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� �_.P� � <br /> 4� DC��C�.� ��C�O�D �o� ���:� <br />---°-=aSB�==���BFP i4$A3'7`i.�',�'4'CO.,Printi�th.7 a�'cpr,n:.h2�rq Cuti?�2�,�u�i�.ti t)�nc7_¢ —,. —=_ � _.._ _..^ _ __� — -- <br /> �_ — — — <br /> .._— _ <br /> ,: __., _-,-- _-- - .,- __ : -_-�- _ —_ <br /> _, ---� _ ,___�_.�__ _�_____�,___.___.�__.. _.._ _ <br /> � � _ _�__ <br /> Ha�.l County, Nebraska, eaid purahase being evidenaed by Certificate of Tas 8ale No 7617 whi+�h '' <br /> was issued for the delinquent t�aes assee�sed and taued againet the property aboee ciescribed for <br /> the years 1901 to 190@ inalusive and eaid cert3fiaate is hereto attached, marked Fah3bit A and <br /> made a pe►rt h�reof and has the County Tree►surer'e �eal duly impressed therecn, that said Compe�ny <br /> hae paid all taaee subsequent to the above yeara� and holda ta�c receipte therefor. . <br /> That more than three �nths and leas the�t five monthe before the time of redemption of e�aid taz <br /> eartificate had ezpired or a taz deed been applied for, elaid Companq had a notiae prepe�recl ae prca- <br /> vided in chapter siaty nines entitled Revenue, of :�he Rovised 8ta�ute� of Nebra�ka for 1918 e�n,d <br /> taking a aopy of �aid notice, �vhiah notiae i� printtd at length in E�chibit B hereto attached, <br /> thia affiant, as agent of said Ctompetz�y rrent upon and invsatigated said property above dseeribed �; <br /> ; <br />� and etatee that Obern Reynolds waa in sole eatual posseesion and oacupe►nctq of aaid land and furt- <br /> her this affi�,nt states that arant Line�a was the person in tvhose name the title to said land <br /> appears of record in the offiQe of the Register of Deeds of eaid Countq and the.t this �ffiant m�d� <br /> diligent inquiry and search in the directories and among older residents and that �aid holder of <br /> I� . <br /> ths record title of said land could not be found in said aounty and that said land was a�eessed ani� �.. .; . <br /> ta3ced for all of the yeare above stated herein in the name of the person last hereinabove named: <br />� That upon the 10� day of July 1916 a$ the agent and on behalf of said Oompe�nq thia aff3ant �erved :. <br /> a copy of the notice Rhiah i�s �set out in Ezhibit B hereto attached upon the �aid Obern Reynolds <br /> by delivering a copy of s$id notiee to him personallq in Qaid Qovntp <br /> ' That notice e►s bp law provided Qould not be made upon 4ran� Lines and therefore the purahaser <br /> caused a legal i�ot3ce to be publi�ahed in the (�rand Island Independent, the only new$paper p�t�blish-; <br /> ' •d at soid time in the c3ty of CFrand Island in the English .language and the offiaial newspaper for; <br /> said county whi�h legal notiQe �raa publi�ahed in said paper for three oonaeautive weeks, the firat ;! <br /> time nnt more than five months and the last time not lees than three monthe b�fore the time of � <br /> redemption ezpir�d and the affidavit of publiQation ia hereto attaohed, marked E'zhibit B and made : <br /> a part hereof. , <br /> wherefore this affiant statea the�t the date of redemption has egpired and the purahaser, the <br /> E�rand Island Land Companp, has fully complied aith the law ezititling it and therefore demandB thatii <br /> a Cot�aty Treasurer'a Taz Deed be issued to tha ge�id arand Island Land Cvmpe►ny and further deponent <br /> sayeth not. <br /> Bayard H.Paino <br /> , _______.___ <br /> 8ubsaribed in my preeenoe aad s�orn to before me upon the 4th day of November 191fi bq the above <br /> named affiant . (SEAL� �Im $uhr <br />; v ary c <br /> I�[y Commisgion expires upon the 29 day of Oct 1920 <br /> Eahibit A ' <br /> County Treasurer'e Qertifia�ts of Tas 8ale. <br /> _ ;� <br /> The �t�►t� oY Nebraska, . . <br /> Be No 7617 <br /> _ xaii county, I, Theo.P.Boehm Treasurer of the Oounty of Hall, in th� 8ta�e o� <br /> Nebrs►ska, do hereby Qert3fy that the following deearibed Real Egtat� in sa3d Qouni�y and Btat�, to-`% <br /> Ait: The lYeat 33 feet of lot 13 in Block 11 in Boggs & Hi11a Addition to 4rand Island was on the ` <br /> 7th day of Nov�mber, A.D. 1910, duly Bold bq me 3n the m�nner provided by law, at Pub13a 3ale a� <br /> my offive in arand Islanc� Nebr�ska, for the delinquent tsase for the qoars 1901 to 1909 Inclusivo� <br /> upon the a'bove described prop�rty, amounting to Two -- 7't��144 Dollars, inaluding inter�st and �; <br /> penalty thereon, and the coets allowed by law to 6�rand I�aland Land Co for �he eum of Five -- 60� <br /> �Dollara, they being the hi�he$t and best bidder for the same. And i further aertifyr, that unl�ss <br /> redemption is made of eaid Real Tstate in the manner provided by law, tha said 4rand Island I+e►nd <br /> Qo its heirs or assigne will be entitled to a deed therefor on and e►ft�r the 8th day of November, ; <br /> A.�. 1912, on surrender of this certificate. <br /> In �itnesa whereo f, I have heretuzto set my hand thi s 7th day o f Nove�er, A.A.1910 <br /> (�3EAL) Theo.�.�3oehm ' <br /> �b•�0 Bp R.L.Harrison Deputq Treagurer of �Ia11 Qountq, State of Nebra�ka. <br /> ii <br />