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� � <br /> D � o C��C�O�D �100 �0� � <br /> D� D <br />� � _ :,_ _ _ . _ _ _�� __ ___ _ _ . . __.__ _._ _ __ _ a <br /> ��J�� _._ '__.. _.:; '._ _ ..�.�� .�:��:�_� . .. ......�.._-= _ _"__ <br /> J—KLnPP c�BARTLF,TT CO.,Prinlinp,Lithogr¢ph.z�ap and Counly�Yupplies;OmaTia. ��� '� <br />�-_._ _. ._ . . _, _ , _ - ---::> --- <br /> FRO�T I hereby certifz� that this irzstrumerzt was entered on Numerical , <br /> .� <br /> IrLdex an,d fil.ed for record this__________�4_._._______daz�of__________�3�_______________ <br /> �. D., 19--12---, at----- --____ _ --9..45_ ---- --------o'clock,----A.-.M. <br /> --------2��_ia---�7_iilken�---&--hu$band _ - - -- Warranty __, <br /> TO Deed. � �� � (� <br />' • --- - - -------=_���=-r-��-��`�= ----- -------------- <br /> ------ <br /> Re ster of Peeds, <br /> ---- --- ---------Charles_JQ�hnc k ------ -- ------- <br />; B�------- - ------- ----- ------------------ -------------------------- <br /> ------ Deputy. <br /> �.r�o� �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: <br />' ����---- ----�fe, �d�_ia__.�_illkens._� -fQSrlerly ��i_a__ A4e�--)- �n�l__Joh�_T���.11kens,---------- -------------------- -- -- - <br /> --�rif�--and__h�shar.d --------- - - -- ---- - - --- --- - ---- ----------- --- ------ ------ ------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------- ---- -- <br /> ' --<rsa,c� ,S'tcete <� --.-----��_b�_38�Ls1-------------- - ----------Grafttor--�_----, in eonsideratiorz <br /> af the County of_------- -h811..- -- }� --- -- ------ - -- <br /> of the sum of---------- -F_o_t�._Fiunc�r_C_d__fif�_y-��4.5_Q�Q� -�---$�-.I�Q/1QQ ----------- --- - ---- - ----- ------ -------- - --- ----- -------.DOLL�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do----------------hereb� GR,g✓l�'T, B.,4RG,gI.��, SEL.L, .gND CONVF,Y'unto------{i.�l_�T 1@f�---sTQ_Qh71��---------------------------------- ---------------- <br /> --------------------------- ----- ---------- - - --- -- --- ---------------------------- ---------------- ---- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - ------------------------------ - <br /> -----and State o ----------�18bT_�ske�--------- ------.- <br />'', of the Courct�o�------- - �is'1�.1 7� - - ------ --- - - -- - - - -_ ---,Gra.n,t,ee------, the followin�s <br /> described premises, situated in the Cour�ty of_____.________ ._ _H_�11.____________. .______.___ar�,d State of JV'ebrsaka, to wi•t; <br /> ..................�9.t._._��ml��r_�d__.Thx_�e.___���__ in._R1_ock_ numbered Nine_____�9) ._and .Lo_t,_Numbered__ Two.. �<� Rlock__numberea ; <br /> _.T.en._.110�-,�k�---_in__J_Q_�hn�_�!-s--Adci_i_t_i.Qn---to----the---C-�-�y---of---r-T---and.._.I.�.l.and,---�tall__County�----l�e�raska,_ <br /> ------ --------a�--�e_s.�_r_ib_e.d_.4n---trie--nl_at--of__..said_.Addi.t.i.on,-----�-n---�ile---in----t��_s...����.�t_�x---of---Deed�--C�f ic-Q--of_..-----. <br />, --...-- ------s,aid__.��untY. -- - - - ......---------- - -- ------- � --- - - ---- -------- ------ ------------ : -- -- --------------------------- ------------------ <br /> -- - - - --- ------------- ------------ <br /> -- - -----------------_.-- --- -- -- -- - - ------ -------------� - -------------- --------- -�-- �-�--� . ............ .- -------- ------- --- -- --------- .._......-----...._..----------------------- <br /> .----�----- - ._.._.......... ...--._._ - - - ---- - - -- - - -- -- - -- -- - --- - ---- --�--.._.... ----------- ------- ---- ------------- ---- .....__.- ��---�---...------ -.._....----- ---- -------------------- ---- -------- <br /> --------- - - --- ----------- - -- - - - -------- - -- - -- _ .. . .. <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances th,ereurcto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dowef•, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Derrzand whatsoever of the said Grantor_A.___,and of either of them, of, irz, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> �CD �A�IE AlY� t0 �OIb the above-described prefnises, with the appurtenances, unto the saicl�rantee____.___and to____hj,g_____________ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .FLnd_____�if@______Izereb�covercant_.,____with the said Grar�tee______that___________We_________________ hold__________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that_._1it8____________-__--_--_ha__u9�ood ri�ht and lawful authority t,o sell and corcvey the same; that thez� are free ar�d clear of all liens � <br /> and incumbranees whatsoever---_-------_--__-_---_-__-_.___-_-____-_--------- �. <br /> -------------------------------------------- ------- --------------- ----- - ----- - -- - - - -- --..-- - - ---- --- ---- -- ---- - - ------------------------------ -- ----------- -- ------ -- -- <br /> --- - -- - - - --- - - - -- -- - -- --- - - ------ - ---- --- - ---------------- -------- ------------------- ------ -------- - ------------------------------------ <br /> �Flnd______________.__._______pILQ_________________. __________._____.__ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�airast the lawful claims of all persoras <br /> whomsoever----------_ -- - - -- - - -- --------------------------------•--------------------------------------------------- ------- <br /> ------- --------------------------------------- --------------- - - <br /> ---------------------- ------ - -- --- .._ --- ---- ---- -- -_ ------ - - --- - ---- -- -- ----------------- --------------- ---------------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ - <br /> Dated the---------�4�-------------------- - --daJ �1'- --�'AbTU.$TIT --- -- - -�1. D., 19---12---• <br /> GVITNESS -------����---��_�_l k_Q�1S - --- -------------------------------- <br /> T .P.Boehm -------�o���rly--�a.r�.�---�QQh------- ------ ---------- <br /> ------ ------ -- ------------------------------------------------------------- - <br /> John T.�illkena <br /> ST✓1TE OF NEBRd4SK'�1, <br /> �ss. ' <br /> ----------------------------��3�.�----------Courzty, On this-----�_"l�2?---------------------a'aJ o�---•-------Aj?T11-----------------------------�. D., 19_12_ ._ , before m,e, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a Notary PubZic---_-_----__-----_---_-- wi�hin ccnd for said County, personally came--------__-----_-_-_-_--____-_-.._-_-_-_--_----__--------_------ <br /> ___�iar ia__ �fi 11_ken�__.(__ fvrraer ly.__�ax_ia__Boeh___�___and._John_T.�fi_llkens�___wi_f_e___and___h�.ei�anc� <br /> to me personallz� krzown to be the iderctieal person_f,�_..___.whose r�ame.__�____��_8_____________________afJ"cxed to the above <br /> �SE�iL� instrument as�rantor_$____, and____________'��7.@�___________ ___severallz�acknowled�ec� the same to be______�_kl.�_�S___voluntary ' <br /> act and deed for the puTpose therein expressc;d. <br /> INW7TNESSWgEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my ofJicial seal at________________________ I <br /> i� <br /> ___ar_�2"ld__�B�ST1Cli___.._________________ _______________on the date last above written. <br /> --------- -------Theo---P----Boehm-------------------------- - <br /> Notarz�Public. <br /> .My commission expires---------- -. - -------- - - ------ - - -----�'s�_��1--�6 -- -------19_��-----• <br />