� � � `�.
<br /> , ;
<br /> D��D �C� �' 0o �� �Oo ���o
<br /> _ __`��=5�'12-��Zfl1'�'�&��zi�PPiETT�E�.;Pri�ti�t��, �z�hc rt.;�'z .z � ��� ��� �-- —- - _--- - - - - _— - -.
<br /> _ ,_ ,:_ -_ -.-^ _.� �:_V_ _
<br /> _� _ __. _ .
<br /> 1 A 4, �,��c�atu�Su�vCti .,�L7in�z.Ti¢. _ _____ . .
<br /> wit :'_^he South half of the Northwest quar?:er (S� NW�- ) of Section Thirty six (36 ) Tov�nshiF Twelve '`
<br /> (12 },Ran�e Tw�lve (1?_ ) West of the bth P.M.containing E3ghty �SO ) acres more or less accordln�
<br /> �o the U.S.Survey thereof. �
<br /> To Have and To Hol�3 The said premises and parcel of land above g�,rticularly descri�ied,with the
<br /> a�?purtenances thereon unto the 5aid A.`C.Guthrie his heirs an.d assigns in fee simple Porever.
<br /> In Wi*ness Wher�of, I ,the Govern�.r of the State oP N'ebraska,hav� hereunto si�;ned my name and cau-
<br /> se� the Gr�at Seal of the State to be hereunto afPixed this 33th day of January A.D. 1914.
<br /> By the Governor: �
<br /> (Great Seal ) � JoYin H.�oreriead (State Land )
<br /> � ��' ) � ( )
<br /> (tha State ) Addison Wait Secret�,r.v of State. ( Off'ice )
<br /> ( of ) ( )
<br /> (Ne�ra�ka ) Attest: ( Seal. )
<br /> �_Fre�3 Beckmann Comm� r o£ Public Lands and �3uildin s.
<br /> Recorde�i BooK I Pa�e �+01 I,�tter A Office of Commissioner of Public I,ancis and Buildin�s.
<br /> Filed for record on the 30th d�y of Apri1,1914 at 5:10 o�clock A.M. --
<br /> ;
<br /> � ��n 2� �tie��= , .
<br /> Re�ister o�' � Deeds. ' � �
<br /> -O-Q-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0�0-0-0-0-0-O-Q-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-Q-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-4/ -O-O-O-fl-O
<br /> Cor�oration Warrant� Deed. ° �
<br /> This Indenture,�dade thi� first day o�' Ma�y in th� year oP our Lord,dne Thousand Nine Hundre� and
<br /> Fourteen,between The Grand Island National Bank,of Grand Island,Ha11 CouxLty,Net�ra�ka, a corporation '
<br /> or�;anized and existing un�.�er <�.nd by virtlze of the laws of the Uniteci States of America,party of
<br /> tY�e �'irst part , and Frank Strasser oP the County of Ha1l,and State of Nebraska,party oP the �eepnd .
<br /> gart. Witnesseth,That the sai� ga,rty of the first pa,rt,for an� in consideration of the sum oP
<br /> Twenty Two Thousand Doll�.r� in hanc� paid,receipt wriereof is hereby acknowl�d�;ed,ha� sold and by
<br /> these pre:�ents d�P� �;rant ,convey a.nd confirm unto the said party oP the second part,the Pollowing ,
<br /> describe�i premises, situa�ed in Hall County,and Sta*e of Nebraska,to-wit :A11 of thA Easterly one
<br /> tr�irc� of Lot Number One (1 ),in Block Nurnber Sixty Faur (64),of the original town, (now eity) ,of
<br /> Grand Island,NebrasY.a,Subject to the terms and conditions og a gar*y wall le�se on �he West line
<br /> of said progerty,all ri�hts and interests oP first party thereunder being herewith assigned to
<br /> secord �>a.rty.Also, sut�,ject to the texms and conditions of a certain written lease and contract
<br /> dated February 2nd,191�+,between Pirst party ana The Gitchell-Douglas Company,under which the first -
<br /> par�y agr. eed to remodel said building and lease to said Gitchell-Dou�las Company a part of the
<br /> ground Ploor oP the ruildin� on said premises,which contra,ct a.nd lease is hereby assigned ta
<br /> seconr� parLy, and �he ��ob3�i��,t�biis7::thereunder of Pirst party assumed by secor�d garty.
<br /> Alse, subject to all ver.b�.l leases now exi�ting for romrn� in tne building on said premises,which
<br /> le��.ses are hc�reby assigned to second party with �.11 renta,ls thereunder from this date. First part�
<br /> to Fa,y t71e taxes on said nr�mises for 1914. To Have And To Hold the prer�ise� �.bove described,to- ;
<br /> �;eNher with all the Tenements,Here�itaments and Appurtenances thereto belon�ing unto the said
<br /> Frank Strasser,anc� to his heira anr� �,ssi�ris forever.An� the said The Gxand Isl�.nd Na,�ional BanK
<br /> for itself or. its suceessors,do hereby covena,nt and a.�;ree to and wlth the sai.� party of the secon�
<br /> i
<br /> part and his hefrs �,n�i �;ssi�;ns, that at *he� time of the exerution anc3 delivery of these gresents
<br /> it i� lawPull,y seizer� of said premise� ;that it nas �ood ri�ht and lawful authorit.y to conveV the
<br /> sa,rne; i,hat the,y are freE: from encuml�ra.nct� except as above sta*ed,and does hereby coven�,nt to wa.r-
<br /> rant and de�'end the s�,id premises �,g�,inst the l�,wful claimg of all gersons ��vh�msoever, excegt:vas
<br /> a.bove stated.
<br /> In Witness Wher�of t��e sald The Gran�i Island National Bank has hereunto caused its corgor�te seal
<br /> to be e�ffixed ar�d these przsents to be signed by its Fresi�ent an� attested by its Ca�shier,the �
<br /> day anc� year firbt above �rritten.
<br /> Si�ned, seale� an�i delivered in pr�sence of THE GRAND ISLAND IdATIONAL HA.NK
<br /> A.J.Guendel �_� _� B,y C.C.Han�en Presid�nt.
<br />