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. ' . C � . � . . . ' .. . . _ . `4.. ., i . . . . �. . i _ � ' ' .'. "' .___ . _"___ ` -• . _ .� —_.. <br /> , (. .._-_. _. .,._..__._..r.�-- • ._ _. _ .. . _ 100?35 Qa/ia/is9� �, ` :. „�`�. :,�= <br /> i�,x cv�ris � � � � . >�- <br /> i�. Bmrmwer's Rl�t to Re[nsteie. Noiwithstandin8 L�nder��sccele��the svms ss�ured by this Deed of I ` ' . ' . ,� <br /> Tn�st.due to Barrower's breach,Boaower shall have the right to have anY Ps�in�s bagu�►by Leadet t°en�°�rx t�is ,. �,' • , . _ <br /> need of Tnut disconsim�Pd ttt anY time prior to the ea�ier to occar of(i) the fifth day before che sale o€the PropercY ( . . �'. <br /> • g�suant w the power of sale vomained in d�is Deed of Ttust or(ii)enuy af a judgment enfon�Ing this Deed of Tcnst if:(a} � <br /> Barrower pays Lender all sums whish would be tLen due under tLis Dced of Trust and the Piote t�ad n�accele�ation � ,. . . . �� - <br /> � occucred; (b) Borrower cures all breaches of any od�er cove8ants or agreements of Hoirawec contaiaed ia ¢bi:� D�d af ! � . � , � - : <br /> mcaaed by Leudtr and Tcastee in enfozsing the covenants and � <br />' T n u t: (c? Bomower pa y s all reasonable a�es . � !�'�-�' <br /> agree�nts of B9rrower contained in this Deed of Trust and in enfoicing Lender's aad Tiustee's xeu�dies as provi d e d in ' . . _-- <br /> � paiagragh 17 @ereof. inzfiding. Dnt not limited to. reasoffable attomgys' faes: and(d) Borrov�er takes such action as . . . . -_— <br /> agh <br /> Lender may reasonably re�uire w assure that the lien of this Deed of TnLSt. Lender's interest in the Prope�ty and <br /> - Borrovrer's obligation to pay the sums sezured by this Dced of Tiust sball contimie unimpaired• UPon such payment agd _ . <br /> aare by Borrower. this D�ed of Tnsst and the obligarions secured hereby sball rema+n in fiill fane and effect as if uo ----r r=�,-. - --�`'_ <br /> ` acceleration had aocuned. � . , T <br /> 19. A�1�2nt of Reats; APPoiaimQU2 of Reieiv�r; Lend�r in Fossesslon. As additioual se�riry hereunder. . . ' . <br /> Boirower here6y asstgas to Lender the renrs of the Property, prnvided that Bosower shall. Prior to acceleration under <br /> � paragiaph 17 hereof or abandoa�m of the Pro�ty.have the right to wllect aad retaiun sach rents as theq become due and �.. :. . . ...::::=i"-_ �:_;''�— <br /> � payable. �;_.. ._.` ,. .�_:—`�;`� <br /> Upon ascelerdtion nmder paiagraph 17 hereof or ab3ndonmeni of the Propert5►. I�nder. in Person,by agent or by � . �-;�-.;.:: <br /> ` judiciallY aPPainted receiver s�all be entiued to eater upon,r�'�e pc�se�sion of and manage t�e�P�Y����e . . � ,. ,�'�:._-� <br /> � rents of the Propeity in+�luding thot pasc due. All rents cc�by Lender or the receiver shall be applied �ust w �_ . ;�.'.,o ��- <br /> . paymeut of the tosts of management of the Property aad collection of renu. inctading.bnt not limited w,receiver's fets. , ;�a��"-. <br /> premiums on receiver's bonds and reasoaable attorr.�ys'fees,and then to the sams seaued by this Deed of Tmst. I.ender , . ,f,;,�. �:.,;, <br /> , '� and the receiver shall Dz liable w account only for th�tents actually received. , � ' • <br /> ?A. IIieoonveya:,�. Upon payment of all sams secured bp this Deed of Trast. Lender shall roquest Trastee w ��:x-�°°. <br /> ; recomey the Pmpe�ty and shall suziender this Deed of Tzast a�d all nntes evidencinB indehtedness sec.vred by this I2ee�!of .. � '� .��_ = <br /> Tmst w Tzustee.Truss�shall recomey the Pcope�ty withont w�auty and without cbarge to the peson or pe�sont lega=+Y -.... .�_. <br /> . "�.'._+_ <br /> entided thereto.Such�son or persons shall pay all costs of reco�lation,if a�y. ;..�:<�. <br /> Zl. Su6stit�rte u'r�stee.Lender,at I.ender's option,maY fmm time w�e remove Tr�stee sud apFo3nt a svccessor _ .�----. <br /> tsastee to any Trustee aPPoinied heretmder by an incen�ment �COrdOd in the CounlY in whiCh this D,2�d of Ttust is • '�� _-:. <br /> �cocded. Without comreyance of t�e PmgertY. the �or tcustee shall suoceed to all the tide, P�wer and dnties . ,,.:��•�:•• ..� <br /> � confesred upon the Tmstee herein a�by applicable law. _> `�'`' �-,'�`'' � <br /> � �2. Lteqacgt for Notices. Boirower recNes� tbat coPies of the nouce of default and notice of sale be sent to . ; . :'.'�, � ''� � �.:� <br /> Borrower's address wlnch is the Pcaperty A d d r e s s• '� . ` .. . _ <br /> . .,, . <br /> 23.H�surdo�Snbsteaces.Borrowez shall nat cause or pennit the presseeuc�e,nse.disposal.storaoe.a3 release of any �^ "'��� ���;� :;�;�•�'.�'.:• <br /> Harardovs Substances on or in[he Pmperty. Borrower shall cnt do, nor a llow anyone e l s e t o do,a u y t h i.a g a ff e c ti n 8 t h e �;:-.- r, . '. :, ' <br /> mo senteuces shall not 1 to the prese,nce.use, � �.<� . <br /> ProPertY that is in vIolation of any Emrimnmenral Ltw. 'Ihe pre�ling aP8 Y j <br /> _ LO ��'��`���!� I <br /> or storage on We Prope=ty of snall quanrities of Hazardous Subs�ancea that aae generally recognued W be agpropnate ��.� ,' , ', <br /> norm�l residential uses and to maime�of the Proparty. . . _ � <br /> r shall d ' e I x n d e r w r l tt e n n o dce of a n y im+esd g a ti w n.clai�,demancl.lawsuit or other acdon by j �,�S - <br /> . Borrowe F�P Y�+ �.. ..-. <br /> anY Eovemmental or regulatoiY aSencY or private PartY im�olving the P r operty a a d any H a z a r d o u s S n h s t a n c e o r .. ......�-, - �f <br /> •+�b•.;-i_. � :. <br /> , ,i.� Emrimnmental Iaw of which Bos�wer has actual knnwledge. 1f Boaower leams.or is nnrified by any gmecnmental or ��- <br /> regulawry anthority, that wY n°maval or other remediation of ai►y Haardous Snbs�ace affectiag the Propecc5' is ' 4► � - <br /> a►y <br /> .�,� necessary,Boaower shall promptiy t�ice all nece�sY temedial acdons in accordanse wlth Bnviro�enszl Law. ' ,�-��-- ° <br /> ps used in this pacagcaph 23. 'Ha�rdaus 5�bstances' are thflse snbstan�s defined as coxic or Lar�laus substances <br /> � ,i by F.nvimamental Iaw and the following substances: gasoline.tceroscne. other flammable or toxic petra3wm products. ;-.� • - . <br />• : ..i ��.�` --- <br /> toxic p e sticides and her'bictdes,voladte sotvents,materlals conraining asbestos or fom�ldehyde.and�ioactive mateaass. •;fd.?,T __ . <br /> � �� � As used in tbis parag�aph 23. "Emdronmental Isw"meaas fed.,�al laws and laws of the�uisdicdon wLere the Property is �,-' <br /> i located that relate t�� or emdmnmental pmtection. � ' • ..�. `' <br /> ; -�� -_ — <br /> �� <br /> . �:ti:a�,�.=.r ils..._.. _ . <br /> . �.�....�i.•., . <br /> .dr.n�,�n���,�.: <br /> . , ;��•�r.,. ,:.. <br /> � � �.,, _.,��' �" <br /> . ; <br /> ��a:�.�?:.�r.� _ <br /> . . r ,,p�y.P+aj► , jr+:''; <br /> ,`3�� <br /> . �� <br /> .-., ' . - <br /> � (Intentionally Left Blank) . � .� • �; '� : �.-� <br /> .� � , . <br /> . • �- <br /> . , i. � . � . <br /> i � .� .. � '�--' <br /> � � � � � . � <br /> , ..� � .. .__. �_ <br /> � � <br /> ; � � . � <br /> j ; i-=- <br /> ; . . . _ <br /> � � - <br /> �� <br /> •r :. <br />�---� :i �-..�-.—:'----—°'. �.. <br /> � j Nenras�a zea7�-3 I 1/96 Origiaei(Raeorded) Copy tsraach) eopy(Cu�tom�r) Page a ors � '. � , . � <br /> E-! � '�` <br /> � -- --• - - • <br /> ---1: . s , . . �. y, . • ' . <br /> ,�. 4+ . . . . . . _ . . . � .tl� � ' . . �• '... . �` <br /> , ' . 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