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<br /> �1,: D��D C���OG°�� �100 ��o .
<br />_ . . . . _ __ __ — — _ . __�__�___ ___�_ _ __ _
<br /> Ti6"7Z=.,�'I�IPP�c��'t��7'L•EfiT CO.,Pr.nt,�zg.i,z oy���:�i�a„p, f�ulnty��cppl2.c �r,zc*.Fi�- _ .... _., _,_ � _ ,. ... _:- � — - _�__ _-----__. _ _..:____._. _
<br /> _. ,- THF S'�'A'i�� 0��' Nebra.ska)
<br /> )ss . On tyi7 s 12t:ri �a�r or' i�.ia�- A.D. 1915 bei'ore m� C.13.�rone a Notary Pub-
<br /> York County )
<br /> lic duly co�rlrrissioned an�1 qualified f'or �.nd residin;� in said countya.
<br /> persor.�:al1y c�me �y�.O .Ritc'rie,y and Dora I.�.��itchey rii� wife to me Icnov�r� to be trie identical �ersons
<br /> �escril:�e� in �,r�� ;��ho execut��� tile f'oret;oin� convey��nce as �rantors an�. acknov��ledged sai�. instru-
<br /> ment tc be their voluntar�r act an�. �ee�.
<br /> �°4rITI��{,'SS rr�jr �iard ar.d :;�otarial Se�,l t�.� d�,y �.nd year last above written.
<br /> ( SSAL) C. B. Crone
<br /> 1tT�.r cor;�rriissicn exz�ires Nov. l2tri, 1.;�20. l�otar� Public.
<br /> File� f'or recor� tYle 23 �a�y of .TunE , 1<115 at 2 :30 o �clock P.T4r.
<br /> -� tir��- �
<br /> Register dE �eed . ,
<br /> -0-0-O-C�-O-C-0-0-C-G-C-O-C�-C-G-O-G:-O-0-O-0-C-0-r-O-G-U-O-Q-0-0-0-G-0-0-O-0-G-�-0-U-0-0-0- -G-G-O-
<br /> WARRANTY DEED:- .
<br /> cor�oration organized under trie laws of the State of Nebraska, in consid�ration of One Dollar
<br /> (�1.00) and other �oo� and valuable consi�.erations in han� paid, does hereby Grant, Bargain, Selly
<br /> Convey a.n�` Confirm unta GEORGE OTIS SP�NCER, a bachelor, the followin� �e�cribed Rea,l Property,
<br /> situate in the County oP Howard and State of Nebraska, to-wit: �
<br /> (1) A tract oP land in the S.E. corner of Section number Thirty (30 ) in Townsllip number
<br /> Thirteen (13 ) North of Ran�e nu�nber T�elve (12 ) West of the Sixth P.M. , containing Two and Three-
<br /> �ifth� (2 3/5� acres, and described as Pollows: .
<br /> Starting at the intersection of the north and south higriway at the S.E. corner oP Sec. 34, T.13
<br /> 1�. , of R. 12 W. , and proceeding Two Hundred Triirty three (233 ) feet narth along center line oP
<br /> said highway, thence in a westerly �irection Five Hundred Twenty (520 ) Peet to tne E. Right-o�'-
<br /> way line of the Union gac. R.R. Co. , thence in a southwesterly direction along said Ri�ht-oP-way
<br /> Two Hundred �ighty (2g0 ) feet to center line of the east and west high-way, thence in a.�easterly
<br /> direction along center line of hi�hway Six Hundred Eighty (6�0 ) feet to glace of beginning.
<br /> (2 ) A piece or parcel of land commencin� at the S.E. corner of the N.E.� of the S.W.� of
<br /> Sec. 30, T.13, R. 12 W. , thence due north along trie quarter section line of said section to a poinC
<br /> 250 feet south oP the quarter � section corner of said section, thence westerly 557 feet to a po3mt '
<br /> 230 feet south of the quarter section line running east and x�est, thence north�resterly 577 feet
<br /> �o a point 660 Peet west oP the quarter section line running north and south, thence northwester-
<br /> ly 900 Peet to a point 750 feet north of the quarter section line running east and west , thence
<br /> northwesterly to a point on the County 11ne Ten Hundred Eigrity feet north oP the quarter section , -
<br /> line running east and west, thence south to center line of trie �iddle Loup River, thence south
<br /> easterly alon� trie center line of th� �tiddle I,oup River to the said quarter section line running
<br /> north and south, thence north along said line to place of beginnirig. The said tract so conveyed
<br /> being nineteen acres, more or less.
<br /> (3 } A strip or parcel of land commencin� at a point 2000 ft north o�' the S.W. corner of Sec.
<br /> r
<br /> 27, T.13 Nor�h, Range 12 West and proceeding east along a line 2000 �'t. �'rom an�3 parallel to the
<br /> sout�� line oP tne said section to a point 1000 ft. west af trie center o� said section eas� and
<br /> west , thence southeaat along a straight line to a point 550 Pt. north of the S.E. corner o�' the
<br /> N.E.� of the S.�r.�, thence �ast 1000 ft. along a line 550 ft. Narth oP and parallel to the South ;
<br /> line of the Northwest 4 of the S.E.� of Sec. 27, trience right 45 degrees to the north bank of the
<br /> South Loup river, thence west along said North bank to the South line oP the Northwest � of the
<br /> S.E.�, thence west alonF the said South line of the N.W.� of the S.E.�- to the S.W. corner of the
<br /> said N.Vd.� o�' the S.E.� thence north a].on� trie �est line of the said Northwest � of the S.E.� to
<br /> a point 350 Pt. North of the S.W. corner of the said N.W.�- of �he S.E.�, thence N.�'. along a
<br /> straight line to a Foint 1000 ft. West oP the said West line of the N.W.�- of the S.E.-� and 1500 �
<br />