<br /> ���
<br /> � Do ��D �C�C�O� D �100 �go
<br /> ���
<br /> _ _ � :� __ _ __ _ _ p_ _ - _ __ _ _ _ _
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<br />`__��7Z=�aPF&_$A1�2�L�"1'T CU�.,Pr rctiii��T .��,��c z12�� i'o���i�� r�iizi� r Qtzz;&�b[r� _ �__,_ . - — – °
<br /> _ _ _.. . __._ _ __. _ __. _ �_..__ _____. ;.__ ..__ _��._ _._._.�
<br /> � dvest o�' tn.� 6t:�i P.rincipal m�ri��ian, containin� 31.20 acres , ac�or�ir� to gov�rnment survey. i;
<br /> All of th� �,bove �escribe� r�al �state '��ir�;; �itu�t�� in tkie County o� Hall, an� State of Ne�ti-
<br /> rask�,. �
<br /> 2'h� nortri t�iirty a�vazz (37) feet oi' tiie soutri sev�nty seven (77) �'eet of lo�s eleven (11) an�
<br /> tv��elve �1?_ ) , iri ��lock two (2 ) in SYierwoo� Park, an �.d�ition to t,�ie City of Oma.ha, as surveye�,
<br /> plat�e� an� recor�e�, �nd,
<br /> An un�ivi�ed on�; nalf of lo�s one (1 ) an�. two {2 ) in 131ock tnree (3 ) , o�' A. S.Patrick A��itiorl
<br /> to tYie C�ty of OmaYia, a� :�urveye� , �ldtte� an� recordeei, situ�ted in the County of Dou�las an�1
<br /> Sta�� of Nebraska, for sale at �u�lic aucti�n, �,nd sol� t�:ic; s�rne to rr�ary �;.Gros� �rilkinson and
<br /> T�.m°s R.av�ilkinson, tru4tE�es , for the suin o� Forty-thr�e Thousan�, Nine �iundre� an� no�100 DOLL�R�
<br /> (��-3, 9Q�.00 ) , t'�xey bein; trie ni�r�est '�i��ers therefor. An� afterwar�s, on tYie �+th day of Septem- ';
<br /> ber A.T�. 1915, sai� court aF�roved an� �on�'irmed sai� sale, an� by an or�er �ireeted me. as said
<br /> ref�:re� to execute to tYie sai� r�qary E.Gross �VilKinson an� Ja.mes R.Wilkinson, trustees , a r�e�d
<br /> ;
<br /> �onve�rir..�; s�,i� 1�n�s t� t�em in fee simple.
<br /> T������, Ther=.:fore, I , ��.lph R.Horuh, Referee, in consideration of the �remises an�l of the sum
<br /> of �'ort,y-tnree 'I'hous�.n�, Niri�; Hur�dre� and no/100 Dollara (�43,900.00 ) , so bi� �.n� gai�i by t�.e sai�
<br /> ?���.ry �'. G�oss 1!uilkin�c�r� an� Ja���;s R.�`dilKinson, Trustees, an� b� virtue of the pov�r�ers ves�e�i in me �y
<br /> la��, �o �ay triese �?r. e�ents , �rant , s�ll, an� convey unto tne said Mary E.Gross t�vilkinson an� James ' f
<br /> R.�dil:.�inson, Trust�es , ari�. to their �ieir� , suceessors, an� as�igns , tne real estate described as
<br /> f'o1lov�rs , ta-►rit :
<br /> 1�11 of' t�.e rlart.k���.�t �,�tart�r of sect:ion fiv� (5} , in township nine ( g) north, ran�e nine (9) �`
<br /> wes� of ���e 6tri grincigdl ru�ri�iar�, subject to �he rit;:�it of �v�,y of t'rie St.Jo�e�h & Grar� Island , �
<br /> R�,iI�rTTay C�m��any, an� exc;eptin� the fallowin� c��scribed tr�,ct� , to-�Nit :- lst , TYie ei;�ht acre tract '- �
<br /> in tyie northeaat corner of said c�uar��:r �eeded by �Ienry A. Som�rs and wiPe to I,.Henry, et .A1!s. ,tru�-
<br /> tees , an� recorde� in �3ook 2 oi veeds at pa,�;e lg oP tlle recards of Hall County, N�brasKa; 2nd, A !!
<br /> t�iirty an� acre tract in the soutneast quartar of �aid nortrieast quar�er and describe� as follows„, �
<br /> to-��it :-- Commencin� ��t t:ne southwest corner of th� southeast guart�r of said northeast quarter, :
<br /> runnin.�; t.hence eas�t. alon�; the south line of �ai� nortriea.st quarter to the southeast corner .thereof', ;
<br /> trience nortn, alon� tne e�,st line o�' sai!3 quarter 62 rods, thence west , Farallel with the sou�h ,
<br /> lin� of sa,i� qu::.rter, to the �est line of t�ie soutrieast c�uarter o�' �ai!� northeast quarter, thence -
<br /> south, parallel tivit�! t:ie e.ast line �f s�.i� section five (5 � , 62 rods to the pla�ce of be�innin�;
<br /> ��n.� 3xd, A tra,ct cf. lan� ��scribe� as f'ollows, to-wit :- Commen�in� �,t a point 50 feet east of the '
<br /> gresent center of t�.e rdilroa� track oi the S�.Joseph & Grand Island Railway C�mpany, at tne so�.�Y�i-
<br /> �rest corner of t'rie soutn�ves� quarter of the northeast quarter of said sec+,ion five �5), runnin�,
<br /> �hence east �n the halP section line l� r�ds , thence north 20 rods, thence west 16 ro�s , thence -
<br /> sauth 20 roc�s to t��e �.lace o1' be�inriir►�, containing in a11 two acres. The tract above d�scribed as'�
<br /> bein; ovaned by trie sai� Jor'in Wilkinson, after �e�uetin� t��e thre� exceFtions , c�ntains 119 aeres, ;�
<br /> ;:
<br /> a 1lwtlu more or less ,
<br /> Also, lot three (3 } , Islan�, of Sectior� nine (g� , in townshiF ten (10 � north, ra.n,�e ten (10 )'
<br /> �.t�est �f' ts1� 6th principal m�ridian, and conta�.nin� 55.10 acr�s , mor� or less, accor�ing to ,�overn�; �
<br /> ment survey.
<br /> Also the northwe�t quarter an� lots one {x ) and tv�� (2 ) �air�lan�, of' section nine (g) , in
<br /> tc��r,nsyiip ten (l0 ) nortn, ran�e ten (10 ) west of t�ne 6th prineipal meri�ian, �.n� cantaininF; 225•34 ''�
<br /> acres �,ccordinf; to �;overnmen� �urvey.
<br /> Also, lot �'our ( 4) , Islan�, of Section nir�e (9) , in townshiF ten (10) north, ra�e ten (10)
<br /> west o�' t'rie &t�1 �z ir.cip�,l meri�ian, containing 31.20 acres , accordin� to �overnment survey.
<br /> r
<br /> A11 .��' t'�ie a.bove descri�e� re�.l estate bein�; situa,ted in the County of HaZl, an�3 State of Ne��^-
<br /> �SK3.
<br /> Tne narth triirty seven (37 ) feet of tne south seventy seven (77� feet of' 1.ots eleven (11 ) and
<br /> �: ;
<br />� ____ . ii ,
<br />