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� � � <br /> ,D D p _ oo � �� . <br /> 0 <br /> HIIFFMAN'9 NO.103. CONTAINS 281 P$INTED WO$D8. <br /> _ _ -�__� _-_ __ ___ _ _ _ . -- - -- - -- - _ -- - - <br /> .. �.._. .__�S K1,nPP.G RARTTHTT/n N''��. 7'l�_�an A/'� ml C.�/ap,_��1. i" __. . __ _ _ _'.�_._'__—__—._'_____'__.�. �.-'. '_ .—. _____— � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> Hdll County, Entered in Numerical Index and 81ed for <br /> Wil3lam u.Bellows arid Loui�a J.Bellows <br /> record in the office of said County, the 13 <br /> TO Warranty �ay of April i9 1�, at 9 o'clock and — minutes,A.M., <br /> Deed. <br />- Gus EricKsen and Annie M.EriCkseri and recorded in Book 50 page 159 of Deeds. <br /> �,� o /� (I+a��,�' ni .� <br /> ',.,,2�-d ��!�'L2' Register of Deeds, <br /> By Deputy. <br /> �no� All 1V.�en by These Presents s <br /> That William S.Aellows and I,ouisa J.Bellows,Husband and wife, <br /> of the Connty �f H�.11 , and State of Nebra,ska , for and in considera,tion of the sum of <br /> Three Hundred Ei�hty Five and No�100 DOLLARS, I <br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and eonfirm unto GUS Er3eksen and Annie M.Ericic�en <br /> of the County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska. , the following described real estate situated ; <br /> ir� Ca.iro i� H�11 County, and St�te of Nebraska , to wit: <br /> I.ats number Four (�) and the �outh Ten (10 } Feet of,� Lot number Three (3 ),both situated in <br /> Block number Three (3 ),of the Fir�t Ad��ition to the to�vn of Cairo,acc:ordin� to the recorded <br /> glat tr�ereoP. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, <br /> unto the said Gu.s Ericksen ancl Annie �I.Erick�ed <br /> and to their heirs and a,ssigns, forever. <br /> And We do hereby covenant with the said Grantee8 , and with the ir heirs and assigns, that we �'� <br /> lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance' <br /> I that �v� have good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and �e do hereby covenant to warrant and defend <br /> the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br /> And the said grant or s hereby relinquishes all <br /> thelr Y'i�;htt3 arid 311 elaims Of whatever nature in and to the above described premises. <br /> Signed this 11'� day of April , A. D., 1914 <br /> In presence of <br /> William S.Bellows <br /> G.C.Raven Louis�. J.Bellows , • <br /> # <br /> State of Nebrdska <br /> 5$_ <br /> H�11 County, On this 11 day of Apr11 g, D., 19 1� <br /> before me the undersigned G.C.R�.Veri <br /> a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said County, personally came <br /> (SEAL ) William S.Bellows �.nd Louisa J.Bellows,Husband an� wife <br /> to me known to be the identical person s whose name s are aflixed to the foregoing conveyance as grantor S , <br /> and acknowledged the executibn of the same to be t2leir voluntary aet and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. <br /> .My commission expires the 27 day of July 19 16 <br /> G.C.Raven Notary Public. <br /> _ _ _ __- � <br />