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<br /> =-iN`fi'-ALf)PPi�'��t1�7'E$Y'Pf'O.;P�^t�fing; ;�t'�ograr �np, f'o'ra�t v� e;r5;i?cl �miifia __ "_ — "
<br /> _ , ____ -_ - --- — ------ .:-- --
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<br /> Comp�.r�y is a corpor�,tion, or�anizecl a,nd �oin;; business un�er txLe laws of the state of PTebraska
<br /> and with its �:�rincipal pl;�ce ot' business at Grand Isl�.n��, H�11 Co. ,Nebr.an�1 that it is riereinaPt��
<br /> � referred to as �'�aid ComF�any" •
<br /> Triat a,t a gublic��ale , ma�e by tl�e Ta�easurer of s�.id County u��on the 7th �ay of November
<br /> 1g10, an� nel� dt his off'ice in the Court House, s�,id Comp�,ny purcriased Lot two (2 ) Blk one ( 1)
<br /> in Dawn a�dition b�in�� a sub�ivision of NaSE� o�' SW� aec 20-11-9 in H�11 County, N"ebraska, said
<br /> purchase bein� evi�lenced by Certific�,te of Tax Sa1e No. 7569 wriich was issue� for the delin�{uent
<br /> taxes assessed an� ta.xe� against tlie �roperty above describ�d �'or t�e year lgo9 an� sai�i certifi-�
<br /> cate is ri�reto attached, marke� E�hibit A an� made a �a.rt h�:r�of an� has trie County Treasurer� s
<br /> seal �.uly impressec� tnereon, tnat sai� (�rrmFany nas pa.i� all t�es sub�equent to tYie above year and;
<br /> holdstax receipts trierefor.
<br /> That more than three months �,n� less t�at Pive months before the time of redemption of said
<br /> tax certificate had expired or a tax deed been a�aplied for, sai� Cc�mFany ha� a notice prepared �,�.
<br /> provi�ed in en�,pter sixty nine , entitled Revenue , of the Revised �tatutes of Nebra.ska for 1913 an�
<br /> taking � co�y of said notice, W:Y11CY1 notice is vrinted at length in Exhibit B hereto attached, this .
<br /> affiant , as agent of s�.id Comgany went u��on anct investi�ated sai� �roF�rty above described an�.
<br /> states tiiat no one was in possession or occupancy of said land and further this afPiant state�
<br /> tha�t Clarence Recor� wras tne p�rson in wYiose narrle the title to sa�i� I�nd apgears of record in
<br /> tn� office of the Re�ister ot �eeris of said County an�. that this affiant ma�e dili�ent inquiry ana�
<br /> search in the direatories an� arnong ol�er residents an� tha.t sai� h�lder o�' t'rie record title of
<br /> said lan� c�uld not be foun� in said county a.n� that said land was assessed and taxed for all of
<br /> the years above stated herein in the name of the G��rson last Yi�:reina,bove narned; althou�h in the
<br /> taxes for the ye�,r 1909 nis n�.me w�s mispelled �s �la,r�nce Recard.
<br /> Triat notice �.s by law grovided coul� not be ma,�e upon Clarence Record, and therefore the
<br /> purchaser caused a le�al notice to be publis2ed in the Gran� Island Independent , trie only news-
<br /> pa�er published at said time in the city of Gran�, Islan� in the E�giiSn langua�ge an� trie oPf icial
<br /> newspaper f'or sai�i county which le�al notice �as published in said paper Por three conseeutive
<br /> weeks , tne first time no*„ more than five months and the last time not less than three months be-
<br /> fore the time oP redemgtion exgired an�3 trie affi�avit ot Fublication is hereto attached, marked
<br /> �hibit �3 and ma�e a p�.rt nereof.
<br /> WherePore this �ffiant states t.�iat the date oP redemption rias e�pired and th�purchaser, the
<br /> Gran� Island L�.n� Company, has fully comglied with tne law entitlin� it an� therefore demands
<br /> that �. County Treasurer� � Tax D�ed be is�ued to the sai� Grand Isla.n� Land Camgany and further
<br /> de�onent sayeth not.
<br /> c . A. Sorensen
<br /> Subseribed in my presence an� sworn to bet'ore me upon t�he 4th day o� November 1915 �y the above
<br /> na.me d af f iant .
<br /> ( SEAL) Wm. Suhr
<br /> Not�ry Publ ic.
<br /> 11�y commission ex�ires upon the 29 da,y of October 1920.
<br /> E X H I B I T A
<br /> N0. 7��
<br /> The State of' Nebra�ka)
<br /> ;�s. T, Theo. P.Boehm Treasurer of the Cour�ty of Hall, in the State oP
<br /> Hall County )
<br /> Nebraska, �o hereby certify that the Poll.ov��ing described Real Estat�
<br /> in said Caunty an�3 State, to-wit: Zot 2 in Block 1 llawn a�dition to City oP Grand island -� acre �
<br /> �vas on th� 7th �.ay of November, A.D.1910 , duly sold �.iy me in the manner Frovided by law, at Publi�
<br /> Sale at my office in Gran� Islan�, ATebraska, f or the �elinquent taxes Por the year 1909 ugon the :
<br /> above �ie�cribed property, amountin� to No--11�100 DOLI�RS, including interest and Fenalty triereon�b
<br /> ann tr�e co�ts allowe� �y law to Grand Island Land Co �'or trie sum of No--g2� 100 DOLLARS, they bein�
<br />