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� � �� <br /> � �L� p D 0 <br /> , �.�. D��D ��C�O[�D �oo ��❑ <br /> _ . _ :. _ - - _ <br />�—_5S'i7Z-j{TidP��cPL.BgRTL�L*,'TTCO.,.P>i�aE�.�s.g,i,;t,�i�grn��Dzin�, Co�.n:�SuPZ��es;'�tn¢�ta. �.--- -- . .__ _�.. —._.__�.�_ <br /> . .<.�: . - ._� : .. -,..,. .._ ..._-:�.__:.._.__..�.—._._._....._....._�_.,__�..._....__.�__._..___.__._._._..�.... <br /> (g ) A piece or parcel of land commeneing at a poin� 900 feet east of the quarter corner oP <br /> Sec. 30, T. 13, Range 12 YJ. , and an the quarter section 13ne running east an4 'i�est, th�nce run- <br /> ning in a westerly direction to a gaint 250 feet soutri of trie quarter corner of said section and <br /> on the quarter line running north and south, thenee due south along said quarter line to the cen- <br /> ter li�e af the �tiddle Loup River, thence in an easterly direction along the center li�e of said <br /> r3ver to a goint 100 fee� from the eastline of t�.e S.w.4 of the S.E.� of said sec�Gion, thence run- <br /> ning in a northerly direc�ion on a straight line �a place of beginning. The said tract conveyed �� <br /> here3n be3.n.� twenty-six �cres more or le�s. <br /> (g ) A strip or parcel of land described as various widths on either side oP center line of <br /> said �roperty, which said eenter line is described as follows: Starting at a point One Hundred : <br /> Thirty-three Peet north nP the S.W. corner of the S.E.� of the S.E.� of See. 29, T. 13 N. , R. 12 <br /> W, , an�i proceeding thence east 133 feet from �,n.d parallel to the south line of said section, to a <br /> point approximately 550 feet east of the goint of beginning, thence north�ast along a curve oP <br /> 770 feet radius to a point 220 Peet from the east line of Sec. 2g, thence in a northea�terly �fr- <br /> ection along a curve of 770 f'ee� radius to a point 300 feet west o�' the west line of Sec. 28, T. <br /> 13 N. , R. 12 W. , and 5�3 feet north of the south line oP tne s�,id Sec. 28 , thence east 340 feet <br /> alon� a line 5�3 Peet from �nd �arallel to the south line of the said Sec. 2S, thence southeast <br /> alonp a curve of 670 Peet radius to a goint 392 Peet from the sou�h line of said Sec. 2g , thenee <br /> soutr�east along a curve of b7o feet radius to a point 200 Peet north of the south line of said <br /> section, thenc� east alon�; a line 200 feet north of and garallel to the south -line of the said <br /> Sec. 2� to the eas� line of the said S.W.� of s�id section, said proFerty more partie�larly des- <br /> cribed relative ta above as foll.ows: <br /> In tne S.E.4 of t�.e S.E.� of Sec. 29, a strip o�and One Aundred feet wide on th�north side <br /> of the center lin e of the said rigrit-of-way, and all that part oP the s�id S.E.� of Sec. 29 on <br /> the south side of the center line of tY�e said right-o�'-way except a str3p 33 �'eet wide along the <br /> south line of sal� Sec. 29 , reserved f'or �ounty road, an� a strip of land 300 Feet �vide, 150 �'eet <br /> on eacn side of said center line of said rigrit-oP-way as above deserib�, extending t�rou�h the <br /> S.w.�- of the said Sec. 2� . Saa.d tract so eonveyed beir� twenty-eight acres more or less. <br /> Also certain real groperty, situate in the Caunty oP Hal1, and State of Nebxaska,and �hich <br /> is described as fol3ows: <br /> Lots one (1 ), two (2 ), tr�'ee (3) and Pour (4) in Block number Forty-Three (4,� ) in the orig- _ <br /> inal town, no�r City of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> to�;ether with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and Appurtsnances to the same belonging, and all <br /> the Estate, T'itle, Claim or Demand whatsoever oP the said Grand Island Electric Comgan�r of, in Or <br /> to tne saaae or any part triereoP. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, wfth the appurtenances, unto the �aid <br /> George Otis SFencer, ar�d to his heirs and assigna forever; And the said Grand island Elec�ric <br /> Company Por itself and its successors, does covenant with the said George Otis Spencer and with <br /> his heirs and assigns, that it is lawfully seized of said premises, that they are free 1'rom in- . <br /> cumbrance, that it has good right and lawful authority to Sell th�ame, and that it will and its <br /> successors shall warrant and defeMd the same unto the said G�orge Otis Speneer a�d riis heirs and <br /> assi�n5 forever against the lawful claims an� demands of all persons whomsoever. <br /> IN WITATESS WHER'�OF, said Grand Island Electric Company has caused these presents to be <br /> si�ned by its President and 5ecretary, and its corporate seal to be h�reunto affixed, this 23 <br /> day af J'un�e: 1915. ( �375.oo ) <br /> � �'R' � (CORP ) GR.AND I SLAND ELEC TR I C COB�lPANY <br /> ATT�ST: ( ca.ncelled ) �5�' � By B. E. Suxuly, <br /> T. H. Fritts President. <br /> Secretary. <br /> .� <br />, . �_ _ _ ___ __ _ - _ <br />