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♦,� r� Y:.:.1 <br /> D�C��.D G°���O�D �aa 4��� <br />— ._ . _ _ _ _� _. _ =_ - __��-�_ <br /> _ ___ <br /> .. ?$l'j?-j�'j,�p�c�BAP�FTT CO.,Prc�at.ziir�,L,..,.og,A�inc���p, C�u.�zr�S.r;�y�l,i,,.OztG,roa. _. _ . �.- - .. .— – —— <br /> _ ,.. . ._ .. _ . . . . . . �:..:. . <br /> QUIi'CT.�AIl��±f DEED:— <br /> THIS INDENTURE, r�Tade tYiis lst day of June in tYie year One Thousand Nine' <br /> Hundred an� 15 BFTWEEN ��ar,y E. VanCamFen of' �uffalo, Oklahoma and James Van CamFen, her husband <br /> of the first �+art , an� J.E.Dill , S.C.Huston and Bayard H.P�,ine , parties of the second part <br /> ti"1ITNESSETN, that the said party of the Pirst part, in consideration of the sum of One dolla,r <br /> ��,n� other goo� and �raluable consi�erations to them duly paid , trie receipt whereof is hereby ack- <br /> nowledged, have remised, released an� quit-claimed and by these presents do, for themselves their <br /> heirs, executors and administrators, r�rzise, release and forever qui'�-claim a.nd convey unto the <br /> sai� ���,rties of trie second Fart and to txieir nelrs arid assi�ns forever, all their right , title, <br /> int;erest , estate, clair� and demand both at law and in equity, of , in, an�to all of lot five ( 5) <br /> / <br /> Block tv�Tenty tYiree (23 ) of Russell WY�eeler� s A��ition to Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> Sub�ect to all taxes, tax liens , tax s�,les etc. <br /> TYie �rant�r, I�ary Van_E. VaxiG�npen; hereby covenants tYiat she is a daughter of Catnerine Gray, <br /> dece�,se� tivrio was tne orily sister of YJilliarri H. Johnson deceased, and that the only other heirs of <br /> said Ca�tnexine Gray deceased were Dennis H.Gr�.y, Emery D.Gray, and Lewis g.Gray. <br /> To�et�ier v��ith all ar.d sin�ular the Yiereditaments thereunto belon�;ing. <br /> TO HAVE ANV7'0 hOLD the above described prerr�ises unto the said J.E.D111, S.C.Huston, Bayard <br /> H.Paine heirs and assigns ; so that neither oP the sdid party of first ��art or a.ny �erson in <br /> their name an� behalf, sYiall or will nereafter claim or �,emand an.y right or tit,le to the said <br /> Fremises or �;ny ��art thereof' �but tney an� every one of them shall be these �resents be excluded <br /> an� forever barred. <br /> IN t�ITNESS WHEREOF, The said Farty of the fir�t part Yias hereunto set her hand and seal the <br /> �a,y and year last above :�ritten. ; <br /> Si�ned, Sealed and �.elivered in �resence o�' T�ary E. VanCamPen <br /> _______�_____ James VanCaml�en <br /> S'tate of Oklahor�a) <br /> )ss. On this 1st �.ay of June A.D.1915, befor� me the undersigned D.P.Parker � <br /> Harper Ccunty ) } <br /> a Notaxy Public, duly conunissioned and qualified for and residing in <br /> said c�unty, �ersonally c�:�me �t�ar� E. VanCarnpen �nd .Ta�mes Van Campen, her husband to me known to <br /> be the identica,l persons tiv'rLOSe names dre atfixe� to tne foregoin�; conveyance as �rantors a.nd ack- <br /> ncUale�ged t�ie same to be tneir vo�untary act and deed for the purposes therein set forth. <br /> �1itn�ss my 'rian� a,n� Not�,rial Seal tnis lst day of .Tune 1915. � <br /> ( SE.AL ) D. P. Pa.rker <br /> My commission ex�ires tx�e 22nd day of Au�u�t 191� . Notaxy Public. ' <br /> I Filed fcr recorci tYie l�S day of June, lgl5 at � :30 0 �clock A.M. <br /> / ' <br /> . �-l�jfi�� ��i(,y.-yv i <br /> Re�ister of Deed . <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o- -o-o-o- , <br /> �� <br /> _ _ _ <br /> _ ____ - —__- <br />