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<br /> . � That I, Q,IFFORD R. BOEHNKE, a resident of Granp Igland► �ife,Clrene�D. ' .. � ' �
<br /> � Nebraska, do by these presents, make, constitute and a point my ,�
<br /> � Boehnke, and our daughter, Linda Brockmann, AND EITHER OF' THEM, as my
<br /> , . , •
<br /> = Attorneys-in-Fact, to do for me and on my behalf, any of the followinq: .
<br /> .. '' 1. To withdraw by check or othexwise from any checking . _ - --�-'-_
<br />� account, savings accohave.�d�or savings certificate r .
<br /> �`� acccunt, which I maY . �
<br /> � Z. To endorse checks for deposit to my checking account " • -
<br /> � or savings account and to receive any PraPerty or
<br /> • �� credits o•+med by me, including anY monies payable to _ �_ _ _ ____
<br /> ' me b}� an}� governmental agency. t•!y Attornays-in-F'act, ,' . F;
<br /> or either of them, shall have full authority to redee- . ��.�,, :, ._.
<br /> m, have re-registere d, or hav e r e issued anY bond,
<br /> - note, bill, warrant, certificate or othe�ehii�necmeg of . ; ���:
<br /> indebtedness awn�d by me (including any , � ` ,�,,,�.-
<br /> owned by me as a corowner or joint tenantan�state.ed .'�`_��
<br /> �°,� by the United States, any other country, Y •���,�ri" �� . ,
<br /> municigality, or other governmental subdivision or c `L ��. .�
<br /> governmental agency. . ,�.::�L_.,,,,�,.,
<br /> 3. To sell or lease any assets owned by me; to purchase �� �;-__
<br /> •' �•_
<br /> and invest for me any investments; whether real eatate _,,,,-,.�,�_,...
<br /> F.
<br /> or personal property and including homestead propertY . `_..�,� -
<br /> and stocks and bands, at such prices, on such terms,
<br /> � for such length of term, �d in such mattner, whether •j
<br /> '; ` at p�ivate or public sale or negotiation, as my
<br /> ` �` Attorneys-in-Fact deem advisable. They may convey anY ' ;: ' ��''�• _
<br /> � ..�
<br /> � property so sold by then► by instruments of conveyance ;, - �.•�;'�� :- s1,
<br /> `` with customary warranties. They may enter anY safety _ �_-� `
<br /> � d' deposit box I lease and may remove any items there- -;�,���,
<br /> from. �eY �ro�es�and enteraintoiany dividend reinvest- �' � " �
<br /> may sign any p assets. •�
<br /> ` ment program pertaining to my �-y �• • •
<br /> ' ��, ..,�
<br />. f 4. To enter into agr�ements pertaining to any p�PertY or - �
<br /> any interest in property owned by rc� and on such terma � ' ;�
<br /> as my Attorneys-in-Fact deem advisable. ThiE shall v�.•,` •-. ,•,{ � �
<br /> include contracts for gaods. repairs•, impronements, �,. t4� . � '
<br /> � replacements, and persorr.� services for the maintenan-
<br /> - ce o f m y p r o p e r t y; a n d t o b o r row funds and mort9a9e .�`�• � �r�� ;�_.
<br /> � , property therefor. ��'�� ��
<br /> ;1 -sa;�1..-: �! •y��
<br /> 5. In general, to enter into any busineas transacti.ons ___L.,.,
<br /> pertaining to my property and for my maintenance as �'�. ,: . :�.,��
<br /> :.:::•��.
<br />'' fully as I could do iY. myself. They are etRgas�red to Y.._,_�___
<br /> sign my income tax rceturns and related docu.�nts. ,�„M
<br /> ?���
<br /> 6. To enter into any contracts or agreements for any .--r�c;�:�.,
<br /> ' medical, domiciliary, or other ca�e needed by me as - .;��•..
<br /> � ' determined to be in my bsst intereats by either of my _ _
<br /> Attornays-in-Fact, and pay all feea and charges __:•;t,�, ��_^�••:,.
<br /> neceasary for my maintenance and care; to authorize ' : ,�,,,t:�.
<br /> � " any medical procedures for me. ---
<br /> � �'-'� �zaa�.
<br /> I ratify and confirm all acts done by mY Attorneys-in-Fact, or either of !"-���'�,` �--`
<br /> _,_.;'--�'�'.�". .�"�.'"�
<br /> � them, under this Power of Attorney. Either ofmy Attorneys-in-Faet are j
<br /> specifically empahored to act under this Power of Attorney independently of _
<br /> the oth�r, and any d�hesQ�e=r aIt�eserve theerighttto revokenthiaePowereofin „� �. �'�''�''��i...� �
<br /> and consented to by �
<br /> Attorney by the filing of �:ch revocation in MisNebraskaus This�Fvwer of� _ •
<br /> � Office of the Reqister of CeeBs of Hall Count�r, , - .. , _:
<br /> beco eementallyroraphysically inco:npetontffect even thaugh I may hereafter - _
<br /> ' � DATED this 25th day of February. 1992. ._ . • �,.,
<br /> • ' ` ., . ,
<br /> . O . 0' . . � —.
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASItA � S3. . . ' `-
<br /> �:
<br /> � - COUt3TY OF HALL i • . —
<br /> � On this 25th day of FebruarY. 1992, before me, the nndersigaed, a Notary � ---
<br /> �• Public within and for said County, personally came CLIFFORD R. BOEHNKB, who is . , �.
<br /> knoan to me to be the identical person whose name is aff ixed to the foregoing �
<br /> � Power of Attorney, and acknowledged his execution to be his voluntary act an8 .. �
<br /> � deed. 1 � _°__
<br /> ary i �
<br /> �"'°�
<br /> � � �i�LAI iQi11AY,tbq�1 Yr� , . _
<br /> M'�NUACM�4Y��i � --;.----.._--_--
<br /> NTjr Ebmm.E�Fi4�1996 . ' , -�'
<br /> � . �-
<br /> _ �.,�... ... ' � . � _ - _ .. ' '. •�..� . . _ . .i � ..i , . .� ' � . . . ,
<br /> •, - • �.� _ ' , • � .. . • • . `"� � . . ,,`- -� .
<br /> • • . • ' . _ � . . . . . .. . . . - . . . ' . . . . .- . ! . .Wt• ' .. . . � r�'._ �. •
<br />