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<br /> ,:_ _ �. , __.. _ _.�__ ._�- _.,...
<br />_ _ " STATE OF NEBRASKA,
<br /> ss.
<br /> C lyd� V.�7Lixy a.nd W i f r'. �I�.11 County, , Entered in Numerical Index and 81ed for
<br /> recordin tne F���;3ster 0�' DP,�,dBtf'ice ofsaid County, the 19 •
<br /> TO �warr2nty �ay of Februa.ry �<91� , at 11 o'clock and 50 minutes,A.M.,
<br /> Deed.
<br /> A.F.Cady Jr. and recorded in Book 5� page 10� of D�eds.
<br /> �J����� � Register of L�eus,
<br /> By Deputy.
<br />� Know 1�11 1VIen by Tl�ese Presents:
<br /> That Clyci�: V.-Jury and Jennie I.Jury,hi:� wife—
<br /> of the Coianty of Hdll , and State of Nebrask�, ,for and in consideration of the sum of
<br /> One Dollar �nd oth�:r �;ood anc3 �r�luabZe con�ider�tion ' ���X -
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto A-.F.-C�dy,Jr.
<br /> of the Courity of Hall ,and State of Nebra�ka , the following described real estate situated
<br /> in Gr�,t1d IS1�Sld tn Hall County, and State of Nebraska , � yyj�;
<br /> Zot Nine (�) in Block T7iirty—Se'4 Gn oi �Vasmer�� Addit ian to the C ity of` Grand Islarld,Nebraska,
<br /> to�ether with the improvements thereon.5�.id lot to be free a,nd cl�ar of a.il incumbrance inclu-
<br /> din�; �axe� for the year 1913,�ave and exe�pt one �'irst mortgag� 3n sum of Seventeen Hundred
<br /> and No�100 (�1700.00 ),payable to the Occid�nta,l �3uildin� and Lo�.n Aasoci��,tion,of Omaha,NebraskaM,
<br /> and ��vriich said mort�a��; pa,rty nf the s�:cond �a,rt hereby a��urn�� and agr�es to Fay.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, �
<br /> unto the said A-•F.Ct3,c�y,Jr.
<br /> and to hi s heirs and assigns, forever.
<br /> A,E.Cady Jr.
<br /> And ti'�'� do hereby covenant with the said � , n : , and with nf� heirs and assigns, that �"�e �,r�;
<br /> lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance exeept as abave- �'�.rid `
<br /> that `"'� have good right and lav✓ful authority to sell the same; and �'� do hereby covenant to warrant and defend
<br /> .
<br /> the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,
<br /> And the said C lyde V.JUry and Jennie I.Jury,rii� V�11�'e hereby relinquishee all _
<br /> thelS' T'i�ht ,t�t1E �.rici interes� :-s�h�.t5t?�'V�r in and to the above described premises.
<br /> Signed this 7�Yl day of F�bruary , A. D., 1914 '
<br /> In presence of ClYd� V.JUY'.y
<br /> C.T.Fl.o�rer Jennie I.TurY '
<br /> State of Nebr�.sK�,
<br /> SS �
<br /> H�11 County, � On this 7th dayof FeY�ru�.ry g. D., i9 I�
<br /> before me the undersigned C.T..F1�wer . �
<br /> a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said County, personally came
<br /> Cl,yde V.Jury anci Jenni� I.JUry,his wiPe— � �
<br /> (SF.,AI,� °
<br /> to me known to be the identical person s whose name ar� afl'ixed to the foregoing eonveyance as grantor� , -
<br /> and acknowledged �'@ai� i21�t'T't�I�1�z�t t� be thei�' Voluntary ao;t: ,and ,d�eQ f o� the
<br /> purFo:�es ther�in set forth.
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal t:th�� ��7` ctax- v�..��bruary �9��+..
<br /> �y commission expires the 27�h day of Ail�Lit3t ig 19 �
<br /> C.T.F low�r Notary Pubiic.
<br />