, . � . .��_ . . __
<br /> • .- : . _.._ � . . .- ---
<br /> .
<br /> : . .. . :_ :.. .. . .. . . - ---- ----..� .. . .
<br />� -"' --..y_ _._._._._._..- -- � . . . . � .... . � : � ' `r. .----
<br /> . "` 97- �Ui'�� �� �� °�- ,�� ` _-
<br /> _ . , , : � � _
<br /> ' 16.Miscelfanoo�s Provisiona • ---
<br /> (a)ikncww Not R�I�+d.bctena�cn of 4ha t'une for payment ot modification of tha sums secured by this Deed of Trust prented
<br /> bq Ltttdcr to any attaoeseor�interest of Bonower ahall not oDarate to re3esae,6�eny manneT,Ma liabil'rty of tho oripe�al 8orrower _
<br /> and Bortower'e euecassore in interest.Lander shntl noi be requir6d to commenco proceedin0s egeo�st such euscessor or rofuae to � , f, �
<br /> ' extend fsne for pnyment or othemise modify unattizntion of the eums aecured by 4his Oeed of Tnist by rea�on of eny dan�nds . �� --
<br /> � made by the orip�af Botrower and Borrowe{a auccasaora in'a�terss4. „ � ;
<br /> (b)Lcndefo powcro.Without affecting tho GabiSFty of any other pereon I'uble for the peym6nt of any obfipation hara�menticned,
<br /> ' and witfiout effectmp tl�►e fien or charga of this Daed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or tharetofaro relessod as � •_ _
<br /> eeairi4y for the full amount of ell unpeid obliyatior�s.Lsnder moy,from timo to timo end without notice W rolctoso eny perxan so . '
<br /> Gebla, u extend the meturity oa aker any of the terma of eny sucn obliyationa,Gil prant othar indulpences,liv)rolease or reaonvey.
<br /> or causo to be releasad or roconveyed e4 eny time at Leredere optian nny parcel.portion or all of the Property.(v)take or rotease any , ,
<br /> other additione! sedurity for eny obGpation herein mentionod,or (vi)mako compoaitiona or other arrenQemante with debtore'v� << '
<br /> r relation thereto. . -, -----, .-- _ __
<br /> (e) Forbvanee by L�ndat Not a Waivw. Any forbearence by Lender'v�exoraisin0 anY�Oht or remedy heraunder,or otherwise y
<br /> " ' af!trdad by eppGcable law,afiaU not be e waivar of or proatude the exerciso of any cuch ripht ot ramedy.The procurament of
<br /> �surance or the psyment of texas or othot tiena or cherpos by Lender shaU not be a waivev of Lendere riQht to �ccalerate the ; • , .
<br /> moturity of the indebt�aacured by th�Daad of Trust. �ca,_er�+la end ngreemants herea�contaa�ed�aN - j
<br /> -� (d)Suc�ssors.a�l41�s��a►tnd;.iair+tandSw�rai[i�ciy�:Cs;.tt�s+o• �—°=-._ -----�=; ti=
<br /> bind, and ffie tipMs fis�ta�arder�aheN e+ure to.the respectivo succassors mid assipne of Londe► end Trustw. AI! cov�to ef►d _ _ .... ,-F,�:;w�..--
<br /> esrsxnants of Trus4or sfiall bs joint end eoveral. Ths ceptiona end head�ps oi ihe per�flraphe of tfiia Osed of Trua4 are for � . '"�:.,- _
<br /> convenienw onty erid ere not to be used to mteryret or defne tha provisione heraof. � , • ,� .�_•
<br /> � (e)R�quut for Ntoticas.The pertios hereby raqueot thet a copy of any notice of default hereunder and e eopy of eny notice of � .� -
<br /> eale hereunder be maJed to each party to this Oeed of Trust et the addrass set forth above in the menner prescri6ed by eppGcabla ..- ,..:�`
<br /> law.Except for eny other notice roquirmd under appGcable law to ba yiven in enother manner,any notice provided for in this Qeed uf ��.;�.,.-,-,:;;.;-.��-�
<br /> Trust shafl be given by malu�p such notice by cartified mail addressed to the other pertie�,st the address set fo�th ebove. Any ,, �_� ..�,:,;��,%�
<br /> notice provided for in this Deed of Trust ahatl be affective upon meiCmp in the manner desipneted harein.If Truator is moro than one � .,,:,. .-
<br /> • peraon,notice sent to tho eddress sst foKh above shall ba notice to all such persons. � .�.,� ;
<br /> rovided that ,' �:S,:.r '''�:.•��-.
<br /> (f)In�p�ation. Lendar may make or ceuse to 6e made roasoneble entries upon and 'mspectiona of the Property,p ,, .;. . .�:_
<br /> Lender ahall sive Truator notice prior to eny such inspection specifyinp reasonable cause thmefor related to Lende{a interest�tho x : , ,::?.,'. �
<br /> ��... ;•-�._
<br /> Property - - - `:_..+.,,::�.�'"_",.�, . .
<br /> ;•;, (q) ii�convsyfnd• Upon payment of ell sums seeured by this Deed of Trust, Lender sfiall request Ttustee to reconvey the
<br /> ,�..� ,�.: �-_.-...
<br /> F,�� '?--..._
<br /> ;: Prop�rty and eha!!surrander this Deed of Truat and ell notes evidenciny indebtedness secured by tfiie Deed of Trust to Trurstee. :• �'
<br /> Tastee ehafl reconvey tho Property without war►anty and without charpe to the petson or person9 lepelty�titled thereto.Truetor ;F. __.
<br />� ,�'. shatl paV all coste of recordatian,if eny. � � � �� �
<br /> • -,�`e;!"' -;.`
<br /> (hT p«,wnd popwty%S�curtty Ayrwfimt.As additionat aecurtty for tho payment of tho No4e,Truator hereby Or�te Lendet under ,
<br /> tha Nabmske Uniform Commereial Code e security intereat in ell fixtures,equipment,and other pe►sonal property used�connaation : ,-:"'�_ , �_
<br /> with the real estate or Qnprovements laoated therecn,and not otherwise deolared or deemod to be+�paR of the real eaWte oocurad �_�' , ; ;� �
<br /> heroby.This inatrument shall be construed ea e Security Ayreemait under said Code,end the Lender shaU have aU the dpht�s�d ;•�, .�� „•; :
<br /> �em s d i s s of�aecured pa r t y u�der eai d C o de in a d d Rion to t he rip h t e end remediea creeted undor end necorded the lender pursuant �.� •.' .;,�
<br /> to this Deed of Truat;D►uvided that Lender'A riphte end remedies under this paresreph sha0 bo cumuletive with,ond bn no way a .
<br />� I'�rnitatio�on,Lendet'e riphts end romediea under eny other security apreematt slflned by Bortowe►or Trustor. , �i =, �._-
<br /> � (d Lt�tf� and Encumbranea�. Trustor bereby warrante and ►eprosents that thero is no default under the provisiona of any ;�
<br /> mortpapa,dsed of tru�t,loase o►purchase aontrect deaoribmq all or any part of the Proparty, or athet eontract, msirument or �,i,�`,,•� � .
<br /> eDreaner►t constit�ata�p a lien or ancumbranee epa's�et all or a�y paR of the Property(collective.'Liena 1,exist�p a+of the deta of ,; .', ;
<br /> thia Deed of Truet,end that eny and ell exi�tinp Liens remain unmod'rfied except as discloaed to Lender in T�ustor's writtan .:ro�„_ :
<br /> % diaclosure of lians end encumbr.�ces provided for hereir►. Trustor sha0 timaly pe�form all of Truator's oblipatians, cavenante. ��. ' ,,�
<br /> �-; representetions end wa►rantiea undar any end ell existinp end future Liena,ahaU promptly forwerd to Lender copies of efl natices of
<br /> :.�i,, •
<br /> Aefautt eent in conn�ation with any and ell exiatu+p or future Lienn,snd shal!not without lender's prior written consent'vi anY ��s, �� =?��
<br /> mannar modify the provieions of or allow any future advance�under any existuig or futura Liens. ;��e,�c•• ��
<br /> q Apppcatton of Pa•�m�nt�. Unless othervrise required by lew,aums paid to Lander hereunder, includinp without 1'anitation :,t �:,�.--�
<br /> � � , paymants ot princip�l end e�terest,insurance proceada,condamnation proceed9�nd rente end profits,shaN be applied by Leoder to ��-- �
<br /> � ��� th�rnounb due and owinp from Truator and bortowar 6�euch order ea L�nder in its�ob discrotion d�ama desirabte. �'�'�
<br /> (K) Sovacb�ity. If any provision of this Dmed of T�uat eonflicts with �ppliable Isw or ia dealered 'awalid o� otherwite _ .�,:__
<br /> • unenforcMble,such confliat or invafidity shafl not affeat the othe►proviaiona of thia Deed of Trust or the Note whicfi can be piven :,��r. _
<br /> sff�ot without ths wnflietinp provlsion,end to this aod the proviaion�of this Deed of Trust and the Note are deolered to be ='"`'
<br /> '�P-:.
<br /> eevevabl�. ,ti-t:�,.:-:- - ,._
<br /> (p T�rrtu.The tartns'Truator'and 'Bonower'shetl inofude both einyuler end plural,and when Me Trustor and Borrower are the �
<br /> � eeme paaon(s),tho»terms es usad in thia Deed o}Truat ehall be intercS�anpesble. `s��` —
<br /> � fm)�ovaminp Law.Tht�Oesd of Truat ehatl be povemod by the lawe of tho Stato of Nobraskn. _ ._„����-�-r-��`'
<br /> =�i y:,�y� -
<br /> '° Truetor has executed thla Daed oi Trust aa of tlse date written above. ���_ -" ` �
<br /> - -,�.`',�r .Ya ,� —
<br /> . -��k.�:-t�i.�� -.a
<br /> �y�.
<br /> � - � . .. . .. . .�
<br /> l.�
<br /> � Trustor CHARLES OOUGLAS E T�u�tof � ___,____
<br /> . �/ � , � . .., �.. '
<br /> Tnistor ENGH Tru�tor ,
<br /> . �
<br /> .���
<br />. ' ' Truator Tntstor ' '
<br /> ' �:
<br /> . � �
<br /> ' ��
<br /> ! . �
<br /> � ' '
<br /> r - .— - - —.
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<br />, � ��.
<br />_—.. I [ -.. .. _"'___...'. _ . . _
<br /> f . ___
<br /> NBC 3467C�Noneprieufturel Deedl�v.6l96 � ` y.
<br /> � 19QS Netb��¢ank o1 Cor�ler5s Tretrt m�J S�v�q�A�we�attq�,�incotn.NoDreaka ' F . —.– ' --
<br /> �..,.
<br /> -�- -- �-=o��«=..�-a-�-^f .�-^ ... . . .. . � • , -_ . � • . . � . .
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