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<br />---._ >�I?..-�'j���,('t��BEIR��"'TT'CU:.f'rcntz�,9._.mrzo,��..�pTn�c9,�'uw�clu Su�pl��,Vntr.�i�. ,_,—� -,. — ..— _.._..._._ � � - �
<br /> That at a ublic ta�c sale made b the Traasurer of said County upon the 7th d�q of November s191 ���^ �
<br /> and held at hia offi�e in the Court House, said Company purahased I+ots 2&2 and 8�,r of $ Block 41 in
<br /> Packer � Barr's 3eaond addition ta the City of t3rand Island Ha11 Countp, Nebrasl�a� said purahaQe ,
<br /> being evi3e�nced bq Cartificate of Taz Sale No 7,�618 �hich �a� isaued for the delinquent tazes
<br /> assessed and ta=ed against the property above desaribed for the years 1901 to 18aB inolusive and
<br /> said certi fiQate i s hereto attached, marked Eahibi# A and made a part hereo f and h�►a the Countq
<br /> Treasurer�s seal duly impressed thereon, that eaid Qom�np has gaic� all taaea subsequent to the
<br /> above years and holds t�x receipte therefor.
<br /> That more than three months and less that five months before the time of redemption of eaid taz ''
<br /> aertificate ha.d sapired or a tauc deed been applied for, �,e►id Company had a notiae prepared as
<br /> provi�ed in ahapter siatp nine, entitled Revenue, of the Revised 8tatnteet of I�ebra�ka for 1913
<br /> and taking a copy of eaid notice, which not3ce is printed at length in Ezhibit B hereto attached, ;`
<br /> this affiant, as agez�t of said Company went upon and investigated said property above described
<br /> and states that no one was in pogseasion or oacupancy of said land and further thi� affian� state�i�
<br /> that Ho�rard D.Kelly we►s the person in who�e name the t3tle to said land appears of record ia th�
<br /> offiae of the Aegister of Deeds of sa3d Covnty and that this affiant made di2igeat inquiry and �;
<br /> search in the directories and among older resid�nts and that sair� holder of the record title of
<br /> said land could not b� found in said aounty and tlaat said land was a�sessed and taged for alI of tl'�e
<br /> qears above etated he.rein in the neme of the person la�t hereinabove named bp and in his initials '!�
<br /> to-wit: H.�.Ke13y
<br /> That notice as by law provided could not be made upon Howard D.Kelly and therefore the purohaser '
<br /> has caused a legal notio� to be pa,iblished in the 4ra�nd Island Inclspe2ldent th� onlp ner�sp�per publi�jshed
<br /> in the Ehglieh language at �aid��i�e in the Qity nf 4rand Islar�.c� �eb e►rid the official newspaper '.
<br /> for said county, whiah legal aot3ce was pubiiahed in eaid papor three consecutive weeka, the first
<br /> time not more than five months and the last time not le�as than three months before the time of
<br /> redemption exp3red and the affidavit of gubllcatior� is hersto attached, marked Eshibit B and me►de '
<br /> a part h8reof.
<br /> �herefore the date of redemption having eapired and ths purchae�r having fb�lly co�plied wi�Lh law `'
<br /> to entitle it to a County Tressurer'B Ta= Aeed demands that $uch ta= deed be i�ssued to the said
<br /> Grand Igland Land Company and further daponent sayeth not.
<br /> Bayard H.P���e _�
<br /> 8ub�cribed in my presence and sworn to befare me upon the 4th day of November 191b by the above �;;
<br /> namec� affiant. (BEAL) �'�t Suhr
<br /> otary blic��
<br /> lty CommiBSion expireB upon the 29th dap of October 1920
<br /> Eshi bi t A
<br /> County Treaeurer'� Certificate of Taz t�ale.
<br /> The 8tate of Nebraska,
<br /> �s. No 7618
<br /> �tall County, I, Theo . P.Aoehm Treasurer of the �otmty of Hall, in the$�ate of �
<br /> Nebraska, do hereby eertify that the follorr�ng�R��E�at�te in eaid County and State, to-wft:
<br /> Lote 1 - 2 and South � of Lot 3 in Block 41 in Paaker & Barre 2nd Addition to City of aramd Ielanc�
<br /> was on the 7th day of Nove�ber, A.D. ]�10, duly sold bq me in the manner prov3 d�e d by law, �.t
<br /> Publie 8aZe at mp office in 4rand Ieland, Aebraeka, for the delinquent taaes for the year� 1901
<br /> to 19C7S inclusive upon the above described property, amounting to Sia ------ $8�100 Dollars,
<br /> including intereat and por�alty thereon, and the costs allot�ed by law to 4rand Ieland Land Qo for '"
<br /> the sum of Twelve ---- 86/100 Dollars, they being the higheet and beSt bidder for the same. And
<br /> I fnrther certi fy, that unlese redemption is made of �aid Real E�atate in the ma.nner prov3ded bq _
<br /> la�r, the said ar�►nd Igland Land Co ite heirs or assi�ng �ill be entitled to a deed therefor on
<br /> and after the 8th day of November l�.n. 1812, on Burrender of thie Certific�te.
<br /> In l�itness �hereof, I have hareu.n�o set my hand thi� 7th day of November, A.D. 1910.
<br /> �12.86 �BEAL� Theo.P.BQehm ,
<br /> By B.L.Harrison Deputy �a�urer o oun y,"� a e o -Re ra� a�c ;�`
<br /> :
<br /> ,
<br />_ , ; �
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