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� � <br /> �, D��D ��C�O�D �loo �0� <br /> _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . ._ _ _ _ _ . <br /> _ <br /> uuo�J-KLOP1'&BARTLETT CO.,Prtintinp,Z.ilhoqr¢phing and County S°upplies;.O�naha. . . � � _ <br /> � .. . . . _ ... . .. ._.___ .._.. _ ._..:_ .__ , . ,._ __.—.._,__.��_:_�........�_ .. .,.�' <br /> �''R�� I hereby certifz� that this instrumerzt was entered on Nacmerical <br /> Index and filed for record this----,---------2.3--------da�of_-------�3'�'----------------- <br /> ✓�. D., 191.2------, at- - -�.J._._�� - - -- -----o'clock--A._.✓YI. <br /> --------.Harr-Y--Herns�ai-n-�---�ri�'e-__ - - _ Warranty <br /> TO Deed. .- /� <br /> �-- ----- ------ =--�'-(--�---- ----------- -- - - -- <br /> Re�i er of De.eds, . <br /> --------- ------K at i e--ho s t e t_��r------ - <br /> �?t---- --- - --- -- - _. - ------------- --- -=- <br /> I, -------- <br /> - -- ---- -------- ------ -- -- -- - -._- --- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o�n �YY �er� �p �C�e�e �re�e�t�: <br /> �,���------------Harr-�-- Ber_n:�t_e_in _and- -Ze��or_aYi--B�rna�-e-irt,----hua�and___ans3---�►ife,----------------------------,...----------!------__--- <br />' of the Countz� of-------------HS11.----------------crrz-�l bYtcr.te of NB1�T-a.B-kS-----------_-------- --------------------------------Grantor-8-----, in eonsideratiorc <br />' of the sum of_------_G21g---� -n-Q�-== __- --_— ---�-_--- -�f� ___-__-�_-__ <br /> ----- -- --- <br /> �---- ----- ------- ---- ---- ------- --------DOLL.IRS, <br /> I�'I in hand paid, do----------------lzereby GR�NT, B�RG✓1LN, SELL, .F1ND CONVEY'unto-------K�t_�e---HnBtet_fer----------------------------- --------------- <br /> --------------------------------- --- --- -- ----- --- - -- ---_- - ------�----------------------- --------- --- --- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- ------------- -- - - <br /> of the Count�o�----�----- Hs'�1 - -- - - -----und State of----- - - - *18bxEtS.kc'� - -------- --- ----------- ----,Grcznt.e,e,-------, the follor,vin� <br /> described premises, situated in the County o/'_______ ____.___�a�_�_____________________________.____...__.___an,d, State of JV'ebrsaka, to zuit: <br /> P�.x�....o-f---Ls�t--T�ra-----t-��----�f_..�h�_.�QUnty ._Szz�a-division._cz�--L4_t.a...T�i�ixt�ezz----t.13-)-----�n�.._S.�,x.t�-�-�----��6�---��d__part s ' <br />' o-f...Lot-�..-Ei�ht- --(8-)---,�1-e-ven--{_ll}---Twelve-.-(-12-)---and---Fczurt�en...�.14.�..._o.f...�ha._.�s�ur_�y--�vb_-diYi_s3on__.o.f_..tha.--- <br />',, S_o-uth---�ast- -Q�a�ter- o-f.---�l�s--So��h---�te.s�t�-�-�uar-�sr-; --�sc-tiQn.--16,-----To.�vnship-..11,-----N,_.__Rar.g-e----9,-----�fest.__,fth-.P--.-M. <br />� desG,��s�.-as--follow_ �iz:--- --�flmmenc-in8----at---.�he---�3ox_�h---�a��---.�.u.xn�x__.o.f._...s.a�..s�--�o�---Tv�o....(.�_�.__xunning____t_�ie�c� <br />'i �, --- <br />�' �.s_st.�.xly--al�ng----th-e---nc,r.ti��ai-d---lat,-.--.3� ��1-(?---�-e-��-3----t.1��nce...�ur�n.�ng...Sou�h�x�y_.o�-,-�--line_.�_. <br /> I para11��_..E�ur----�4-}---in..�ilQCk.-G-ne----(-1�----o_f.._E.1m...P�.a�e.._.Addi�.ifl.n...�.s�._.t�s--C_ity <br /> rr.and---Islanci,----T�e'c�ras-ka--�-o.__intar.sectinn_�rith---th�---E.ast----line--o-f---s_aid.._Lot_..T�ro----�2.)-.--9.f.._.s.aid---Cs�un�y.---�ub- <br /> division; Thence running North alon� the East line of saic� Lot T�vo {2) to place of bsginning. <br /> -------- ---- - ---- --....----- - - ---- --------- -- - � - <br /> Tosether with all the terieinerzts, hereditan�ents, and appurterzances thereurnto belof2�in�, and all the F,state,Ri�ht, Title,Ir�terest,Dou�e�°, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoeuer of the said Grr�ntor__g___,and of eith,er of them, of, irL, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �0 �A�1C AIC� tD �OY� the above-described�remises, with the appurtenarzees, ur�to the said�rantee____.___and to_:.____-__Il.@�__-__-__ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd,_______W_Q_______herebr�covenant________with the said Grantee___.___.that.___1��8________________________ hold___..______said premises by�ood,and <br /> perfect title; tliat.________�Y_�_______________ha_��__5ood ri�ht and Zawful authoritr� to sell cznd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> and ineumbrances whatsoever-------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> --------------------------------------- -- --- - --- ---------- --- - _--- --- ---- -- -- - - - -- ---- - -- -- --- ----------- ---- --- - --------- -- - ------------- ------ -- --- <br /> �1nd_____._i�'�__________________________.____ .____________.__ __ rovenan,t.______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever-------�X�.�3_p�_121g__t�.X@8- fflT the--'�@�---1.�1.�.------------------------------------------- ------------- - <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------- - <br /> Dated the--------lsth------------------- ---daJ ��- - �aY-- --- - - -------- - --�1. D.,19--1�----• <br /> TVITNESS ------HBrT_Y---$Brrifi'��.3�2]----------------- --------------------- - . <br />',, ---�---------- ----- - --L_.R�Br_�n�.n_ger_--------------- -----Z���_r_ah__Pexrs�_sin-------- --------- ------------- <br /> --------------- -------- ---- ---- ----- - ----- --- -- <br /> i <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.ISK.F1, i <br /> }ss.. �! <br /> -----------------------------Hs���--------County, � Ore this------1$�11------------------da� ��----•--------��y---------------------------------.g. D., 19---1-��- - , before me, <br /> the unr�ersi�ned, a Notary Public---------------------------------within a�Ld for� said County, Personally came-----------=-------------_..--------------------------------- ' <br /> ------..Harry B��n_��e�,z� __�nd�__��??ox�__�arx��'�_�i-?�--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person�_._._____whose nam�,._.�@_______-________________._affixed to the above <br /> ESEAIr� instrumerat as �rantor8_____, and__________�$@�_______________severallr�acknowled�ed the same to be_._theiY'____.voluntary <br /> ccct and deed for the purpose therein e:��vressed. <br /> IeN'W'ITNESSW`HEREOF,I havehereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my ofj"ieial seal at______________________ <br /> ____.___�_r and___I s land�____Net�r._ ______________orc the date Zast above written. <br /> -----------------------------�,.13_._Br_inin�ex--------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> ,Nly commission expires--------- - - .--... -- ----��aTCh- -16_"_- -191�- - -------------------3�------------• <br />