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� � � <br /> ,i.... D��D [�[�C�O�D �oo ��o <br /> _ <br /> _ ,_ __ � � _ _ _-_ _. <br /> __5$��l-gLaP1'c�c$4R'1�ETT CQ.�7'?�inEinp�Lathogruvlatin�.Couniy SuTDlaes:0anaha. _ :—_.— _ - � _-._ . _,—, � _.___ -- � —�_.r__.,_� _ ____..___._ <br /> _ ,. _ _.___ <br /> Sec. 27, T. 13 North Range 12 West an� proceedixig e�,st alon� a line 2000 ft. from and paraZlel to,; <br /> the aauth line of tYie said section to a point 1000 ft. west of the center of said section east <br /> and west , thsnce southeast along a straight line to a point 550 ft. north oP the S.E.corner oP <br /> the N.E.� of the S.W.�, thence East 1000 ft. along a line 550 Pt. North of and parallel to the <br /> South 13ne o� the Northwes� � of the S.E.� oP Sec. 27, thence right 45 degreea to the north b anl� <br /> of the South Zoup river, thence West along said North bank to the South line of th� Northwest � <br /> aaid <br /> oP the S.E.�, thence west along the�Sou�h lin� of the N.�V.� of the S.E.� to the S.W.corner of the <br /> said N.W.� of t�ie S.E.�, tYience north along the We�t line vf the said Northwest � of the S.E.� to <br /> a point 350 ft. North of the S.W.corner of the said N.W.� of the S.E.�, thence N.W. along a <br /> straight line to a point 1000 Pt. West of the said West line pf the N.�r.� of t he S,E.� and 1800 <br /> ft. �'orth of the South line of said Sec. 27, thence West along a line 1500 �t. north of an.d par- <br /> allel to the Sou�h line of said Sec. 27 to the v�est line oP said Sec. , thence north alon� the <br /> �1est line of said S�c. 27 to the place of beginning. There bein� in said tract so ConveyeQ twenty <br /> Pour and eight tenths aeres, more or less. - <br /> (�+) A strip or parcel of land �.escribed as various witlths on either side of the center line <br /> of said property, which said center line is described as Pallows: Commencing at a point 200 ft. <br /> north of the S.W.corner of th� S.E.� of Sec. 2� , T.13 N. , R. 12 West and proceeding alon� a curve <br /> of 1700 ft. r�.dius northeast to a point 700 Pt. nortn of the South line of Sec. 2�, thence North- <br /> east on a straight line to a point 420 ft. west of the East line o� the said Sec. 2S, thence <br /> nortrieast along a curve oP 600 Pt. radius tQ a poi�nt on the east line of the said Sec. 2g, 1900 <br /> ft. north of the S.E.corner of the said Sec. Said property more particularly described relative <br /> to above as Pollows: A strip oP lan� 200 ft. wide 100 ft. on either side of the eenter line of <br /> the said ri�ht-of-way as ab ove described extendin� from the �est line oP the said southeast � to <br /> a point on the said center of the right-of-way 400 ft. northeast �E the goint oP tangency oP the <br /> curve and from there a strip 300 ft. wide 150 ft. on either side of the said center of the right- <br /> of-way extending to tY�e east line of tYie said Sec. 2�. The tract so conveyed being seventeen and <br /> two tenths acres, more or less. <br /> (5) A stri� or parcel of land 233 Peet wide along the south line oP th� S.W.� and the S.W.� <br /> of the S.E.� of Sec. 2q. T. 13 N. , Range 12 �. , with the exception ot' 33 2'eet along trie so�zth <br /> line of the sai�. �ec�ion reserved as County road. '�he said tract so convey�d being seventeen <br /> acres more or less. <br /> (6 ) Commencin� at a point on the south line of Sec. 30, T. 13 N. , R. 12 W. , at the inter- <br /> i <br /> section of tne west right-of-way line og the Union Pacific R.R. �nd S70 feet west oP the S.E. <br /> corner of said Sec. 30 proceeding in a northeasterl3� direetion along the �aid R.R. right-of way <br /> line to a goint 233 �eet north of and parallel to the south line of said Sec. 30, thence north- <br /> west along a curve of �+90 feet radius to the south bank of the �iddle Loup River, thence west alo�g <br /> the south b ank of said river to the west line of the S.E.� of said Sec. 30, � thence $outh along <br /> the west line of tYie said ,S.E.� to the south line of said See. 30, tYience east along the sou�h <br /> line of said Sec. to place of�. All the property contained in the above boundaxy, e�c- <br /> cept 33 feet along the south line of said Sec. 30 reserved as county roaci. <br /> (7 ) A �iece or parcel of �roun� in the S.E.� of the S.E.� of See. 30, T. 13 N. , R. 12 W. of <br /> the bth P.M. , all in Howard County, Nebraska, containing 1.5 acres, more or less, describe� as <br /> follows: <br /> Commencing at the intersection of the west right-oP-way line of the Union Paeific R.R. , and <br /> the Fresent narth ri�nt-of-way line o� the Grand Islan�3 Electric Co. , said in�er�ection being a <br /> goint 233 feet north and 729 feet west oP the southeast corner of the said Sec. 30; proceedin� <br /> alon� trie Fresent north right-of-way line oP the said Grand Island Electrie Co. 121 feet west <br /> parallel to and 233 feet from trie said Sec. 30, thence along the present north right-oP-�ay line - <br /> �� � � � <br />