N_8bT18k2t------------------- ----------------,Uran,t.e,e-----__, the followiri� <br /> described �remises, situated in the County of_ . . :_____________x?lll_________________________________._____and State of�Y'ebrsaka, to wi.t: <br /> --Pa��---ctf...Lot.---".A.".--in--Elm--Pla�-a---Ar��ii ti Qn--t cz--th.e---Ci-�-y---9f---r-x_�nc�.._I_�_�._�?�5�,_.._Nebr�$�.� s c ri.:bed...�s---f o l law� <br />,.-.-a--�Qint---�n--the__.5�uth�rly--iine---a-f----s�_�a..�l.._�,�t.,--...1$._.#'e.�-�--a��_�.t.�x_�._y.._fr_Qm---th�...�auth---Ea�t <br /> C.�?r.nQr---of---said_I�o-t--_"-A"-,-.�unni��thQrl�---and..n_ar.all�l_..�vi th..:�he---E-as-t-�-x-ly_--�.a.n�---o�'-_a�id__�,.�?t. <br /> ='-A"----t-4---1nt_e_ra_ec_��vsa-.---�2�--of---t_l�e---�c�_ nt.Y-..�u.1�_-��.Ya.�ion..__o�_._Lo�$---Th�.r_�oQn <br /> „ G�(iv) <br /> �1�,}--.axad..��.xt.e-�-n----�-1��----and--Paxts._ �.�'_._.Lo.�_s_E�.ght--.(�.} --Fl_evan---��1��_.and__r ourt_Qen----�14�---.of.,.the---af---the_...._ <br /> _�.QUnt.y_..�ub�iivisio-n-_�f---th�--South--ua��_.s�ua.�:.���----Q.�_._.Sn.u�h--�f-e-st----Quar�_gr---of---Secti.on---16----To�nship---l.l- <br /> North,.2an�a.__�,.�lest___u�h__P_,�i_,__;___tnence,__aauth...along said Eas.t _lxne__of saicl_ Lot_T�»a �2) _to the_ Southwe�t <br /> _ - - - -- -. . <br /> - � �8� ,��o e ��= � n� <br /> corner of. said___Lot. __"A".;___thence F.aste_rly _along___the__Southerl_y line of_._sai_c� J��_�__ �__�,_ T����y-9z�i� ����' ^ <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditamef�ts, ai2d a�purtenances thereunto belon�in�, arad all the Estate, I�i�ht, Title,Interest,Dower, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_�_.__,and of either of thern, of, in, or to the same, oT anz�part thereof. <br /> �CO �A�1P �IY� t0 �OC� the above-described prem�ses, with the appurtenarzces,un�o the said�rantee________and to____________71.�_S_ ,____ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �lnd___.�8[H________herebz�coven,ant______with the said Grarztee_._.__that_____�iIQ______________________ hold___________sccid premises by�ood af�d <br /> perfect title; that______________s'�_@__-______ha__V_g_�ood risht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that thez� are free and clear of all. lieres <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever---------------------.------------------------------------------ <br /> ------------------------------------------ ->--- -- ------ ----------- --- ----------- - ---- - - - -- - - -------- - ----- ---- ---- --- ------------------------------------------------ ---------- <br /> - -- --- - --- -- - -- -- - -- - ------ - -- - ---- - ---- ------- ----- ------- - - ---- - -- --- -------------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------ <br /> �nd_____.______tR_9________.___._--___---_-- -__-----__-----..-_- covercant._______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person,s <br /> whomsoever-------S�XC O}�t-�-`1�-��E3_�.__f Or- -the---`�@�T__1_��-3_1�-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------- -- ---- - ---- - - ----- - ---- - - ----- - -- ---- - - ----- - - ----------------- - --------------- --- - --- - --------------------------- ---------- <br /> Dated the---- ------1$_th-- -------------------da�J �1�--- -- - -�q�X-- --- -------- - - - -�1. D.,19�F------• <br /> W'IT.NESS ----Ch�T_1��,--�_.�_r1�11 X1g�-r------------------------------ <br /> -------------- -------- -�.R_.Bxi-r�i-n8-er----- ------ -- <br /> ----;��rnie--r.._�r_ir,in�er_----------------- -- -- ------------- <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR�SK�, <br /> �ss. <br /> -----------------------•-Hall-------------Count ) On this----- - - lf3th--------------da�J �f-------------1''�3y f <br /> �J, ---- ----------------------------------.1. D., 19--��- - , be ore me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public---_-_-------_---__._-----_------_--witliin,a�d for said Countz�,personallz�came--_--_____--__-____-__-__-----__----_---_-___-..-___-_- <br /> ---------Ch ar le$--7�_�_Br i n i n�.e r---and__�1 am i�_.E.Ar i ni nger----------- <br />, <br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical person_8_______whose name__fi__2�r.9___._____________.______afJixed to the above <br /> �SEAL� instrumerct as srantor_B___, and_____________�1�@�______.______severallz�aeknowled�ed the same to be_____�he�Z_._voluntary <br /> uct and deed for the purpose therein exp�•essed. <br /> INW'ITNESSWH�REOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af/'ixed my ofjicial seal at_________________________ <br /> ____�T3�d__I_51�1d___klQbx_�____.__ _______________on the date last aboae written. <br /> -------------------------------;�.R.Bri ni ng�r---------------- <br /> ✓1�'otar�Public. <br /> .Mz� eommission expires----------------------------------------------IvlaT�h----16�!---------.19._�4-----• <br />