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. , .. _ . _ .. ��_ � <br /> ,� <br />� � ; <br />� ��� <br />; <br /> � D D ° 0 ° D <br /> o _ <br />� __,_--_�}$.=_K�OPI:&&AItTLETT CO.,Pranling.LithoSr¢phinp and County_SuPpl2es,•Omahc.. . ,— -- --_ . . _ _ _-_� _ _.— ___ -F_ _ –.--.- <br /> f -- <br />� FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br />, <br />': filed for record this__ 'g!__ _day of ___�.aX______ . _.__._. _ <br />� <br /> �, D., 191� , at - -- - -3.4D- --o'clock-- - - - p, - -M• ; <br /> --- US�_3T. �0_�SB�-& �i-lf8 --- -- - - -- Warranty <br /> TO Deed. - -� <br /> - - - - - - ---- - - <br /> RQgister of need ��, <br /> --- -- -�Tnergen--C�.ausen - - - - <br /> _ --- - -- - ----- - - - ___-- - - <br /> - -- - -- <br /> Deputy. <br /> I�rgo�v 1�11 1VIen by T�iese Preser�ts: � �� <br /> ,: = <br /> That-- ---C$_c�r_-R�e_s_es__and--Pdirina -I�oe�er3---h�ahand ar-.d- a�ife - - - ----- ---- -- --- --�---- ----- <br />, of the County of_------kIB���.. _-- --------- -__- --- ---- <br /> _and State of------- --Nsb�a�Y�i___ . ---.-- ------ ---------Grantor_.f�---, in consideration � <br /> of the sum of-- -- -T�flilt-y S3.X-_�iLi?:dr-6d R QQ�lOD-- -- ---- -- ------- ------ - - - - ------ --------- ----- --- ---� -------DOLLARS, �> •._ <br /> in hand paid, do____ _______.___hereby GRANT, BAT�G�IN, SELL, A�'D CONVEY unto_____Ji,�,@rg8Y1 G_1au6811_ ______ <br /> - __ - -- --- - - ---- -- <br /> ---- - - --- - - - _ -- ---- -- - ---- -- -- - - --- -- --- -- - ----- - ----- - --- ---- - -------- <br /> of the County of_-- --------- tiall- ---------.--- ------ ----and State of_--------iJek�l"3Bka------ ---, ------ ------,Grantee----__,the following ' <br /> describetl premises,situated in the County cf____ __ _._____IHa2.l _.______._ ________.. ____and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> , <br /> -- - ---I.�c�*---FQUr_ �4-)__ 4f__Bo_esez!-s- -Sub-divi�ion _nf --�he---�.auuh._ha:.f---uf---�ho___T�Qrth- -�_e_st_--Quar_tsr---and�__Lo_4s--- . <br /> -------_T�ro.. -�2} --_Thres--(3�---F�u.�---(-4�--and---Five__�_ 5)---all--izi_8a�tio-n---�ixtsen--{_l6-)--in--T_o�rrishi�--T_s�.__�1�?�----- ' f� <br /> ------- Nar-±h�---Q�__''ar.�e-N3nQ_-(-9�- �sst--o-f---ths---bth-P_.�d.--as--s_urue�ret�--,pl�t�es�-snti---recor�te�-. ------- <br /> �x <br /> ----- - - - - ---- - - -- - - - - --- -- -- - -- - - -- - - - - - ---- - - -- ---- -- - - -- -- ----- -- <br /> !' <br /> - .� <br /> -- - ---- - --- ----- - - --- - - - ---- ---- -- -- -- --- - ----- - -- - - -- ----- --- --- -- - - --- - - --------- ----- -- ---------.. -.:; <br /> --- ---- --- ---- -- - --- - -- --- - --- -- -- -- ---- -- --- - --- - <br /> --- --- -- - - - - - - -- - ---- - - -- - -- -- -------- -- - ---------- �----- <br /> ; <br />, - -------- <br />� Togetller with all the tenements, hereclitarnents, and appurtenances thereunto belon�;ing, �,nd all the Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br />� <br /> b <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_Q___.__, a�-af-�e�t,�-o€��1, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> t TO K4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described prem.ises,with the appr�rtenances, unto the said Grantee__._.__and to___ _____h1_�______ __________heirs and r� <br />! assigns forever. And________W�___ _____________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee___________that_____.._�1t8 ________hold_________said premises by good and perfect ' �' <br />� title,; that__ 4�. _________ha__.V_f3_good right an�� lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances x .� <br />; whatsoever-- --- --- -- ---- -- --� ----- --- - -- - - -- ------ --- - ------- --- - ------- ----------------- <br />� � � � <br />' - - ----- --- --- -------- ------ - ------ - ---- ----- - -- - - --- ---- ---- - - ----- ------ - ----------- -- -- - - ----------- ---- -------------------------------------- ------ , <br />' ------ - - ----- - ------- --- ------ -------_- ----- - --- - ---- ----- --- ------- - ----- - ---------------- ----------- ------ ---- -- ---------- --- ----�--- --------------- ---------------- > ,, ;�; <br /> - <br />,�i __,vA ------- ------ ---- ---------------covenant------to warrant and c. <br /> ------- -- - --�-- ----- - - ----- --- --- � - -- ---_And-- -- --- � - `- <br />'� � tne � �` � � � <br /> ... <br />� defend �said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ________ � <br />; +� <br /> �.; <br />; <br />� ---- -------- --- - --- - --------- -------- --- - -- - -- - - --- --------- --- -- -------- ------------- <br />� ---- --- ---- - ------ -- - -- � <br />� i' � <br /> Pa,ted the- ---- 2rid-- ----- day of_---- -�d3Y --- ---- - ------ - - -----A, D., 1912- ---� �' <br /> I WITNESS --------------------QS�E�l"__I3QBB@�------------------- ----------------------- � <br />� � ----- --------------�di�►na -R,oeser---------------------------------------- <br />� --- ----- --L.r-,-Allan -- - ---- ---- ., . ,. <br /> i � ----- - -------------- <br /> .,. <br /> I - - - - --- ------------ --------------------�----------------------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKg, - <br /> •, • ss. <br /> -------- -fiall -- ----- ----County, On this----- - - --2nd- ------- ----------day of_ _-- �aY- -------------------------------A. D., 19--12-, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public---_--- -_-_------___..--------_------within and for said County, Aersonally came----_-_-__--_----_--_----_-----------------_-__----------------_-_----_----- <br /> -------------�ec_ar__RQ�aer-�1---2dinna__RQaesr,----husb_and---and_�r_if�a---------------------------------------------------------- ` <br />� --------- ------ - -�--- -- - ----- -------- ----- -- -------- ------- ---------- -----. . -------- --- ------ �------ ---------------- <br />` to me personally known to be the identical person8__.__._whose name_�__SrB____________.._..________affixed to t�ie above instru- :� <br />� ment as rantor__g______, and .______the- severall acknowled ed the same to�iS_____________voluntar act and deed � <br /> �SEAL) g Y------ Y g Y <br /> i , for the purpose therein expressed, ` <br />� IN WITNESS WHEREOF I nave hereunto subscribed m��a,nd af�xed my,official seal at_____ _______________________________________ � <br /> rranCl__i81anG�__2d$bx�-----in__�8id---C.o_tln�,�____on the date last above written. <br />� <br /> L.�3.Allan <br /> ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My cominission expires----------------------------------------------------------5���------2`�-----------------19_lfi----- <br />- ., <br /> _ � � � ' ` � � <br /> � :. <br /> � <br />� _ _ <br /> _ _ _ �.� _., <br />