,� 't I ,-�� L�i/ �
<br /> � D��D ����O�D �oo ��o � � `��
<br /> �_ _ — �_-____ __.- _ _� �: _ _ -��_ � __ _ - _ _ - _ _ _— — _— _ — _ __— ___
<br />�^:� ...- �_�G.u1._.KZ11P�'..sYt R .A��lIIL'I.LS�,�..�:1=�n4���xG�sgsa_'wlu�.�.uuz. Suy�lz�e �vitl�i¢. -- --- - ' - — - - -� _ — _ — --- ._..,� —_
<br />��....�___..__..... _._..._y..�.._.._..__�,.�--.._ -.. . . �__ � :,.- :: ..�. .. . _-:� -. .— . __— ----�-- --... ___ .. __-- ---- ---_ ._ . —. .
<br /> ' right a,nd 1av�ful aut'rlority to conv�y tile same; th�,t they ar� free from encumbr�,nce and does here-
<br /> . ,
<br /> ;,by cavenant to w�.rrant a,nd defend the th� said premis�s against the lativful cla,ims of all persons �
<br /> - �
<br /> ',vriomsoever. i
<br /> I
<br /> I?7 V��ITNESS VJ��REOF the s�,id CrRAND ISLAZ�D LA.�7D CO�,�PANY has hereun�o caused its corporate sea,l to bei
<br /> i
<br /> affixc�d and these pres�nts to be si�;ned by i�s Presideht , the day and year first above written. �
<br /> �
<br /> Si�ned, sealed and delivered in presemce of '
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br />, Ftose E.Hana�n Gr��,nd Isla,nd Land Coml��an,y '
<br /> (G orp) j
<br /> (8ea1) I3y �3av�rd H.Paine '
<br /> President '
<br /> � Sta.te of Nebraska ) �
<br /> �
<br /> )ss.
<br /> H�.11 County ) On this 25 d�.y of October , 1913 before me the undc�rsigned, a Notar,y
<br /> :;�Public in and for said County, personi�.11y c�,me �3a,yard A.P�,ine, Presid�;nt of the GItAND ISI�AND �
<br /> �
<br /> 'LA�TD CO2�QP�NY to m� persona.11y known to be the President dnd the identical person whose name is i
<br /> I
<br /> ' affixed to the above conveyance, anci acknotivled�ed the executl�on thereof to be his voluntaxy act ;
<br /> and deed as such ofPicer and the voluntary ac� anc� deeci of the said GRA.ND ISLAND I�ND CO��ANY ;
<br /> i
<br /> �nd th�,t th� Corporate Sea,l of whe ��,id GR.4ND ISLAND Lt3ND COI�tiNY was thereto a�fi.xed by its
<br /> I�
<br /> !
<br /> aut7lorit,y. j
<br /> �
<br /> Wi�ness my hand an� Notarial Seal at Gra.nd Island ir� �aid county the elay �,nd year last above Vrritt n.
<br /> 1u�y Commission exgires the 20 d�,y of' 1M�y 191�i
<br /> Rose E.Hansen i
<br /> � ';' (S:�L; �Totary Public
<br /> � �
<br /> Fi��;� f'or record on th� 27tn day oI' October 1913 at 11;55 o� clock A.T�t. - '
<br /> � � ��
<br /> ; �
<br /> �r��ti� �ti�r�ii�v
<br /> Re�;is�er of Deeds �
<br /> - -O-G-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-Q-O-0-G-0-0-0-0-0- '
<br /> F'ile .�?o . 30277' �`'"' Deed �'o , �8598 i
<br /> , In Consia�xation of tii� ;�ayia;ent j
<br /> of Four ��un:�rtd reventy-five (475 ) Dollars, The Lin�oln Land �o:��ar.y, a Gorporation �zuly organ- j
<br /> � � t
<br /> �
<br /> iz�d ancl existing Ur :er tne laws of tY�e ctate ef ?�?e?.,ra^k�, hereby sells ar_d ;onveys to Harriet �
<br /> i1,r�art, �he fullo�ring �ies�iibed re:al estate, situate in the �our.ty of Hall, ar_d rtate of ?•lebr- �
<br /> �
<br /> a.�ka, to-�M�it : �omr:�encing a� a point T��rerty ��0) feet Eart of the �outheaGt cornsr of Block �
<br /> r_ur:iuered Six (�) �f the Third A_�.aition to the town cf �airo, � a�^or�iing to tha re�arded plat �
<br /> �
<br /> ;
<br /> t:�ereof) ;then�e �ast ir. the �ontinuation of tilc rlc�rth line of i?ile �treet of said tov�rn Cne �
<br /> I�urclred Forty �140) f"eet; t_��n�e r�orth at rignt-an�les to sa�d Pdorth line Th�ee Hun3reci Fifty-
<br /> two ar_d six terths (352 .�) feet, to a �oint k�ighty (8�7) feet uistant at ri�ht ar.gles and �outh- �
<br /> ,
<br /> , erly �ror.� �ti� ���tcr line oi th� r��ain tra�k of' the Chi�a�o, Rurlin�ton ar.d Quincy '?ailraad; �
<br /> �r:�r.�e I��;�rth '"4° u�' ��est, �arallel �;�ith saici �enter line af �ailroad, Cne iiunlred Forty-zive
<br /> ar_� Thirty-one �=iun�re:;�ths ( 145 .�1) feet, to inte�����t t-.e East line of the Alley running �aCt
<br /> v ,
<br /> cf said F�loek nui:iuer�l �iY ��) ; t��er.ce �'outh along s�icl i,a�t All�y line T��ree .tur:dre�, �Tinety-
<br /> cne �na Fifty-one F�urclreaths ��;1.51) iL�t ta tn� pla�e of beQinning . "L�.v :;�t to lc�al hi.�hways . j
<br /> ,
<br /> Ar.a the Lir_^oln Lana �c�:r��?any herek�y �ov�nants tf:ith the suid �7arriet '?.��rt, tnat it is lati�- '
<br /> I
<br /> T�ally ��ize1 of saia pr�;��ises ; tl�at ti�ey aie fr�e �rarn incuir��.ranee, ana it v�arrants ���e titla �
<br /> �
<br /> ' th�rEto <�.�ainst trlc layr�f'ul �l.aims of all ;��rsons j�,hornsoever, except tne taxes for the year 1913 . i
<br /> �
<br /> an1 thcreafter and ex�e��t as against all claims ��hich �ay ha�r� attache� to �aid nremises since �
<br /> ` �
<br /> tr��s uate of thc sale �izereof, ��;r �aid �:rantor, to-v�yit : C^ta'�cr 17tYi, 1Q13 . �
<br /> In Testimory �'h�r�of, ti�� said Lincoln L�.nd �om��ar.y has �aused ±?�is i:�strument to 'pE �igned by I
<br /> �
<br /> _ its �resiae�t, �ourter�i�r,e1 �;�T i�s �:��re�a-ry, an�.� ��"� cor�orate ��al �f t:-_� ^o:��?any to b� ��re- {
<br /> �
<br /> u:�to af f ixed, ;iiis �'Oth uay af E��tober A.D. 1�13 . i
<br /> � Cour.tersi�ne1 : (corp) Lir.�vin Land Com��any i
<br /> W.�v'. iurnQr, �ecx�tary. (seal I�y C��arles �.Perkins, Fresider.t '
<br /> "T�itn��� ^i;-nature o�' �'resicl;;nt: �
<br /> x.x.F��ra
<br /> `'tat� of Io�a (
<br /> :as
<br /> I�ea ��oin�s ,�ounty � �� I� ?;rc�dn, Ti��_�_t �n �his ��4t�: uay �f Geto�er A .D. l°33, before me, , !
<br />! ' 1
<br /> � �
<br /> �i . _ �..
<br />