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. . C . .. . , - . . . . . , . . . . . . . .. . . _� .. . � . .� �._ <br /> .,. . , t . . <. . . � �t . ! " . <br /> 1 ` f( _ <br /> 97-�0� ��d � . ��t� <br /> ; coveuc�niTS � - <br /> �, pay�r.crrts. Bonower agrees to make all paymen4a on the securfld debt when due. Unless Bonower and Lender agrea othorwise. aoY " - - <br /> payments Lender receivea irom Bonower or ror Borcower's benefrt wiil bo aypiisd first to any amaunts Borrower otivas on�ttie secured�ebt <br /> not educe ar excuse a y�aahedute paymertttun I��e secured deht is paid in fulle�O�epayment ot the secured debt occurs�or any reason,it,vri11 . . <br /> ' 2.qaima Agatns4 TWe.Bortower wiit pay all taxes,assessmertta,and othat charges attrimutabta to the property when due and wil►defend tiUe . <br /> � to the property aga�nst any ctaims which wauid imyair the fien ot thia daed of truat.Lender may requEre Borcower to assign any rights,claims ar , �' <br /> � defensss which Bortower may hava against parties who supply labor or materiats to improve or mamtain the p�ope►ty - <br /> • I 3.Insurance.Bonowar will keep the property insured uader tertns acceptable to Lender at Bonower's expense and for LendeYs benefit.All �� <br /> � i�surance policies shall incfude a standard mortgagapciause in fawr of Lendsr.Lender will be named as loss DeVe�o�as the irssured on eny sueh , <br /> or to the secu d debt if i.ender equ res mortgage ins'urancs B�o ower agr�oes to mainta n�sucA nsuran etfor as long as i.endere equee8 roperry <br /> � �; . <br /> ! d.Piroyerty.Borcower will keep ffie property in good condition and make aU repairs reasonabty necessary. � . �,. <br /> b.6�ensea.Borcower agrees to Day ail LendoPS expenses,inciud'mg reasonabie attorneys'fees,if Borrower breaks any covenants in this deeA ,_ <br /> of trust or in any obligation secured by this deed of trust.Borrower wnit pay these amounts to Lender as provided in Covenant 9 of this deed of . <br /> trust. ' . <br /> g,pAor Securtty t�rssfs.U�less Bortower first obtains Lender's written consent,Borcower wili not make or permit any Changes to any �oor � •�. <br /> security interests.Borrower will perform ail of BarrowePs obligaUOns under any prior mortgage, deed of Vust ar otfier security agreement, • <br /> '• including Borrower's covenarrts to make paymenis when due. _ _ _ " , <br /> "� _ <br /> I 7.Assi�nm�nt o4 RaTrb and Proftts.Bortower assig�t to Lender the rerns and profits of the property.Unless Borrower and Lender have agreed l,t�;.=- <br /> otherwise in writing. Bottower may collect and retam the rents as tong as Borrowar is not cn defsuR- If Bonower defauits,Lender,Lenders , <br /> agerrt,or a ca�art aDOo"sMed receiver may take possession and martage ffie property and collect the rents.Any rents Landsr coltacts ahall be . . <br /> nac��essary�re ated xpenses f The remalning amount of er�ts vill tiien aApiy to payments on ttee seci�ired debt a�s prov�dd�insCovenan��any other _ y <br /> g,uu�hoigr Condumtr�[uma:P(anrnd tfiit O�vNopmmts;Borrower agrees to compty with ths provisions of nny lease if this deed of vust is on ' - �f - <br /> mtr , �i fi-' '. <br /> a leasehold.lf 4hia deed of trust is on a unk in a condammium or a planned unit developmertt, Borrower wili perform all of Borrowere duties . �.==�:,-�__ <br /> � under ffie covana�ta,bydaws,or regulations of ffie condominium ar planned unit devetopment � --=�>`- <br /> 9.Authorfty of Lander to P�farm tor Borrower. If Barrcwet taiis tope rfortn any of Barrower's duties under this deed of trust, Lender may <br /> C�Y�T <br /> pe r form t he d u t ies o r ca u s e tham to be performed.Lender may sign Borrower's name or pay anY amount if necessary for performance.If any , �����° <br /> construction on the propsrty is discorrtinuad or not carried on in a reasortable mannar,Len der may do wfiataver is necessery to p►otect Lenders .�_i <br /> � security iMerest in the property.This may inciude compteting tfie consuuctio�. `'_ <br /> � � Lender's failure to perfiorm wll not preciude Lender trom exercising any of fts other dghts under the iaw o�this deed of wst. � � � -- ����"� <br /> � � '':.-L�-—'<-- <br /> .; Any amaunu paid by lsnder to protect Lendefs security interest wilt ba secured by this deed of trust. Such amouMS wiii be dua on demand <br /> ���� anA will bear intarest from the date of the peymertt until pa'�d in tuli at the interest rate in eifec[o�the secured debt. •• <br /> �'�•.S�- <br /> 10. D�fauh�d Aecel�raBon. �f Bortower fails to make any payment when due or breaks any covenantc under this dead of trust or eny ,�.:� ` <br /> � ' demaend immediate D�$rtt and may invoke the powar of sale a d any othertriemed es perm'retyted 6y�appli�ble maw�°f the sec�ed debt and �. ,:�;.`;. <br /> ' 17,R�quut 4or NoUc�of Dett�uit•It is hereby requested that capies of the notices of defauft and sate be saM to each person who is a party . i : '•=�;� <'_ <br /> hereto,et the address of each such person,as set forth herein. . � <br /> 12.�ow�r of S�T�.if ths Lender Invokes the power of sale,the Trustee ahatl ftrst record in the office of the registsr af deeds of each counry � :$x <br /> wharein the trust property ar some part ar parcel thereot is situated a notice of defauh containing the information ra�uired by law.The Truatee ;.+� ` <br /> Iso mail co les of the notice of dafau1t to the Barrower,to each person who is a party hereto, and to other persons as presr�ibed by . :�, �.:`,� '' _ <br /> shell a D <br /> appticable law. Not tesa than one mon t h a ft er t he Tru s tee re c o r d a t h e n o t i c e o f d e f a u l t,o r t w o m o n t h s i f t h e tr u s t p r o p e r t y i a n o t I n a n y „ �. <br /> incorporated citY or village and Ia used in tarming operaUons carried on by the trustor,the Trustee shal!give pub►3c noUce of sale to the persons : •;.���:, , �� :'", <br /> a n d i n the manner proscribad bY�apppGcable law.Trustee,wfthout demand on Bortower,shall sell tha property at pubUc sustion to the highest �(.• :,:.I. <br /> . , b 1 d Qer.I f require d by t he F arm H o m e s t e a d P r o t e c t i o n A c t,T r u s t e s s h a l l o ff e r t h e p r o p e rt y i n t w o s e a a r a te sales as re quire d b y a p p:ica b le 18w. r��{ '' <br /> Trustes may postpons sala af aIl or any parcef of the property by public announcement at the time and plece of any previously schaduled sale. , ,l� � <br /> _ Lender or its desl g nee may purchase the proparty at any sate. '�� .. � � � <br /> ..,�. <br /> • ipt of eyment of the rice bid,Trustee shati deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deod conveying the propetty.Tho reckials cocrtairsed in __�___. �{�i.�. <br /> "i Trpustee'a deed s�alt be prima facie ovidience of the truth of the stateme�ts contained therein.Trustee shall apply the procesds of tl�a sale in tha , �..�;1. - <br /> toftawing order. (o) to all ex�ertses of tlie sate, including, but not limited to, reasonable Trustss's fees, reasonable attomay's faes and *;�,;�;.� <br /> roinstatement fees;lb1 to all sums secured by this deed of trus�and lc)the balance,if any,to the Darsons le0al(y entiUed to recefve n. <br /> •��3 13.Forodosuro.At Len6er's option,thls deed of wst may be torectosed t�the manner provide by appliceble taw for torectasure ct mortgages � :���-?•3: <br /> � on real property. , <br /> t4,lmttecHon. Lendar ms4�enter the property to inspect it if Lender givea Bartower natice beforehand.The nolice must state the reasonable �,•,,.�}�# <br /> ceuse for Lender 6 inspection. <br /> - 16.Cond�nnatlon.Bonower assigna to��der tha proceeds of any award or ctaim for damages wr.�ectad with a condem�ation or offier taking . '�`;r`r . <br /> of oll or erry part of Ma property.Such prc;seds will be apptied aa provlded in Covenant 1.Thls assignment is aubject to the terms dt eny prlor � "'x`. <br /> r ' sewritY e9�eemont _ '``' �. <br /> ' . ,�'.��s---_ <br /> 18.W�[wr.BY exercisinp any reme�avallable to Le�der, Lender does not give up asrv righta to lator use any other remedy.By not exerciaing . ,..._, .,�... -..• <br /> any remedy upon 8onowar's default,Lender doea not walve any right to Iater consider the event a Aefautt if it happens again. � �� -- <br /> �- <br />