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�� "''�.. ' <br /> � .. DC�C�D C�C�O�D �Joo �0� <br />_-_ _ _ . _ _ . _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ____ _ _ . _ __ <br /> _ . �__ � <br />� __ �be iO—ICLOPP.&BARTLETT CO.,Prtinitinp,LithoDr¢phing¢nd County S'u7�7ilies,_0�ta/ea. � - -� � �_�A__�_.__ ��._..- — <br /> FROdl1 I hereby certify that this instrumer�t was entered orz dl�'r,cmerical '` <br />', Index and fcled for reeord this.---------�1-----------daz�af------------��y------------- ; <br />'! �. D., _t9.12-----, �'t-- -- - - _ _ --3,.50-- --------o'clock---P-�._,M. ,. <br /> --------Tha---Roas-Invae�tment--Go-.,- - --- Warranty ;; <br />, TO � Deed. � ' <br /> --- - ---- - -- - - --- - -=� - � <br /> - - - -------- ------ <br /> e�ister of Deeds, <br />',, --------- -Fians__Henr_y---Har_ders--and-------------- <br /> �------- - ------- --- - ---- - -- - <br /> _ ------------ ------ <br /> ------- -�lar_�a�Qtha_ Hardex� - - - - -- --- Deput�. ; <br /> ; <br /> �.r�o�n ��Y �er� �� �C�je�e �re�e�t� : � <br /> ����-------The--l�o$s �nva�tmant Co.� a__cor�arat_i.on,- --------- ------ - ------------ --- --------------- �--------------- ----- - - <br />' of the County of-- ------H311 ------- -------arzd St,r.te of-- -------11T@_br�elSkS- -----------Grantor---------, in consideration :! <br /> ---- - - - ---- - - - --- <br />� of the sum of_---------- Fi VE3--H?�x1�T_�_d__Fl�ty_. s�� T1Q�QQ -- -------------------------- ------ ------------- --- ------------------ ---- -- --------------DOLL.IRS, <br />, in hand paid, do_8_$_____________hereby GR✓�,N"T, B✓1RG.F1I�'', SELL, ,1ND COJV'VEY'unto__.__xaT_1B.__H621ry__HPlyd@r9_._aTl(�__��.'gEtr@th8_�Ic3s�16�'B <br />', ----h�u�k�a�d---and--�rife,----�-Qin�-ly--ciuring---�hei.r---na�ur_al----live�,---�r�d.__�he---��m�i_nc��x---ovaa�--t-a----t��---�ur_vi_YQx---of�i <br />� either of them. ;� <br /> of the County of_ ------------�Ir'�11----._ __- ---------and State of_--------N.��z'881�8: ------- ------- ------- --------._----- - -------,Gra,n,tee---S--, th,e followin� <br />', described premises, situated in the Count� o/'_____.__:Hclll___.____.___________________________.______.____crri,d State of Nebrsaka, to wit: <br /> �ii <br /> __.___.�loc.1��...Nut�1�.��'_...S�.�t�_�te.�n____��,?)�_Eight.een____(_18�._.Kaehle_r_.Sub_-ni_yi_sion_._accordin.�___to._.the_...reco.rded :; <br /> ;, <br />�'', ------pla�-� �he-r-eof �o�r--o-n--�i 1$--i-r�--t_h�--Qf�ic.e_...Qf..__t�.s---�UUnty...C.�..Q.xk -�?�.�.--�oun�_y,----Nel��_ask-a-- ------ : <br />' - - -- - -- -- - -- �--- - -- -- - ------ ------ - -------------�-----�--- ------ ------- -- - - - -- -- -- . .. .............�----- �------------------------ ---- - ----- --------- ------------------ <br /> ------._------------------------ ----- - - --- --. - --- --.....- --�--- -----�------�----- --- ------------------ --- -- -- --- -- ---�------------ -- ---- ------� -------- ------ -�--------------------------------------- ;! <br /> i u <br /> ---- -------------- -- - ----------- ---- - --- --- - - -- ------- -- -- - - -- - --�-- --- - ---- ------------ ----------------�•-�--- ------ -.....- - ----- -------------_._�----------------------- --------- �- ° <br />� i; <br />�i ;� <br />� --------_....._� --- --- --- -- --- -----.....- --- -- --- ----..... -- --- --•-----------------......---.._- -- --------......._........_ --------------- - ------------ --- ------- ---- - - ---------------�---�� --�- ------�------------- i' <br /> ,� <br /> ii <br /> -- --�--- ----�--...-- _.--- - - --- - -- � ----- --- -- - -- - �- -- - - <br /> -- - --- ---- - °--- ------------- --.._.__.- --....-----� <br /> ------------------------- - ---� -----------------�----------------- �, <br /> ii <br /> :; <br />', _._..-- -. . ._-- - ---._ .. . --- ---- - -- -- - - ----- - - - - . -------- -- -- - - --------------------------- -------- ------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, arLd appur�tenances thereurzto belon�in�, ar�d all the Fstate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest, <br />� �`laim arLd Demand whatsoeuer of the said Grant,or___.____,��b��eat,�,�►e�, of, in, or to the same, or arcy part thereof. <br /> ; <br /> �0 �d�1C ATY.� t0 �OYb th,e above-descr�ibed prem-ises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rarzteef3_.___and to___'�$@�x_________ heirs ;'i <br />�' said The Ross Investnlent Co i� <br /> and assi�ns forever. ./�nd__th8__._ herebz�eovenarct6____with the said Grarctee._A__that_______._��________________.___ hold_�___._____said premises by�ood a3zd ';� <br /> n-- <br /> ,, <br /> perfect title; that___________i�______________ha_8---�ood ri�ht and lawful au,thority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens fi' <br /> �! <br />' and incumbrarcees whatsoever------Thi�---c3.�_B_ci__i�__s�1Et�3.�_.__8u1��8C-t----t-Q-_�1�---bt7�z_1G1].�g---�88�_�_3.C'�].021�._c_�_X1��3.11�5�,.--15�---�-�.-g11t j' <br /> �� <br /> -----Q-f--s�aY---de-a�----xecar-de-c�--in---Baak---14---Page--�-7,-----�ha--rr-an-t.or--alsa--ra�ains---p�ssassion-s�f--sai-d--pxami�e.s !I <br /> � <br /> - �r.a -t_h�___r_$nt8--thar_af rom__fQr---the -�e_ason--�f--19_1Q- ------ - - -- - - -------------- ---- -- ----------------- --- ------------------------- - ;� <br /> �nvestr.�en+ �! • ;I <br /> .Flnd______t�g___��,�_�__.'��p.__�agg__________ __________ t!orT��dnt._�__to warrant and defend the said premises a�aanst the lawful elaims of all persons `; <br /> whomsoever_ <br /> -------I-n--�[i_tn�aa .�Phereo-fy----th�---�aid---The__.RQSa---I_ny_e�tman�.---Ca-�,----has----�_au.��s�--�hs-s-�---�?re?s�r.�.s_,_to-- ;! <br /> i� <br /> -------'��---sign�cl._1�y--_its--Pr_esident--and__ita--c_o_rr?_QS_ate---ssal--�t���h�a--hexe�-Q----------------------------------------------------- `i <br /> -------- -- ;� <br /> .. . . �h'��3---�^��'C�---- --------- ------ --da�J �/� - - JL1T1@ - ---- -------- - ---✓1. D.,191�-------• ,, <br /> �.. . L <br /> WzT�v'ESS ___The___Ross__In_v__e�tment__Co_,i_---_---_---- ' <br /> _ � <br /> Bq------Er_e�__9_._As ht_on------------P_re_si_rlen�---------- <br /> -------------- ------�._T�,_I3rining�r------------ -------- - �cor . ; <br /> � : <br /> �sea Atte��------c-•_D,-RQ-�-s---- ----------------�e_�r_e�a�zt------ - <br /> ;, <br />, ; <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR�1SKg, <br /> T �ss. � � <br /> ----------------------c��4�..�.----------------County, On this---------��-------------------da�J o�-----------�TUT16--------------------------------.1. D., 1910- - , before me, <br /> ; <br /> the undersi�ned, a Nota�y Public.____________________._________witlzin and for said County, personccllz� came__.___F'_�ed__A_��iE3Y�'�021i___�T_�5�C1eT1'�__Of' . <br /> ------The--�os$--�_nvest�:Qnt----�0�a--------------------------- ------------------------------- -- <br /> ---- -------- -- -- <br /> . ------------------------- ---------------------------------- <br /> President of said Co��any and the <br /> to me peTSOnally knowrc to be th�identical persor�____..______whose name_______lfl_____._______________afy'cxed to the above ' <br /> instru en as ra tor____.___ and__________________ __-�,�e�se�+�j acknowled�ed the sarne t.o be________h� ______voluntar� ' <br /> anc� t�e �ro�unta�y act, and d-eed of the said The Ross Investment �o .� <br /> �SEAL� act and dee A for the purpose therear� e:�j�ressed. <br /> LNW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereureto subscribed my name and afjixed mz� ofj`Bcial seal at______._______.________ <br />' �rand IsZand, Nebr2l8ka�_________on the date last above written. <br /> ------------- ----------------------------- <br /> -------------------�_.R_�B�ini-n�',?r------------------------- --- <br /> JV'otary Pu,blic. � <br /> .My commission expires------ - -- - - -- --- - --- - ---3�i�T'Ch-1�-�-------_ ---------Y9-14------• <br /> i� <br />