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<br /> ;�; 565 Peet 1n a northwesterly direction along a curve oP �+g0 feet radius to the aQUth ban�c oP the �
<br /> ;
<br /> ' �iddle Loup River, �thence in a northeasterly direction to a point 566 feet nortri and 1207 feet ,
<br /> . west of the southeast corner of the said Sec. 30, t��ence 450 feet in southwesterly direetion aZong
<br /> ; a curve of 390 feet' radius parallel to and 100 fe�t from the north right-oP-way line of the Grand�
<br /> ; Island E1ec�ric Co. , to a point 333 �'eet north and g50 feet west of the southeast eorner oP the '
<br /> ; sald Sec. 30, thenc� 176 feet east along a line parallel to and 333 feet f'rom the soutn line of
<br /> �
<br /> �he said Sec. 30 a�d paxa11e1 �o and 100 Peet from the present north right-oP-�tay line of trie ;
<br /> Grand Tsland Electr�.c Co. to a point on the west ri�ht-of-way line of the Union Pacific R.R. 333 ��
<br /> �
<br /> Peet north and 674 �eet west of the southeast corner o�' said Sec. 30, thence 112 feet in a south- !
<br /> westerly direction alon� the right-oP way line of the said Union Pacific R.R. to the point of ;
<br /> ; be�inning. � ' ,
<br /> (8 ) A giece or �arcel of land commencing at a goint 900 Peet east o�' the quarter corner o2' ` j
<br /> ;
<br /> ; Sec. 30, T. 13, Range 12 W. , and on the quarter seetion line running east a,nd west , thence runn- ; I
<br /> ', ing in a westerly r�irection to a point 250 Peet south of the quarter corner oP said seetion anQ � i,
<br /> on the quarter 11ne running north and south, thence due south along safd quarter line to the cen- ! I
<br /> ter line of the Midcl,le Loup River, thence in an easterly direetion along the center line of said � ,
<br /> �
<br /> river to a point 140, feet 2'rom the east line oP the S.�'.� of trie S.E.� of said section, thence '
<br /> ' running in a northerly direction on a straight line to place oP beginning. The said traet con- ;
<br /> ' veye� herein being tiwenty-six acres, more or less. '
<br /> �
<br /> (9 ) A strip or parcel of land described as various widths on either side of center line oP i
<br /> said Froperty, whicM said center line 1� described as follows: Starting at a po�nt One Hundre+� �
<br /> � i
<br /> Thirty-three Peet no�rth of the S.W. corner oP the B.E.� of the S.E.�- of Sec. 29, T. 13 N. , R. 12 '
<br /> i
<br /> �N. , and Froceeding thence east 133 feet from and paral.lel to the south line of said section to � '
<br /> � �oint approxirnately �50 �'eet east oP the point oP beginning, thence northeast along a c�zrve of�
<br /> �
<br /> 770 feet radius to a, point 220 feet from trie east line of Sec. 29, thence in a northeasterly dir�t�-
<br /> ;
<br /> tion aloz�g a curve of 770 feet radius to a point 300 Peet west oP the west line of Sec. 2g, T. 13 ;
<br /> ;
<br /> N. , R. 12 W. , and 5S� Peet north of trie south 1ine�of the said Sec. 28, thence eagt 3�+o Peet along �
<br /> ' i
<br /> a line 5g3 Peet from and garallel to the south line of the said Sec. 2S, thence soutrieast along a ;
<br /> ;
<br /> curve of 670 feet r�.dius to a �olnt 392 feet from the south line of the said Sec. 2�, thence
<br /> , ;
<br /> southeast along a eu�ve of 670 I'eet radius to a point 200 feet north oP the south line�f saiti sec-�
<br /> ;
<br /> tion, thence east a].�n� a line 200 feet north of and parallel to the south lin�f the said Sec.2g,;
<br /> to �h� east line of �Ghe said S.�l.� of said section, said Froperty more particular3y described rei-; '
<br /> �
<br /> �� ;
<br /> ative to above as Pollows: "
<br /> ' .
<br /> In the S.E.�- of the S.E.� oP Sec. 29, a strip of land One Hundred feet v�ide on trie north side!
<br /> af the center line oP the said right-oP-way, and all that part of the said S.E.� of Sec. 2g on triei
<br /> ; soutri side of the center line of the said right-oP-way, except a strip 33 feet wide along the
<br /> � south line of said Seic. 29, reserved for county road, and a strip of land 300 feet �ride, 150 Peet '
<br /> on each side of said center line oP said right-of-way as above described., extending through the ;
<br /> S.W.� oP trie said Sec. 2�. Said tract so eonv�yed being twenty-eight acree more or less. ,
<br /> Also certain real property, situate in the County of Hall anc�State of Nebraska, and�rhich is
<br /> � described as follws:
<br /> � ;
<br /> � Lot one (1), t�ro (2 ),three (3 ), and Pour (�+) 1n Block number Forty-TYiree (43 ) in the originali
<br /> 'tov�n, now City of Gra�id Island, ATebraska.
<br /> �together �ritri all the' tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to trie same belongin�, and all �
<br /> the estate, title, cl�.im or demand whatsoever oP the� said C�eorge Otis Spencer of, in or to the �
<br /> same or an3r part trier�eof. �
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO IiQT,D the above clescribed premises, witri the appurtenances thereunt.o appertain-;
<br /> ;in�, unto the sail Ce�tral Power Company, its successors and assigna, witn covenant of special i
<br /> , �
<br /> ��'z'ari�Y'. �I I
<br /> ,� � �I � _ � -
<br />