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P F^ ',��`� � <br /> .. . �. y;.� . <br /> � � \'� <br /> yt,: <br /> D��D �[�C�OG�D �oo ��o � <br /> __:_,.� ___ : ::_._ <br /> — _�_ _ :_ __ <br /> ___ ____ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ <br /> ____ _ <br /> __ ______�.� �_�___—�.;�____�___ <br /> _._ _�� ___._ <br /> �&L° BAI TLETT CO.,PrentxnII�i_t_o�ro. hznr C`oun,� ��� � � -� <br /> ----. �_a___.. ._,.��,-.�.--_.._.. ��..5�.._ _�._.__... ,.._..._._ _ ... .I � J � _. .1�`uPplic.s,Oni�4h4. - . .. - ---- <br /> . ... .._....--._._..__. �.... .. . -.. -. . ._.., . . . _.. . <br /> .. . . _ . ..._._____:- _ . _._. -._..--_ _..:__-�:-_ -_:_-.':_ -�-:�--,:.___.--,-:,.�- ��.:---__ _.:..-:��._._.,:__--..��._. -.A, �--_..---- .-.- . _- <br /> —`:—j—`-- <br /> �i ft. Nortri of the South line of said Sec. 27, thence West along a line 1g00 ft. north of and paral- <br /> �, ; <br /> „ <br /> � ,I lel to the South line o�' said Sec. 27 to the west line of said Sec. , thence north along the V�est ; <br /> ; <br /> I. l�ine of said Sec. 27 to the place of be$inning. There in said traet so conveyed twenty-four� <br /> : <br /> and ei�ht tenths acres, more or less. ! <br /> . ' (4) A strip or �arcel of land described as various widths on either side oP the centEr linel <br /> � ' of said progerty, wh3ch s�.id eenter line is described as follows: Commencing at a Foint 200 Pt. � <br /> ' north of the S.W. corner of the S.E.�- of Sec. 28 , T. 13 T3. , R. 12 West and proceeding along a ; ' <br /> ; <br /> � curve of 1700 f't. radlus northeast to a poi-�t 700 ft. north of the South line oP Sec. 2g , thence � <br /> ; <br /> � Northeast on a stra,ight line to a point �F20 ft . West of the East line of the said Sec. 2g , thencej <br /> °! nartheast along a curve of 600 ft. radius to a point on the east line of the said Sec. 2g, 1900 i <br /> � <br /> ' ft. north of the S.E.corner of the said Sec. Said proFerty more garticularly described relative ' <br /> to above as follows: A strip oP land 200 Pt . wide 100 ft. on either side oP the center line of � <br /> the said right-of-way as above described extending from the West line o�' the said Southeast � to ; <br /> a point on the said center of the right-of-wfay 400 ft. northeast of the point of tangency of the � <br /> � <br /> : curve and from tnere a strip 300 Pt. wide 150 ft. on either side oP the said center of the right-i <br /> of-way extending to the east line of the said Sec. 2g. The tract so conveyed being seventeen and ; <br /> two-tentns acres, more or less. _ <br /> � <br /> (5) A strip or parcel of land 233 Peet wi�e along the south line of tne S.W.�_ and the S.W.�� <br /> of the S.E.� oP Sec. 29, T. 13 N. , Range 12 W. , �itri tne exception oP 33 Peet along �he south <br /> 11ne of the sai�i section reaervec� as County road. The said tract so cox�veyed being sev�enteen ; <br /> acres, more or less. ' <br /> (6 ) Commencin� at a �oint on the south line oP Sec. 30, T. 13 N. , R. 12 W. , at the inter- ; <br /> i <br /> �' section of the we�t ri�ht-or-way line of the Ur�ion Pacific R.R. and g70 reet �rest oP the S.E. i <br /> corner of said Sec. 30 proceeding in a northeasterly direction along the said R.R. ri;�ht-oP-way � <br /> , <br /> line to a point 233 �'eet north o�' and paxallel to the south line oP said Sec. 30, thenee north- ; <br /> � <br /> west alon� a curve oP 490 Peet radius to the south bank oP the �iddle Loup River, thence west � , <br /> � <br /> along the south ban�c oP said river to the west line of the S.E.� of said Sec. 30, thence south ; <br /> ; along the �veat line oP the said S.E.� to tne south line of said Sec. 30, thence east along the � ,I <br /> soutri line of said Sec. to place of beginnin�. All tne property contained in the above boundary ; <br /> � <br /> ' except 33 feet along the south line og said Sec. 30 reserved as a county road. ; <br /> � <br /> (7 ) A piece or parcel of ground in the S.E.� of the S.E.� of Sec. 30, T.13 AT. , �. 12 W. 02' : <br /> � the 6th P.�d. , all in Ho�ard County, Nebraska, containing 1. 5 acres, more or less, described, as <br /> follows: <br /> Commencin� at trie in�ersection of the west right-oP-way line of the Union PaciPic R.R. and ' <br /> the present narth rigrit-oP-way line of the Grand Islan� Electric Co. , said intersection being a ; <br /> polnt 233 feet nortri and 729 Peet west of the southeast cor3�er of the said Sec. 30; proceeding � <br /> � <br /> alon� the present narth right-of-way line of the said Grand Island Eleetric Co. ,121 feet west , <br /> parallel to and 233 Peet from the saiQ Sec. 3�, thence along the present north right-of-way line <br /> 565 feet ln a north�esterly'directian along a curve of �+90 feet radius to tne south bank o� the ! <br /> 2�iddle Loup River, thence in a northeasterly direction to a point 566 Peet north and 1,207 feet - <br /> wes� of tr�e sou�rieast corner of the said Sec. 30, thence 450 Peet in a .soutri�resterly direetion ; <br /> � i <br /> along a curve oP 390 feet radius ��axallel to and 1�0 feet 2'rom the north right�;�-of-way line of triq <br /> ' Grand Islan� Electric Co. , to a point 333 �eet nortn and �5o feet west oP the southeast cor�er <br /> of �ne sai� Sec. 3�, thence l76 feet easL along a line parallel to and 333 Peet from the south � <br /> line of the said Sec. 30 and F�,rallel to and 100 Peet from tne�resent nortri right-oP-way iine of � <br /> i <br /> _ the Grand Island Electric Co. to a point on the west right-oP-way line of the Union Pacific R.R. i <br /> 333 �eet north and 67�+ feet west of the southeast corner of said Sec, 30, thence 112 Peet in a � <br /> . , <br /> �'of the ��,id Union PaciPic R.R. to the point o1' ! <br /> southweaterly direction along the right-o�'-way� � <br /> ' <br /> ; <br /> � beginning. � <br />