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<br /> ._s D��� G���O�D �oo �0�
<br /> __ ._ ____ : _ ,
<br /> _�tiJ�U—l�LOYY c�BAI�TLE'T2'CQ.,Yrinlinp,_Lithypraphing and Counly SuPPlies,•Qmaha. _ _ - - - -- — _ -
<br /> FRO✓VI I herebz� certify that this irzstrument was er�tered on .Numerical
<br /> Index and filed for record this_____29 daz�of____.____�?I_E�X-----------------
<br /> �1. D., 19--12----, at- - - -- - _ __ _ ._ - -!�----o'elock-----P•-�NI•
<br /> --------__0__�_le_y_---A_._I_.�inn--&._-t�tif-e---- ------------- Warranty
<br /> TO � Beed. ' f�
<br /> ------------ ------ ---- - -�/---------- -�--- ----- -
<br /> R ister of.Deeds,
<br /> --------- -- ------Ly_di_a__.A.Cro_a� - -- --- --- -- --
<br /> 8�---- - -- - - - --_ --------__------------------- ------
<br /> - ---- - - ----- Deputy.
<br /> ��o� �ZY �enc �p ��je�e �re�et�t�:
<br /> �i��.t---- -- 4�k��x A.I_._�Iinn-and_Lilli.an_.�_.Ainn, husb�n�--and__�r_ife,------------- ------------------�------------------- - -- -
<br /> of the County of_------------Hal1--- czzz,c� St,czt.e. of--..----NB�x3�k3---------------------------,---------------------------------Grantor--6-----, in eonsideration
<br /> of the sum of_--F].Y�--HL1�1c�.x4C1_ F��ty-'s��l.tl_.�10/�QQ--- - � -- ----------------------- --------- ---- - ------- ------ -------- __ ---- ---- -------.DOLL.IRS,
<br /> � -----
<br /> an hand paid, do---------------lcereb� GR✓1NT, B,/1RG.11IR�, SELL, .g�'D CO4N'VEY'unto--------YC��-3-----�- -�Q$�_--------------------------------------- ------------
<br /> --------------------- --------- --- - ------------- - ---------- ----------------------------------------- --- ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------ - ------ ------ -
<br /> f J f -------and State of_-----TT6laTaSk2l_----------- - -----___---,Grart,t,ee,--------, the followiri�
<br /> o the Count o -------�iall_------------------
<br /> - - - - - ---------- -
<br /> described premises, situated irz the County of_.__ __ ___. _.H311- __-_ ._ _______.__________________._______arr,d State of Nebrsaka, to wit:
<br /> __._._..I���.�.__�even---�7�----antl---�ight---.�3-)----in__bls�ck.__t�r�nt�r.-ths�a_._���.)..._in__�.a�.!�o.11...and._.Le.f.lang!�...Ad�.itian--.
<br /> -- �----�o_._.tha.._T�ti_l.lage-�f-�o-a-d--Iiiuer�- Zde.'�raaka-•-- -_.._ --- - -------- -----....__................................. . . ............... ...--------------------- ---- ...------ -------
<br />� �-------- ---- --- ---- - �- - ---- --- - - - -- ---_.- --- - ------------------------... ------------------ ------..__.....-� -- -----�---- ---- ----------- - ---------......__.----------------------- -
<br /> I -------------� � ---- ---- --- -- -- - - - ---- -- -- -------- - ----- --�- -- ---- --- --................................ .�-----�-- --------�- ------------ -- ----- �-----._._- ----- ----------------.._...------ -_.
<br /> ---- - -- - --� - -- ------ ------- - -- ----- --- . . --�------- --- ------------ -- - -----------------�- -.._._..--------- -------- --- --- -- -- -- -- -- ----------------- ------ ------ ---------------- :
<br /> ------- ----- ----------- �----- --- --...- ------- -- - ------- �- - - - - - ----- - -- - - -...---- -------- � -.._.----� -------- -- --- ---------- -------------......_..._..---�---�--............�...------�--� ----� - -�----------
<br /> -- -------------- ------------ --- --- -- --- - - --- -- - . .
<br /> To�ether with all the tenem•ents, hereditaments, a.nd a��urtenances thereunto belon�in�s, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoez�er of the said Grantor_B�___,,��e�afrT�e�►e�rr�, of,in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �O �A�1C AYC� t0 �OY� the above-descf•ibed prem,i,ses, with the appurtenar�ees, unto the said�rantee_______artd to___118_r______--___ �aeirs
<br /> and assi�sns forever. �lnd__._`�YQ______hereby covenarct________with the said Grantee_______that__________W6_._________.__,_ hold___________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that__________�1B______________ha_u@_�ood risht and lazvful autlzority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lierzs
<br />', and incumbTar�ees whatsoever--------------------------------------------------
<br /> -------- ---------- --------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
<br />' --------------------------------------- ------- ---- - ------ - ----- --- - -- - -- - - ---- - - - - --------- --- - --- --- ------------ ------- ------ -- ------ - --- -------
<br />' -- ----- -- - - -- -- - - -- - -- -�- - ------ ---- - --------- - -- ----- ---- --------- ------------------ ------- --- -------- --- - ------- -- --------------------------------- '
<br /> .gnd_________________qVP1______________________.____________.__ __ covenarzt______to warrant arcd defend the said prem,ises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persores
<br /> whomsoever---------- - ---- - - - - -- - ---_-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---
<br /> Dated the----------i1�-1'�----------------------da o �--------b4�' --.fl. D.,19__��.N----•
<br /> � t .I- - - - ---- - --
<br /> W'ITNESS -------(�Sxt18�--A��,-.-7P-1-2a.A-------------- ---- -------- -
<br /> -----------------�-- ---------N_._L,_SP-r-aB�---------------- --- - --- --
<br /> -------Lilli.axi__B_..Ainn------------ ------------------ - --
<br /> ST.l1 TE OF NEBR.gSK�,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ----------------------���_��----------------County, On this------����_1_------------------day �f-------��3`�--------------------------------------.1. D., 19_l�___ , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notar�y Publie-------------------------------within,and fof� sccid County, persorcally eame-------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> _________Oakley__A.I._7P�_nn__an�i__Lilli_an_ B.,��nn�,____husband_and__wrif e_____________________
<br />� - ------ - --------�---
<br /> -- ----------- ---- -------- -------------- - - -------------------------- -- -------------------- --- --------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical person_8___.____whose name__g__�r�_.________________ccfj'zxed to the above
<br /> ��EAL� instrument as �rantor_8_____, c�nd________��19�____ severally acknowled�ed the same to be_____��I.Q�.x___voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose thereirc e���ressed.
<br /> IsN'WITJVESSWHEI�EOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afJ"ixed my of�icial seal at_________________________
<br /> �fOOd__nl_St�_T�__._P18br�.___lri__F,31S3__CC�u�ltyon the date last above written.
<br /> --------------------------�_.�►����2r?t�1.19------------------------ :
<br /> „�'otary Public.
<br /> ,M� commissior� expires------ - -- - - - -- -- - - --- - ----h1�Ch---27r - --- ------19-�-�-�---•
<br />