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<br /> i6-7Z�-.FtLOP�'.c�BAPTL�'TT CG*.;�Przrat,;n�-:" t.o�r<<zziay, i cui.,�,>ue��ld.a.�irtait¢. .._ .� ._, _., ..._ .—_ ._. _�—�._.._—_.�.__—.�.__�.. � �_—._-- _
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<br /> Treasurer' s Tax Deed.
<br /> Knaw all v�en by These Presents : T"r:at, �iizereas, at a Private sale of real estate for the non- '
<br /> �a;�ment of taxes, rziade in the �eunty of Hall on the 13th day of :.��arch, A.1�. 1911, the following
<br /> d�scribed real estate situate in said County, to-vrit; F'ractional Lot Nine (9) in Block Cne
<br /> (1) of John Voitle' s Addition to the �ity of irand Island was sold to The School District af
<br /> srand Island far the a�linquent taxes of the years 1895 to 1909, in��usive and, 7Vhereas, ti�e same
<br /> not having been re�leersed from such sale, and it appearing that the holder of the ��rtifi�ate of
<br /> purchase of said real estate has com�liel with the lacvs of the �tate of �Te'��aska necessary to
<br /> entitle said School District to a deed of said real estate: Now, therefore, I, ^ounty trea��trer
<br /> of said county Uf Hall, in eonsideration of the �remises and a fee of 50 ¢ to me paid and by
<br /> virtue of the statutes of the State of idebraska in sL�eh �ases macie and ;�rovided, do hereby �rant `
<br /> and convey unto The ">�hoo1 District of srand Island, its suc�essors and assigns, forever, the
<br /> said real estate hereinbefore desclibed subject,however, to any rede�ption provided by law.
<br /> riven under my hand and official seal this 13th day of Decem'per A.1?, 191� .
<br /> �Citness (�EAL) R.L.Harrisan
<br /> J.T.Stevrard ;'ounty Treasurer.
<br />�
<br /> :tate of T3ebraska (
<br /> : ss
<br /> Hall County . ( Cr_ this 13th day of De�ember A.D. 1913, before me a i3otary �ublic in
<br /> and for said County, ?�ersonally a�peared tnE above named R.L.Harrison, tr�asurer of said �ounty,
<br /> personally i�nown to me tv be the treas��rer of said County, at the dats of the exoaution of the
<br /> foregoing conveyance, and ta be the i�:�entical nerson v�rhase nama is afi'ixed to, and who execu�ed
<br /> said co�veyance as t-r�asurer of said Caunty, anci acknowle:�ged the execution of the sar:ie to 'oe
<br /> nis voluntary ac� an� deed as treasurer of said County, for the nurposes therein ex�ressed.
<br /> �Vitness r.:y nand and ofiicial seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> (SEAL} .7.T.Stavrard
<br /> :+iy cor�z��ission e.xpires A�ril 2u, 1916 . rlotary Publi�.
<br /> Filed for record Decemk�er 1�, 1913 at 10.30 o 'clock A.M.
<br /> ���-�� �
<br /> - Regi�ter of Dee
<br /> �
<br /> Tax Deed.�"��°
<br /> i4
<br /> �rand Island, i�e'ar . Dec 12, 1913.
<br /> To the County Z'reasure-r of Hall �ounty, i'ebr.
<br /> Dear Sir: I hereby present and deposit with
<br /> you tiie pas�ers wnich cortain a history of the pur�hase at tax sale of Lot Fourteen (14) in Fslock '
<br /> T�ineteen (1�) o�� University Place, The �ertifi�ate of thr� said sale issued by tne �ounty
<br /> Treasurex of Hall Courty, Neb-raska, and thE assignment�of the same the notice pre}�ared and de-
<br /> livered to the �r.erif�' of the county for servi�e on the partie� �esi�nated l�y the law of the
<br /> State, and the return under it of the party who made the reouireci servi�e. Also the affidavit
<br /> of publication of tne notice required and as required by law, and you are raquested to prepare
<br /> and deliver a seel to Fred �rigos, the oti-mer and holder of tl:e certifi�ate of purchase at tax
<br /> sale.
<br /> Yours respectiully
<br /> Fred Bri�;s.
<br /> Cc�unty Treasurer� s Certifi�ate of Tax �ale.
<br /> The �tate �f Nebraska (
<br /> : ss "TO . '740^
<br /> �all �ounty. ( I, Theo .P.Boehm, Treasurer of the .^.our.ty of Hall� in the State of
<br /> T,a��racka, do here'oy �ertify that tYle follawin� �es^ri�ed Real Estate in said County, and ctate
<br /> to-v�it : Lot r our�een (14} in Block Nineteen (1°) of t?niversity Pla�e vYas on the 27" day of
<br /> October A.D. 1910 duly sold by me in the manner provi:ied by lac�-, at Private cale at the Caunty
<br /> Treasurer' s offico in arand Island, Netiaraska� such real estate having been previously offEred
<br /> at public sale but not sold far vrant of 'pid:aers, f'or �tlie delinquent taxes the years 1907 and 1908
<br /> upan the a�;ove des�ribed ;�roPerty ar.:ountin� to 22/100 Dollars, in�luding interest ar.d r�enalty
<br />