� - —�-- .. . , . . . .. 100735 03/12/1997 . .. , . �` �
<br /> � . . • . -
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<br /> � UNIFURM COVENANI'S. Horrower and Lender cove�ani and ag[ee as follows: � .,, 'j� '�� �' .. .
<br /> l. Payment of Ptira�i�tal and And�+ess. Borcower shall prompely pay when due p�p�T
<br /> '• indebtedness evideaced by the Note and lste cbarges as pmvided in the Note. . �
<br /> 2.I�timds far Taxes and Iaswance. Subject to applicable law or a wriuen waiver bY i.ender•B°�s°we�s�11 PaY�o • � '`
<br /> � Leader on the day montWy payrr�ents of principal and interesc are payable under the Note.until the Note is paid in full.a =
<br /> sum(!►erein "Funds')equal co one-twelfth of[he yearly taxes ansl assessments(includinS candominium and planged unit •'°
<br /> � development as�es�ents. if any)which may aaain Priority over this Deed of Tnuc.and ground rents on the ProPenY.if � .�.
<br /> I Y Y Premium instal��n for hazard insurance.Plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installmsnss , � .
<br /> � any,p ut one-cwelfth of earl .
<br /> i for mongage insuance. if any, all as r�asonably esrimated initially and from ame to time by Lender on the basis of {. a.
<br /> ! ���m�nt�and bills and reasonable estimates thereaf. Horrower shaU no*.be obliga[ed to make snch payments of Funds � , ��
<br />_- ; to Lender to th�extent that Borrower makes such payments to tiie holder of a prior mortgage or deed of m�.st if such holder �
<br /> �
<br /> i is an institutional lender. -
<br /> ' If Borrower pays Funds co Lender, the Fimds shall be held in ar►institution the deposits or accounis of which are �
<br /> i
<br /> � insured or guacanteed by a Federal or state agency(incinding Leasler if Lender is such an institution). Lender saa11 app1Y �' .
<br /> � the Funds co pay said raxes.assessmenrs,inmr�uce Premiums and graund renrs. Lender may not charge for so holding and � , : l: ;
<br /> aPPiY�B the Fands. analyzing said account or verifying and compiling said assessu�enLS and bills. unless Lender paYs ` . _; � .
<br /> Borrower inte�esc ou the Funds and applicable la�v permiits I.ender to make sach a c�arge.Borrawer an+d Lender may agree ' :
<br /> m
<br /> � in writing at the time of eaecation of this Deed of T:ast that i�er�.st on the Funds shall be paid to Boaower.and unless ; • ' • _
<br /> � . such agreemeut is made or applicahle law requires such inLerest to be paid. I,ender shall not be reqaired to PaY Bonower
<br /> �. any interesc or eamings on die Funds. Lender shall give w Baauwer,withont cl�arSe,an anuual accounting of the Funds � �� �
<br /> for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are � • �'�'•,
<br /> showing credits and debits w the Funds and ths pmpose �_:�.-
<br /> • . pledged as additional sec�ity for the sums secnred b3+this DeEd of Tmst. , • .�:..s- � ,
<br /> If the amnunt of the Fnnds held by Lender.wgether wid'die fanue m°ntWy installments of Funds paYable prior w � . " . '
<br /> � I the due dates of taxes. assessments. insuiance premiums and ground renrs. shall exceed the aznnunt re�,:ired w pay said �, . - :� �
<br /> . ' taxes. assessments. insuiance premiums and ground rents as they fall due. such eacess shall be. ai l�ccower's agtion. .. ; :
<br /> � � either p r ompdY repaid to Horrawer or credited to Borrower on momhly installments of Funds. If the a+�.�t of the Funds . _ �_ . ' . -
<br /> ; i h e l d t s c L�d e r s h a ll not be sufficient to pa y taxes.ass��. insnsance premiums a n d g r o u n d r e n t s a s t h e y f a ll due. , � _x- r.
<br /> �.��. � Borruv:�c s�all pay w Lender any amnunt necessalY to ma�� the deficiency in one or mnre payments as L e n d er s a y : �..
<br /> � Ts�.
<br /> ����
<br /> . 1 ICQIIIIE• '. :5• . : 5'*'^_
<br /> nY in full of all sums seaued by this Deed of Tnut,Lender shall pmmpdy refund to Boa�e,wer any Funds _ - ,=aiF;/{�:;�
<br /> Up°n payme � Y.ender.I.,eader • ��.� -
<br /> y � held by Leuder.If under paregraph 17 hereof t'r��operty is sold or the Properry is othetwise acquired } • .
<br /> . '; .�:
<br />: : shall agply. no later than imnuedia�e"Y Prior to�:.sale of the Property or its acquisidon by Lender. any Funds held by . � �.
<br /> • _ Lender at the time of application as a credit a°'��the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. ���by��r�r the -
<br /> 3.AppIIcatioa of Pgyments. Linless apgu�le law pmvides otherwise.a11 PaYmeats . �.��
<br /> Ho t e a n d p a i a g a p h s 1 a n.d 2 h e r e o f s h a ll be a p�1 a�b y L e n der fust in pa y m ent of amnnnts payable to Ix�d�by Borrower . . ;'` .;
<br /> ' under paragiaph 2 hereof.then w interest payab".e o�the Nate.and then to the princ'spal of the Note.
<br /> es• d�ms.Borrower shall perform a11 of Borrower's obligadons •�=�� '
<br /> 4.P e t o r M o r t�a 8 c s a n d D e e d s o f T r u s t; C h a r g ,
<br /> uader a� mortgage, deed of uust or other secarity agr�e�t wlth a lien which has prlority wer t h i s D e e d o�'�Y�s t, � �* 'J1 .
<br /> - includi:,�Bomnwer's crnrenants to mialce payments whea due.�oaower shall pay or cause to be paid all taxes.a5ces�� - - -.-� ,��• . .
<br /> and other charges, fin�s and imposidons attributable to the Property which may attain a priority over this Deed of i rast. . ' i �
<br /> - ' i:-
<br /> • � and leasehold payments or grow�d rents.if any :;. � ���
<br /> S. Pazard Iasaranoe. Bormwer sLall keep the impmvements nnw exispin8 or hereafter erecte3 on the Propsrty •:..�-�" y� �..�.-
<br /> loss by fue.ba7anls included within the tesm"extended coverage",and s.tst►other ha7ards as Lender may : �r`- �'!�= �::�
<br /> .,� ::.e,�;�,
<br /> � insuied 88amst r ,:;;��
<br /> . rec;uire and in such amow�ts and for sacb pe�iods as Lender aoay re�a�. _ .-� ,
<br /> Tbe insarance caaier providin8 the insurance sball be chosen by Borrower subjett to appmvat by Lender:Pmvided, '^;�.,�
<br /> that such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. All ins�uance policies and reneavals thereof s�ll be in a forn► �"�
<br /> � -�:,..�'_'.
<br /> acceptable w I.ender ancl shall include a staadard mortgage clause in favor of and ia a fo:m acceptable tm I.ender. Lender •..,,;,,,�.
<br /> ... .��:.
<br /> • � shall�a.-e the right w hold the policies and renewals theieof,subject to the tecros of any mortgage,deed of uust oa ot�er ..�_,_,_
<br /> ' sec�ri�agreement with a lien which has priorlry over this Dee3 of Tn�st. �'����`,.-�
<br /> . ln the evem of loss,Boirower sttall give prompt notice to the insarance cazrier aad Lender. Leuder may make proof ..�:�a�_ .,:
<br /> ' � of toss if not made prompdy by Bosower. ::;��•.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Hoaower. or if Horrower fails ro respond ta Lender within 30�ays ftom the date �.�.,..r��rR:�.
<br /> nodce is mailed by Lender to Borrower tLat the insurance carrier offers co settle a claim for insuracce be�fits,Lender is -=���._
<br />� suthori7ed w collect and apply the insuraiue Proceeds at Lender's opaon either to reswr^�9a or repair of the Propeny or . . . . • `l
<br /> to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. � . '�°�'�
<br /> . 6. Preservatf:a and Mainteaance of Ir'supett9, Leaseholds3 Coa:�omid�s; Plannea Ur�t Deveiop�ae�ts. " 'j
<br /> ., Bonower shaU keep the Pro�erty in good repair and s�all n°t commit was�,°or pem�it impai:meni or deterioration of the ,. . .
<br /> �• pr,o�y�shall�om�ply witL tFs�provisions of any lease if this Drxd of Trust is on a teasehold.If this Deed of Tiust is � : _
<br /> on a unit in a condominium or a plaaned unit development.Boirower shall perform all of Bonower's obligadoas under the .
<br /> declarsdon or covenants creatiag or gweming the condomiaium or planned unit develop�etu.the by-laws and regulations
<br /> of We condominium or planned unit development.and constituent documen�s. � —
<br /> . 7. Prutectlan of I.eader's Sec�tty. If Bonower fails to perform the covenants and a�eemenis cantained in thLs _
<br /> • Deed of Tn�st.ar if any action or pmceedin8 is commenced wluch materially affects Len,der's interest in the Property.then __
<br /> . L e n der. at Lender's o ption. ugon nodce to Borrower, may make such appearances. dlsburse such s�ms. including . •
<br /> reasoffible attomeys' fees.and take such action as is necessary to prosect Lender's interest. If Lender�quired mnrtgage
<br /> � insurance a5 a condidon of making the loan secviced by this Deed of Trust. Borrower shall pay the premiumc required to ; .
<br /> maintain such insurance in effect undl such time as the requirement for such i�c�,+�nce terminates in accordance with � � _
<br /> Borrowes's and Lender's arcitten agreement or applicable 1aw. ; .
<br /> ' � AnY amounts disbursed by Lender pursuanc to this paragraph 7.with interest thereon.at the Note rate.shall become • •
<br /> � addirional indebtedness of Boirower secured by tLis Deed of Trust. Unless Horrower and I.ender agree to other terms of � •• .
<br /> payment. such amot�nta sho11 b.°. PaYable up4n notir,t from Lender to Bocrower requesting payment rhereof. Nottring , . �
<br /> � contained in this paragraph 7 shall reqwre Lender to incur any expense or take any acdon hereunder. i . .
<br /> ', S. ]�spedion. Lender may malce or cause to be made reasonable enuies upon and inspections of the Property. �
<br /> �I provided that Lender shall pve Borrower n�rice prior to any such inspecdon specifyring reasonable cause therefor related to � �
<br /> � Lender's interest in the Property. � . �
<br /> � r Ozi inal(Rocordod) CoDylBraach) Copy(Cuatomer) Pu6elof5 � . - . .
<br /> , Nebrasko 268763 11 96 $ �
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