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� <br /> � D D C���OG°�D ��o ��o <br /> DC��D <br />_—_ _ __ _-_ _ ___ <br /> _ . _ _v�� ___, _ __�� ___ <br />_---.__ _�u,G�jU--KLOPP&BARTLETT CO..Prinlinp,Lithopraphinp and Cmenty Supplies;Ornaha.� ___ .__ __�_____,.�_�.__�.._ ,_.______.---_ . .� .��.._�.�__.�. <br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on �Y'umerical <br /> Index and filed for record this_________�Q„__..______daz�of________�a�__________________ <br />, .1. D., 191�------, at---- - -- - - - 8_.4Q----------o'clock,,--- A.,M. <br /> --- ------- ----I�i_z_z.i�---rSe��7 yrido-v�,- - --- --- Warranty <br /> TQ Deed. • � � <br /> --- - - ----- --------------------------- - <br />, ----------- -- - - - --- -- -- <br /> R �ister of Deeds, <br /> ---- --- -------- ----Gh�_r__le_Y--C�iwr�h- ------- -- --------- <br /> B�-------- ------ - - - -- --- - --- =----------- ------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�a�n ��� �e� �p ��je�e �re�et�t�: <br />', ����------- --- Liz2ie--�x.egg, --a �id.Q�±r ---- -�--- --- -- -----�---- -�-------------- -------------�------------- <br /> : <br /> of the County of------x-a�..l-------------------.---arr,d State of----------�81�����t�:------------------------ ---------Grantor- ----, in corzsideratiorz, <br /> of the sum of--------- -Eight-__�iunt�"�d--Fif t3t- ��$5Q-._OD-�--- --------------------- <br /> ---------- ------------------------ - -- --- ------._.DOLL�RS, ; <br />'', in hand paid, do-------_--_-__--herebz� GR.l1NT, B�RG.RIJV', SELL, .1ND CONVEY'unto-_-_---_Ch&��QX---Ch_L��C�1---------- ---_----_- -_-----_--_---_-- <br />'' ------------------------------- - - --- ------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ----------------- -- <br /> of the County of-----------------�'���1@1�--------------and State of_---------Q�C_�A�10�$----------------------------------------------------_,Grantee--------, the fodlowing <br /> described premises, situated in the County of_.______..____H311______.________________________________.____an,d State of Nebrsaka, to wit: <br /> ---------------The---,ve�t___Fort_y._._Ei�h�----(48-)_--fset_-of---lvt_..Six---.(6.)_._of.--block_.Eleven---(11)---of.,the---Village---of--__._____ <br /> -----------------Doni�har�,_ .Hall._County,-.---Nebr aska_,_. _....._ <br /> - -- -- - - --- -------�--...-------- ------ .................... ..... -� -- - - --�- �--------------------------------- ----...._._...-- -- -------.. : <br /> ------- -- --- ---- -- --- ----__--- --------...-- ----------------�--------�-�-- -� �---------- ----- --...... -- ---- --- � --...-----�-----.........--�--------�----------------- ------------ -------------- ----------- ------� <br />', ------------------------------ --- - - - -- --- -- - -� - ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------�----� ------------ - -.--------�------- ---...-------�---....-- ---------�-------------------------------------------. <br />' -- ----------------�-----�--- -----------=-- - ------� ._ ---------- --------------- ---... ------ -----------------� --�------------------�----------------- �------...........-------- -----�-�---------------�-�---------------- ----------,-� ------- <br /> . <br /> I� <br /> -------------------------------- -. - - --------...------------ ------ -- -- ---- --- --- - -�-- --- .. . ._.. <br /> To�ether with all the tercements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantrrr_-_-_.,arcd of either of them, of,in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> �n ��bE att� to �oib the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, urcto the said�rantee________and to_._______hi_$___ _ __ heirs <br /> I' and assi�res forever. '�nd._______�___.___hereb�covenant___.___urith the said Grantee__._____that__________I_________.._._________ hold_______.____said premises by�ood c�nd <br />'� perfect title; that____________Z__________________haVQ.__�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> I� and incumbrances whatsoever---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- <br />', <br />, ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------ ----------- --- - �---------- -------- ----- <br /> ------ <br /> ---------- --- <br />' ----- - ----- -- -- ---- -- -- --------- - --------- --------...------------------ ----------- --- ---------- ------------------ --�------------------------ ----------------------- --------- <br />�' ,gnd__________-__.________.____I______________._____ _________________ covenant________to warrant and defercd the said premises a�sainst the lawful claims of all persorzs ? <br /> whomsoever---- ------- - - - - - -- --- - -- -------------------------------------•------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------ ---------------------- <br /> ------------------------ ------ ------- --- - -- ------ ------- ---- --------- - ----------------------------------- -- ----------------- - -------- ------------------------------------------- - <br /> Dated the------------8th---------------------------da�J �1�- - ------ 2d_cl�!------ ----- -- -- - ---�. D.,19.1�-----• <br /> I, W7TNESS -----I,i Z z i 9 _�r8 g�--------------- <br /> ------------------------------- <br />� �.E.Funk --------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -�--------------------------------------------------------- - ------ <br /> -------------- ------ - ----- -- --- -- - ----- ------- ------- <br /> I -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- <br />' ST�TE OF NEBI�.ISK'�, <br /> �ss. <br /> -----------------�3a1.1.--------------------Courcty, On this_--------�-��1-----------------------da�J of--------------�ay-----------------------------------✓�. D., Z9._12 ._ , before me, <br />`- the undersi�ned, a Notary Public----_-------____----------_--_-------withirz arid for said County, personally came__---__--_-_---_-__--_-_-._---------__- --__-__-----_----- .._ <br /> •-----------Lizzie__Jreg�;-- a--wido�r-�------------------------- -----------------------------•------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical persora___._______whose rzame______ _______i$__________________afJixed to the above <br />' (SEAI+� instrument as�rantor._._.__., and___._She_____________________.__severally acknowled�ed the same to be.__,____.her______voluntary <br />, act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> INW7TJVESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my of�Ecial seal at___________________________ <br /> ___.___Do1li�ha211____I�Te�rt�sk8___ _____________on the date last above written. <br /> ---------------------------------x,E_,Funk--------------------- ---- <br /> Notarz�Public. <br /> .Mz� commission expires------- --- -------------- - ----A�-------37.-------j�3-------• <br />, i', <br />