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<br /> . - . . . - � . .. . . . _ . . .� . . �" � .. � 4 . . �,�,�.
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<br /> . - - - � ' • . � ' �.[• . _ .. .. �� ., . ._ �. ._.__ _.. .. .. . .__.'_' _ . . � � _
<br /> .._. . _ . . . . ... .."" "_'... ..._ ' . . �i�:
<br /> << � -1 . � � � `, , _
<br /> ��� . < .}•.:_
<br /> � � • . . . ,4
<br /> Exhibit C , • 'Ti
<br /> DEID OF TdtUST 9�- �l�i'76� � ' :� ' �°=
<br /> � . .
<br />� . ' .i_
<br /> KNOW ALI,MEN BY THESE PRFSENTS that Rick l#. Duering, a single person, - . -.- --
<br /> hereinaft,er tegerned to as°I'n�siof, w secnre a note of even date herewith for the princigal '< .
<br /> amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars($20,000.00)gayable to the order of Trinidad J. Aguilar '•. . --
<br /> and B�annie 3. Aguitar, ;��ba�d:x.-�d wife as}oir�t tes�ants, P.O. Box 99, Grand Island, ` - --- - -. . -�_ -
<br /> Nebraska 68�02-0099, hereinafter referred to as 'Beneficiary", Pmviding for payment of the ; � ':�' =�'; ,
<br /> entu�e principal balance, together with interest at the rate of Nine and One-Half Percent(9 ; . � .�"�
<br /> �h gb) all in accardance with a Deed of Trust Note executed on July 1, 1996, do hereby grant � ; .�._ . ��� '�'��-=-_
<br /> F. ..�_�.�.�_.
<br /> and cc.�:�y unto Bruce R. Rieker, attomey at law, ihe °I'rustee', the fallowing descn`bed j � : .. �;��-.--_
<br /> �
<br /> p��: � _.��_.
<br /> . ��,
<br />- Lot Three(3), Block Fifty-Two(52j, Packer and Barr Second Addition to the City � � «�__,�_�:�:_..
<br /> of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraslm. :.:�.:�-
<br /> TO HAV�:AND TO HOLD the s�me, together with all appurtenances, in wst . � -- �`,---
<br /> nevertheless, and in case of default in the payment of said Note or any part iheaeof or interest � '•-�
<br /> � there,�n or in the performance of any covenant hereinafter set forth or set forth in the , � � 'r . �Y`-�.��� ,.
<br /> Purc3�ase Agreement, then the�'rustee shall have the power to sell the above-descnbed �� .,,.G�. �-`._.'.
<br />�� property, and upon request of the Benefie�ary, the Trustee shall file for record in the R�ister �
<br /> ����'.-
<br /> of Deed's Office of Hall County, Nebtaska, a Nofice of Default, seuing forth that a b�ch ;. . .,. ;._�
<br /> . .� ;;
<br /> of am obligation for which the said property was conveyed as security has occurred, and . ;- �";:• ,.
<br /> setting forth the nature of such breach and the Trustee's elecaon to sell the property w ��''��_ •'��' '
<br /> -'�r.t ��'��i �.:_�.
<br /> satisfy►the obligatioa; and after the lapse of not less than one(1) month, the'1'rustee shall � �� � '�"� �`_
<br /> ,•.R , � �.�. , �
<br />- give written a�otice of'the fime and place of sale which may be between 9:00 a.m. am�3:00 ` � ` ;. ���'
<br /> � p.m. at the premises, or at th$Hall County Courthovse,and particularly describing the � '�'�;.�:
<br /> property w be sold, said Notice to be published in a newspaper of a general circulation in � Y°.y„�.'.. • `'�` =
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska, once a week for five(5)conse�utive weeks, the last publicaYion to be � ;�����:'� �';` �:{--
<br /> �,�..
<br /> at least ten (10)days but not more than thirty(30) days prior to the sale; and the Trustee .���,:�T-��. �. -
<br /> � shall then sell said property at the time and place designated in this Notice, in the man�ner �`".;xr:�, ��:�: _�
<br /> provided by law in effect at the time of filing said notice, at pub lic auction W t he hi g hest • " _
<br /> � bidder for c�sh, and shall deliver to such purchaser a dee� w the property sold consistent ��`- --__
<br /> with the law in effect at that time. Additionally,Trustor hereby requests that Trustee shall � �
<br /> ! mail'hustor a ompy of any Notice of Default and Notice of Sale hereunder u n default �'- --T.
<br /> ' p0 . �.ryr���,�-.'r,.�'e�-•;;
<br /> addressed W him at Sl l West 14th, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801. Out of the proceeds of . � �:•.��
<br /> , .�zsa. +1�i�"t'-s::�
<br /> � said sale, the Trustee shall retain and pay fust all fees, charges, and costs of sale,and all . � .�:._n �.� ,3„r,:�
<br /> monies advanced 'n� the exercise of the power of sale, including the payment of the Ttustee°s "�� - � �� --
<br /> , fees acp�ally incra�,and pay second the obligations secured by this Deed of Trust; and the - . ��•�d�• �'"
<br /> � balance, if any, shall be paisl to the person or persons legally en6tled thereW. /�ny person, • t �� .~`' � L
<br /> � including the Beneficiary, may purchase said property at such sale. . �•�=-�-s°
<br /> :-.:,.�,u�t�,_�. -':.
<br /> The Truswr covenants that at the tims of delivery of these presents, he is seized of -�. � , � . •
<br /> said ptageriy in fee simple, and that said properiy is free of encumbrances, except - � "°"'°""
<br /> � �
<br /> � � � � � - • --
<br /> � � .. _ .. _ _
<br /> . � � • , ..
<br /> . � . . . , .. . . �:.
<br /> . : . � � • �,_..� � - -.`�:�. , ..i:
<br /> ��.� . , . . � � � • � . . . ' . . . ; . . � .
<br /> . .. . . '� .. ,�,. . .. ;, . . - ' . . �' � .. ,.,, � � ... .� . � . ' � , ,�, • , '� , . .
<br />