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, 1 <br /> � �� � <br /> D��D G°��C��' oOI�D �oo ��o <br /> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ <br /> _ � _ _ __ _ �_� _ _ __ _ <br /> --i&ai�= �73�IR'PIL'TTC'tJ:��Pirat:'n �i,�,7,�re7i, !'n.t��a C���ce_<7J71�+�1us. � �_ <br />_✓_._ S�al'�&. ;�� a z �� .t ��`_` _ _ _�_ __.�_ _ _— – -- – - �- � � _� _ __�_. n – __.�.� <br /> � an� that the time for re�em�tion from sa1� sale wi11 expire upon the �th day of November 191�; ;; <br /> zhat said premises were ta�c�� for the years i9o9,1910 ,1911,1912,1913,1914, an� assessed in <br /> the name of E.A.Anderson. <br /> That al1 of tne above taxes s.o levie� and assessed a�ains� sai� gremises have b��n Fai� by <br /> the undersi.:;ned purch�,ser an� tt�at the title to sai�. l�,na appears of record in the offiee of the <br /> Re,�ister af Deeds af' aaid County in the narne of Eli2abeth A. An�erson. <br /> TYz�.t William �dcKni�;nt is now in Fo�session or occu�ancy o�' sai� premisea: <br /> That aft�r ti�ie ex�iration of three months from the da�te of tYie service of �hi� notice,to wit <br /> on tne 6tri �• of I�ov�m�er 1 1 � the un�ersi ne� urchaser wi 1 <br /> dY � � � F �. a�Fly to the Caunty Treasurer o�' <br /> Hall County, ��br for a ta,x deed �o �aid �escribed premises. <br /> Date�i �,t Gra.nd T�l�n�, Nebraska this �Ot�� day of July 1915. <br /> G�and Tsla.n� Zan� Co. ,Purcha.ser, ;' <br /> By i3ayard H.Paine, Pr�sident. <br /> I hereby accept serviee of the a'k�ov� notiee as I arn in possess�on of sai� land. <br /> (Si��ne�) William MCKr11�ht. <br /> STATP OF NE�3RASKA, COiTN7"Y OF HAT,L-SS- ` <br /> AFFTDAVIT FOR A TA.X DEE� UPON� Lat Seven (7) �31ock Fif-:�` <br /> �een ( 15) IIniversit,y Place AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL CO. , NEBR. <br /> C.A. Sorensen bein� first �uly s�orn upon riis o�.th states th�.t the Grand Tsland Land Comg�ny <br /> is �, corporation, or�;anize�i and �oin� bu�iness under the laws of the s�ate of �Tebraska an�. with it� <br /> principal place of bu;�iness at Grand I�lan�,, H�11 Co. , Nebr, an� tha,t i� is hereinafter referred <br /> to as ��sai� Companyu. <br /> That at a gublie t� s�la , m�.�� by the Treasurer o�' said County upon the 7th day oP November <br /> 1910, an� helc� at his of�'ice in the Court House, s�.id Comp�.ny purcha�ed Lot Seven (7} �31ock Fi�'- <br /> te�n (15 ) in University Place a,n ad�ition to tne City o� Gran� Island H�,Z1 County, NebrasKa, sai� <br /> �urcnase bein� evi�ence� by Certificate of T�.x Sale N'o.7599 �hich v�ras i��ued for the �elinquent <br /> taxes �.ssessed �n� t�ixe� a�ainst the prop�;rty above described �'or the ye;:�r 1909 an�. sai�3 certifi- <br /> cate is hereto attache�3, marke� Exhibit A �.n� m�.de a part h�reof and has the County Treasurer+s <br /> se�,l duly impressed thereon, that sai�3 Company has paid all taxes subsequent to the above year an� <br /> holds tax receigts t�ierefor. � <br /> That r�ore tYiar� �hree montY�is and less that five montYtis be�'ore the tim� of re�emption of�aid <br /> t� certificate ha�3 exFire� or a tax dee� b�en apglie� for, sai� Comparr�yy h�.d a notice prepare� a� <br /> provided in chapter sixty nine, entitle� Revenue, o� tYie Revised S�atutes of Nebraska Por lql3 an� " <br /> takin� a coF,y o�' s�.fd notfce , w3�ich notice 3s Frinted at Zength in Exhibft � h�reto attache�l,t�iis <br /> r,� <br /> af. fi.ant , as a�ent o�' sa�� Company went ugon and investi�ated sai� �rop�:rty above �escribed an� <br /> I foun� tha�t v��illiam Funk an� VPillia,m McKni�nt claime� to be using sai� land but this afFiant states <br /> i th�t h� believes no one i;� in sole�ossession �,nd occupancy of said lan�i a,nd further this affiant '' <br /> st�,t�s tn�t Hu�h Scott wa� the person in whose name t�ie title to sai� land appears of record in <br /> the of�'ice of tne Re�ister of Deeds of said County and t'ri�.t tnis a1'fiant made diligent inquiry and � <br /> search in the directories an�.� amon�; ol{�er residen�s and t'rla� sai� hol�er of the record title of <br /> said land coul�9 not be foun�3 in said caunty an!� tnat sai� lan$ svas assessed an� ta:�ed for all of <br /> t��� y�ars abov�: stated ��er�:in and so asse�se� an� taxed to Emy W,Hawk �'or 1909 an� 1910 an� �o W, S, <br /> Goodell. �'irst fu21 and real riarae unkno��n f"or t�ie years 1911 , 1912 ,1gZ3, an� lg].�+. <br /> That upon tri� l�tn day of Ju�y 1915 as the a,�ent an� on behalf of sai� Campany this affiant <br /> �er�'���� a cogy of the notice ��hich is �et out in Exhibit � nereto attaehe�i upon the said William <br /> an� served it u�son William �[eKnight � <br /> �'unk by leaving �ai� notice at his u�u�l place oP� residerice in sai� county�anct by deliverin� a cogy <br /> � <br /> of sai� notice to him �-�r�onally in s�id co�r�.ty as �nown by riis acc�ptance upon Ex?�ibit C hereto a�- <br /> tached and ma�e a part Yi�:reoP. <br /> • Tnat notiee as by l�,w provi�.e� could not be made upon Hu�h Scott an� th�re�'ore the purchaser <br />