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<br /> �fficer of saic� rrand Island Natior�al Bank upon the d,ate fir�t herein above set out .
<br /> �1.L.Depue
<br /> wubscribed in my preaence and s�rorn to before me this 7th day of December 1912
<br /> (SEAL) Fayard H.Paine
<br /> Notary blic .
<br /> Cammissian expires N�v.10, 1916
<br /> `�otice of Tax Redemption.
<br /> Eahibi4 B �
<br /> To Lucincla K.Rarr; to ruy C .Barr; to L.K.Barr; to reorge �6.Barr; to r�and Island Banking Compan�y, �
<br /> a cor��oratio�a; to �rand Island National Bank, its successor; to �3eorge B•�ell, to �eorge S.Fe1]..
<br /> et al; to �.A.Peterson: You are hereby notifie3 that u�on the 13th day of March, 1911, the underr
<br /> signsd purchased at private tax sale of the county treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, at his
<br /> office in said county, Lot four (4� in �lock forty five (45) in Packer � Barr�g Second Additian
<br /> to r,,and Islanc�, Nebraska, far the unpaid delinquent taxes levied and assessed against said
<br /> pr�perty for the yeaxs 1901 to 1909 inclusive, and the undersigned has also paid the subsequent�
<br /> taxes against sai�. pro��erty far the years 1910 and 1911. That said praperty was aesessed and
<br /> f
<br /> taxect in the name of S.A.Peterson for the year 19G1, and in the name of a.B.Rell et al for the
<br /> years 190� to 1909 inclueive, and in the name of L.K.Parr for the years 1910, 1�11 and 1°12.
<br /> That the title thereto stands of record ir_ the ofiice of the Re�ister of Deeds of Ha11 county
<br /> in the na�rr�e of �rand Island Fanking Campany �nd �ucinc�a K.Barr, an undivided one half interest
<br /> in each, and that no one is in possessian ar occupancy of said premises, and that the date af redemntion
<br /> from saia tax sale vYill expire on and wi�h the 13th day of .�arch, 1913, and after three months
<br /> frorn the date of the s�xvice of this natice, and on or after the �4th day of �Iarch, 1913, the
<br /> unraersi�nea �rill apply to the c�unty treasurer af Hall county for a tax �eed to said des�ribed
<br /> premises. '
<br /> t�2.L.Pepue, Purchaser
<br /> �xhibit C
<br /> �V.H.Daly being first duly sworr_ cieposes and sta.tes that he is the pu�lisher ofThe �Cairo Recorc�
<br /> a v�reekly r_ews�aper, �ublished at Cairo, Hall county, Nebraska, and that the legal notice, a
<br /> true �opy of wr.ich is at+ached, v�as pu�lished in said newspaper for a period of three weeks,
<br /> the first �?ubli�atior. being on the 21st day of rTovem�er, 1912, an�i the last publication on the
<br /> 5th day of De�er�ber, 1912 .
<br /> �
<br /> �V.H.I�aly
<br /> Subscribed and �worn to before mE this 9 th day of December, 1912.
<br /> (SEAL) �}eo.�P.�+ingart .
<br /> �1ata►ry Public
<br /> .'Adv Fee� Pai d
<br /> !� Cammi ssion expires Oct .28, 1913 .
<br /> �►.H.Daly
<br /> Notice of Tax Reaemption .
<br /> To Luci�cta i�.8arr; ta ru,• �.n�rr; �a L.,� �arr; to +�e�,rge �C.Barr; to ±�rand Island Bankin� Compan�r,
<br /> a corporation; ta xrand � slana National Bank, its suJ4essor; to reorge B.Bell; to �eorge B.B�11�
<br /> et a1; to S.A.Peterson: , ,,
<br /> Ycu are h�-reby natified that on the 1.3tn aay of 2�Iar�h, 1911, the undersigned purchased at privat�9 .
<br /> ta� sale af the county treasurer af Hall county, ?Jebraska, •at his office in said county. Lot
<br /> four (4) in Block forty five (45) in Packer �Barr's Second A3dition to rrand Island, Nebraska, !'
<br /> for the unpaid delinquent taxes leviad and assas�ed against said property for the years 1901 to;.
<br /> 19G9 inclusive, ana the undersigned has also paid the subsequent taxes against said property
<br /> f�r the years 1910 and 1�11 . That said property was aesessed and taxe3 in the name of �.A.Peter�on
<br /> for the yeax 1901, and in thg name of r.R,Rell et al for the y�ars 1902 to 19�9 inclusive, and
<br /> in the nama of L.K.Rarr for the y�ars 1Q10, 1�11 and 1912. That tha title thereto stands of re�o�d
<br /> ,
<br /> in the office �f tl�e �e�ister of Deeas of Hall county in the name of �rand Island Banking Compa�y
<br />, , �i
<br />