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<br /> --'S35'T2=�Lf1��$�t�'�L+T'f'7'CP.�I 2,tG„���T .�,�,.<>Ta�e2 Coi�_zPf 4?r£rg�T��?Tai� — --- .` _ — -- - - -
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<br /> � :_� --�.:_ _----_-: .._.__�_..v._. ___�----�.>- __---.._
<br /> !,
<br /> KNO�'d ALL �EN BY T�iESE PRESENTS, That Wm. H.1�arsh Sr. �,nd R.��. Scu��.er and A.T3. Smi�h
<br /> Trustees of I�oniFha.n, N�b�'�,sk�,, in c�nsi�eratian of m�iirty Dollars , in har�� pai�, �o ri�r::by �rant;
<br /> bar��.in, sell and cor�vey ar�� confirm urito Cnarles E. Kesel ar�d Florance C.Kesel tne fallo�ing �es-�
<br /> cribe� real estate situ�.te in the caunty of hall, ar�� state oP Nebraska, ta-wit :
<br /> Lo� Tltunb�r 27 in 31ock Number 7 in trie DONIPHAN CE�'LT�Y, situate on �iie i�vorth-east Qu�,rter of
<br /> th� North-E�.st Quarter of Section �'ive ( 5 ) in �'ownship Nine ( 9) , Noxth of Range Nine (9 } West oP
<br /> the Sixth Prixicipal P�eri�iian, as ti�e s�n1e is lai� �own an�i �escri'�e� on the plat of �aid Cemetery `
<br /> an
<br /> no��� on file in the County ClerK's office o�" sai� Hali Countv, Nebraska. Togeth�r with all t�e Ten-'
<br /> ement� , Here�itament� an� A�gurter�ances to the same belon�in;, an� all th� Estate, Ri�,ht , Title,
<br /> Intere�t , Dower, Claim or Deman� ��ri�.tsc��ver o�' t�le said Grarrtors , or eitrier of them, of, in, or to
<br /> the same , or any part thereof, to h�,ve an� to riol� tne above d�scr�be� �remises, with trie a��urten�-
<br /> ances , unto the said Grantee an� t� Their heir� and assi�n� f`arever. And w� �o her�by c�ver.ant wit�
<br /> trie sai� Gra.nte� ar� TnPir heirs �.n�. �.ssi�ns , that we are lawf'ully �eized oP sai�i Fremises; �hat
<br /> t;he,y ��re Pree f'r�r� encumbrance; t'�at we have ��a� ri�ht �n� lawful aut�l�rity to sell the s�.me; an�1'-
<br /> �ve �.a her�b,y e�v�nant t� warrar.t: 9�n�. �efen� the sa,id gremises against the lawful �laims of all ��er�-
<br /> sans w,�homsoever.
<br /> Si�;ne�i t'�i� 3r�i �av of March A, D. 191b.
<br /> In pre��nce oP wm. H. Marsh Sr.
<br /> �. F'. Scudder
<br /> Roy Fllsworth __
<br /> A. �3. Smith
<br /> pschar A.Henry
<br /> T�he State of Nebraska, )
<br /> :ss. On this 3rd day of March A.D.lylb la�fore me, a Notar;� Public, in and.
<br /> Hall County: )
<br /> for said county, ��ersonally came th� above named Wm.H.Marsh Sr. ar�d
<br /> B.F. Scu�der ar�d �.B.Smitri Tru:�t�es w:�o ar� personally knoxn to ..1� to be the i�entical p�rs�ns wrios!ie
<br /> names are affixed to t�ie ab�ve b�ed as Grant�rs , �,n� the,y sever�,lly acknowledged trie exec?at;ion of
<br /> the same ta be trieir voluntary act an� ��e� for tne pur;:�oses tr�erein �tated.
<br /> t�i�ness my har�� an� notdrial se�.l, dt Doniphan, on the �ate afore�ai�.
<br /> Chas. b�. Re�man
<br /> (SEAL) Notar,y Public , Hall '.
<br /> County,Nebraska.
<br /> ���y commi�sion exFires Dec.1S-1917.
<br /> Fil��. for recor� the � �.ay of �i�.rCh,lg16, at 10:45 o'clock. A.�. ����� '
<br /> �
<br /> Regi ster of De s. i
<br /> -o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o`-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o�
<br /> WARRANTY I!EED'�- `
<br /> HIvOt� ALL MEN ]3Y 'SHESE PRESENTS, Th�.t Hu�o F.Rohrke an� Sel.�na S.Rohrke, hus- `'
<br /> b�,r,� ar�� wife, ir� cor.sideration of Five Thousand (�5,000 ) Dollars, in ha.nd gaid, do hereby Grant , �
<br /> Bar�a.ir�, Sell, Cor�vey an�3 C:�nf irm unto J'ohn F.Stout the following describe� Real Est�te, s ituate
<br /> in trie Ce��nty o�' Ha11 �,n�3 State oF Nebra,ska, to wit :
<br /> The Southwest Quarter of the Southeast �uar-
<br /> ter �f' Section Two , TownshiF Eleven, Ran�e Nine, (SW� of SE� 2-i1-9) West of t��e Sixth P.�. to-
<br /> getrler :�rit�i a11 t`ri� Tenements, Hereditaments an�. Ap�urt�nances to the„same belon,�in�, and all t�e '
<br /> Estate Title, Lower, Claim or Demand wx�atsoever of tne said Hu�o F,Rohrke an� Se1ma S.Ronrke, of,;
<br /> in, or to the s�,rrse or any x�art t?�iereof; '
<br /> Tfl :t�VI: AND TO HOLD the above describe� gremises, with the aFpurtenances unto the said John F.
<br /> St�ut , and to his rieirs an�3 assigns forever; an� t��ey trie sai� Hugo F.Rohrke an�. Se�mma S.Rohrke,
<br /> for themselves an� tneir Yieirs , executors and a�ministrators, �o coven�nt with the sa,id J'Cahn F.
<br /> Stout an�. with his heirs and assi�ns , that they are laf,�rPully seiz.ed of said premises , �hat they ar�e
<br /> fr2e from incumbrance, except a mort�age for �1,000 that th�y have �oo� ri�;ht an� lawful author-
<br /> ity to sell trie same, an� triat they will an� their heirs, executors an�3 administrators snall �tar- '
<br /> r�nt �.n� de�'en� the same unto the said Jahn F. Stout and riis rieirs an�i assigns f'orever a�ainst the �
<br /> �
<br /> --------___ _ _
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<br />