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<br /> �°'°.,... D��D ���O�D �On ��❑
<br /> Efii??r—�LOP1'c�BAl??yE�'T , __ _ _ - _ ,:._
<br /> —.... . 7"j4;.Q.,�P,an�c�ap, ��,th,cprar�Ftin:p, Cnun y SuPPtac.;Orz¢laa. . _, . _ _ : _ . _ _ � . �
<br />— .:. - .. . . .. r��-.,� . . . . �� . . -. - . -. -� ...._,� . . _r._�. ._ .,.-�_ . __.,.. __:�-�_. ..:.---._....._. _ �..�.- --:}�-..,_—`�. -- ..�-r� __—
<br /> WARRANTY �EED:-
<br /> KNOW 1�LL MEIV' BY THESE �RES"ENTS: That Henry G. Hanssen a.nci Ella P. Hanssen, his
<br /> wife, ( said Henry G. Iidnssen bein� one of t'rle heirs at law oi' T�ie� Hanssen, aeceased), of H�,rrison
<br /> County, a�nd Stat� of Texas in con�ideration of tne sum of One vollar and otrier �ood consic�eration:�
<br /> in h�r��a pdi�i by Jonn �I. Hanssen, (one of tne h�irs at law of Ties Hanssen, aec' d) of Hall County,
<br /> dna State of i�e�t�raska, �io her�by �rant, b�,r�;a.in, Se�.l, conv�y, and conf'irm unto trie said John M.
<br /> Hanssen, trle follorvin� �t�scribeci premiues, situated in tne County o.i' Hall. an� St�te of Nebra,ska,
<br /> to-wit :
<br /> All and singular of our undivic�e�i int2rest oi every kind and n�,ture, in and to the South
<br /> ha1P of tn2 ivortnwest �uart�r, and tne i�ortn ri�,lf of tne Southwest qu�rt�r o�' Section Ttiirty-three
<br /> C33 ) , �n TownshiF Eleven {11) , North of Ran�e Nine ( �) ,West , containin�; 160 aeres , according to
<br /> the �;overnment survey. And saia Henry G. �'anssen certifi�:5 th�,t he is trie sarrle person na:med as
<br /> Hersy Cx. Hansen, and that said �rantee, John Ag. Hanssen is the same g�rson named as John N.Hansen,
<br /> as heirs at law of said Ties Hansen, deceased, in tne final decree in said estate, wriicri is record-
<br /> ne rec rds of all count Nek�raska notw h-
<br /> � e 2 2 of t o H it
<br /> ed in I?ook 1 of Wills and Decrees, at Pag 9 y, ,
<br /> �����
<br /> st�.ndin�; the discrepancies in saia n�mes. This deed is m�.de subject to a life estate� in said prem-
<br /> ises in favor of Louise F. Hanssen, widow of �aid Ties Hanssen, decea,sed. To�;�tner with all tene-
<br /> ments , here�ii*aments and a�:��urteriane�a to the same belon�in�, a,nd all tne Estate, Rignt , Title,
<br /> Claim or demar�d wnatsoever; irlclu�iins� vower, Ctzrtesy and Homesteacl Ri�nts, of tne saici Henry G.
<br /> ��anssen anci �11a P. Han��en of, in, or to tne same or any part tnereof.
<br /> TO HA� AND TO HOLD trie �,bove described preruf�es, witn trie appurtenances, unto tne saia John
<br /> II 1�. Hdnssen �,na to hia heirs an�. assi�ns forever. And we nereby covenant witn trie saia John M.
<br /> I�anssen tnat we hola :�a,id unaiviaec� interest in saict premises by good and perfect title; t!�at we
<br /> riave gooci ri�nt and law�ul autriority to sell ana convey the same ; that they �,re frae and clear oY
<br /> all li�n� aria incurribrances wndtsoever except sa,ici life estate in favor of said Louise F. Hanssen.
<br /> The intention bein� to convey all of the interest of saia grantors in ant� to sa3d premises, both
<br /> �.s rieirs dt law o�' Ties Hans�en, d�ceaseu, a,na as �rarltee frora �aid Louise �'. Hanssen. And we
<br /> covenant to v�ia,rrant and defen�. the said undivic�ei� int�rest in sai�t premises a�;�inut tne law�'ul
<br /> claims of all Fersons wnomsoever, except said life est�,te.
<br /> Si�ne� tnis 9tn �ia� of SeFtember, A.D. , 1916. :
<br /> In pre�ence of Henr.Y G. Hanssen
<br /> Chas. G. Ry�.�.n Ella P. Hanssen
<br />� r - ska. �
<br /> Net�ra
<br /> T t� State of )
<br /> �
<br /> : ss. On tnis 12" day of S�:ptember, 191b b�fore me, Cnas. G. Ryan, a
<br /> Hall County. )
<br /> N�,tary Pu�lic witnin ana for saia County, �ersonally carne Henry G.
<br /> Hanssen ana Ella P. H�.nssen, nis wife, to me personall� known to be tne i;lenticdl persons whose
<br /> names a.re affixed to th� above ir�strument as �rantors, ar�d seve;r�,lly acKnowledged the execution
<br /> pf the sa.me �o be t?�eir voluntary act and deed Por trie Furposes tnerein expresaed.
<br /> IN WITNLSS WHEItEOF, I ri�.ve rizreunto subscribed my name and af'fi�ed my official seal at Grant�
<br /> Islani�, Nebra,sxa,, or� tYze date last above written.
<br /> ( S�AI,) Chas. G. Ryaxl
<br /> I�ota.ry :�ublic
<br /> 11!fy commi�sion ex��ires Feby.-1" 191g.
<br /> Fila�i for record tne 13 aay of se��tember, 1916, a.t 10 :30 0'c1oCk A.p�. ��2�� .` .
<br /> Register of D cis.
<br /> -Q-O-Q-O-O-O-U-O-0-0-0-O-U-O-O-O-O-Q-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-O-Q-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O
<br />