<br /> ��
<br /> �� � D��D G��C�O�D �oo �go
<br />_ _ _ _ . _ ___ ___ _ _
<br /> . . _ __ _ ___ : _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _
<br /> --,�'ia7,�.-=�i'(1�'P�-13Ar2T�Z'T C.C�.,i-'r.nl:ng,3.<Ci���ra�Ji�raU,Gu:�:ar.y Su��Zzr,.i>tJ���u1+a� --- -- __— — -
<br /> . . _-°--- ----�_�_�__ ._,___.�__.__._�__._ � ._....................._..�
<br /> by n�e of the content� of said instrun�ent, he auly acknowled�ed to me that I
<br /> �
<br /> hc exGeuted t��e same freely and volur.tari3y fur the uses a::d �?ur�oses
<br /> �th�reir. r.Y�nti��n�d. � �
<br /> In �'itr_e�s vtihereaf I have hereunto set my r,and and official seal the c�ay
<br /> ar.a year last above w�ritten.
<br /> C�NS���I
<br /> `'� �`� A.Ponn Piatt
<br /> J'
<br /> S�AL Viee ard Deputy �onsul of the Tlr.itsd States
<br /> � ,�mFr��� P3o . 747 af America.
<br /> SU�Ah'
<br /> �N ��� �y�
<br /> �' `F Filed f�r re��rd JaruarZ* 3. 1914 at 2 .30 0' clock P.:�(. , -- ,,
<br />� ��F s a �p � � ' /�
<br /> � /'ti���� -J✓�u� .�
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds
<br /> # I
<br /> _____� .,._.__...__�_.�_.��__�_�_�__._,__.___..�....____.
<br /> �__.__._.. _ _ _..____ _ ._._.. .._..__�_________.._.
<br /> t'�arranty Dsed.�`'`�.,
<br /> Know all �,�en �y Th:�se Presents , That Gecr;e C .Smith 3nd Fannie G.Smith
<br /> his wife , of nou�la,s County, Kansas , in con�ideration af T�venty Five Hundred (<�2500.�0) Dollar�
<br /> in hand paid,do hereby Grant ,Bar�ain,Sell , Conv�y and Confirm unto Richard L.RZcA.�ullin ,andFred
<br /> Harrell the following described ?�°al E�tate ,eitu�,tc in the County of T�all and State of Nebraska
<br /> to-�rit :The d:�est Forty Six (�6) F°et of Lot Three (3 ) a,nd the E��t Four (�} Feet of Lot Four
<br /> (�-) ,�,11 in �lock Qne (1 ) of th� Village of Doni�han,H�,ll County, Vebraska. '
<br /> to�ether with all the �enementa , Hereditaments and Appurtenanees to the same belon�ing ,and all':
<br /> the Esta,te , T 'itle , Dawer, Claim or Dernand wh�.tsoev�r of the s�,id George C.Smith and Fannie G.
<br /> Smi�h of , in, or ta the same or any part thereof; To Have and To Hold the above da8cribed
<br /> ;.;remises ,�ith the ap�urtena.nces un�o the said Richard L .�=�Sc���ullin and Fred Harrell �.nd to their°
<br /> heirs and assigns forever; And ths said Georoe C .Smith and Fannie G.Smith for themselves and;;;
<br /> Their heirs , executors a.md a�ministrator� , do covenant �vith the said Richard L .�a4c'��ullin a,nd
<br /> Fred �-iarrell and with t'Zeir heirs and asaigns , that they are l�,wfully seized of said prenli�es ,'
<br /> tha,t they are �ree frem incu:n��r�.nce ,that they have joo� right and laavful �.uthority to �ell the
<br /> �.�,,ne; and that t]zey �vill and their heirs , Px�cutara and administr�.tore shall �rarrant and defenid
<br /> t�� �ame unto the ��.id Ricnard L .?�2c�:2ullin and I'red H�.r.rell a,nd their �.eirs and assigns forever;
<br /> a�ainst ti�e la�ful claims �,nd deman�.s of all persons �vhomsoever.
<br /> In "TitnPss "'ihereof ,we i�ave hereunta set o�r hande this T�renty ninth d�.y af December A .n'.
<br /> one thou�and nine hunared a.nd Thirte°n.
<br /> In Presence of Gearge C.Smith
<br /> Joseph E.Rig�s Fannie G.Smith
<br /> �tate of i�ansa,s (
<br /> : ��
<br /> County of Dou�las ( On this T�venty ninth day of Decembe� A,D.lg13 ,�efore are ,a Tlotary
<br /> Public in and for said Cc�unty,personally ca,me t?:�e a�ove n�.rned George C .Smith and Fannie G,
<br /> S'mi�h ,his :�i�'e *raho are per�cn�lly known to me to be th� i��entical persona �rha�e name� are
<br /> a�fixed to th� a'�cve Deed as �rantors , and they acknowled;ed t�lz instrument to be t�eir vol-
<br /> unt�,ry �ct and de�d.
<br /> '"itn�sa my hand and i�Iotaxial Seal the date afores�.id. '
<br /> (SEAL) Joseph E.Riggs
<br /> '.Ry commi��ion expires ':Zch. 30 1917. Plotary Public
<br /> �'iled for recora January 3 ,1�?li� at �.15 o 'c7.ock A .'�. � ,
<br /> � ,�-c��2�. �tir-fivr ,
<br /> �e�i$ter of Deed
<br /> -�!-
<br /> _.._r___ ii
<br />