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<br /> �'_�2TI._-.SLDIs.�t�`4_.SATiY'_T,�'."�'T CO.�..-P �e�Lia1,_a<t i,g�,'I.T cr g,�"o��i,J�dZ717.�ias.�rta¢G,¢. ::-- _ ._,�.— ---�—. - -. - . _-- �— _� .__ .._ "'_._ _ ___.___.._—°. ,._...__�.�.s_ ..�.___� _...— —____. _.�.______.
<br /> W�RRANTY DEED:-`� ��� � ,
<br /> KNOW ALL RtiEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That N.P.DODGE JR. and LAURA W.DODGE, riusban�3 and wi Pe, i n
<br />. consideratian of Seventy-nine (79 ) DOLI�ARS in nand paid, �o hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey
<br /> and confirm unto Chris Paulsen the following �3escribed �eal estate, si�uate in the County of Hall
<br /> an� 8tate of Nebraska, to-�vit: Zot number tw� huri�red nine (209 ) in Belmont , and addition to the
<br /> cit,y oP Grand ?sland as Surveyed, Platte� an� Recorded.
<br /> Togetner �rlith all the tenements, here�iitaments an� a���urtenances to the same belonging, and all
<br /> the estate title, dou*er, right of nomestead, claim or �ernand whatsoever of the said N.P.Dodge Jr.
<br /> and Laura �.Dodge of, in, ox to trie same, or any part ther�of;
<br /> Tp HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described Fremises, witl� the aFpurtenances,unto the said Chris
<br /> Paulsen an� to his heirs an� assi�ns forever, a,nd we, the said N.P.Dodge Jr. and Laura W.Dodge, ,
<br /> for ourselves an� our heirs, executors an� administrators, dc covenant with the said Chris
<br /> Paulsen and with his neirs and assigns, tnat we are lawPull,y seized oP said Fremises, that tney
<br /> are Pree from encumbxance except the regular 4axe��'or the ye�,r 1915 an� subsequent taxes and all
<br /> sgecial t�es levie� or assesse� on or aPter Tune 29, 1912; that we hav� �oo� righ.t and lawZul ,
<br /> autt�ority to seil tne same, a,nd tnat we will �nd our heirs, executors and administrators sha.11
<br /> wa�rant and cief�nd tne same unto the said Chris Paulsen and his heirs an� assign.s forever,
<br /> a.gainst tY�e lawPul cl�.im� of all persons whomsaever.
<br /> This �.ot is sold and deed �;iven on the e�cpress covenant �riat no �welling shall at any tfine _
<br /> be Flaee� th.ereon of less trian four rooms, shingle roofing, dro� sidin�, Fainte�i an� F3astere�,
<br /> or of brick, cement or stane, and that sai� premises shall never be occupied by a colored person
<br /> or for any immoral use. It is un�erstood and agreed triat these restrictions snall run with the
<br /> lan�, and any violation tnereof shall cause the title her�;in conveyed to reve�t in the �rantors.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have Y�ereunto set our hands tnis Eighth day oP April A.D. 1915•
<br /> In Fresence oP N. P. Dodge Jr.
<br /> H. D. Brown �,aura W. Dodge
<br /> E. H. S a�ert �
<br /> . ss. On this Ei�hth day oP Agril �.:D.19z5. before me, a Notary Publfc 3n anr�
<br /> County of Douglas )
<br /> for sa,i� County, personally came trie above named N. P. Dodge Jr. and ;
<br /> Laura W. Dodge, who arz personally known to me to be the identical gersons whose names are a.fPix�d
<br />�
<br /> to the above instrument as grantors, a.n�. tney acknowle�ged said instrument to be their vcluntary
<br /> act an� deed.
<br /> � Witness my han� an�i Notarial Seal tne �ate last aforesaifl.
<br /> (SEAL ) H. D. Brown �
<br /> Pv. Notary Publ i c. �
<br /> My commissicn expires the lOtn day of �ayn1917.
<br /> Fi12d for record the 19 day oP Agril, 1915 at 3:15 o� clock P.M.
<br /> Register oP Deed . �
<br /> -o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-�-o-c-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-r� -o-o-o-o-o-,�
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