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, � ��:� <br />' � D D ° 0 ° D <br /> a <br /> � `` 50(1�8-SLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithographing and County Supplies;Omahe. ` ' -" — <br /> -- >. , <br /> _ . ,. _ ._� -,:� ,=_ — � <br /> _ __--_.. -- <br /> _ . --:_ _. .—_ ,-=� . <br /> FRO'�T I hereby ceriify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for recorcl this-- _----�---- -__--- ---.-----day of------------�dBY------------------------ <br /> :�, D., 19 1.2 , at- - ---__ -- 3_ ._30----o'clock--- -- ---- --p• -M. <br /> ----------T13.than�.�1 P.D-ickin�eon- & u�i�'Ei-- Warranty <br /> �� Deed. � � <br />, -- <br /> -������- <br /> -- - - --- --- - ---- - <br /> Re ister of Deed Gr�ax�= - <br />' _ -- 71i_l�_�a�--P.I� - --- - - g <br />� <br />: <br /> _.__ _ . --. --- - - -- -. - -- -- <br /> - -- - <br />� ----- - -- -- - -- - - ----- - - --- --- --- -- - - Deputy. <br /> I�now A�11 1VIen by T�iese Presents: <br /> That--- ------�fe,---TJathan�.el--P.-Di�kineo� - ____and -Harr-ie-t--E-.Dickin�an-------- ----------- ---------------.-- --------------------------- - <br /> __ _ -- __ -- - - - - - - -__ - _ _ -- -- _ - ". _huaband__and _wife" <br />', of the County of__--------------- -Hal_1__--- --------- - ------and State of_.._ ._--- ---Nebras_ka_ --- ---- ------- -- ------- -------- -- ----------Grantor-s---, in consideration <br /> of the sum of__._ - �'_Q_t�,�__ThULts�rid -- - -- -- - - -- ---- - ---------- - ----------------- --- --- ---------- -----------------------------------------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do____.__ _____hereby GRANT, �3ARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto________ _�illi_3m--P-.-LflaAetr-Cl-----_.--. ___ <br /> -- _ -- ---- - - - ---- - <br /> ---- - - ---- ------ - - - - --- - .._ - -- - - - --- -- - --- -- - - --- --- ---- - -- - - -- --- --- ----- - - ------------ . <br /> of the County of_-----------H811----._-----------------------------and State of_..._ __t1__�1����_k�----. _---------- ------._ - ----------, Grantee-----,the following <br /> described premises,situated in.the County of______.._._____. ________Hall____.___________._._._ _____._and State of Nebraska, to wit,; <br /> ------The. _rlorth---�f��_t_._qu�xtar--of---th�---Zior.rh _�es-t- --q-uar_ts�. -�e�tio_n__E_l_eu�n,------(_ll�--TQ�nshi-�--Tan---(-lq�-------------- <br /> ----Aange---T�rel�e ---(-12-)--��st---o�--t�e--S�x.�h---P-ri-r�c��a1--B�e-r-�d�.ar�,---�antai-ni-n�--�or��Z--Acras ---morfl--o-r_--1_e�a�--- <br /> --------acc_a�c�iing---t-o--ths--�o-vernruent--SurvBy. tliereuf,---------Suh3-ac-x----tQ---Leas-e---of---1912,-----_ _------- ------------------------------- <br /> - -- ----�_aid--rr.ants��s �a3r-tl�e-Taxas- o�' 191-2- --- ------ - - - - - - --- -- ----- ----- -------- <br /> -- -- - --- - - ----- - -- ------------ -- <br /> - ----- ------ - - - -- -- - ---- - ------ ---- --- -- ----- - - ----- --- - ---- ----- ------------ -- -- ---- ------- --- ------- ------ -- - --------- --------------- <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, D�wer, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_________, a,��a€-e�t,�e�+�'-�1�n, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO �I:4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______and to______________. ______�1��8_____._._____heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever, And___ __�'�e_____._._._________hereby covenant__.___with the said Grantee._________that______.__w_9________hold_________.said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that_______W_9___._____.______h�Ie____good right and lau�ful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----��C��t----I�ea��---of--1�12-•- --- ----- - -- ---- -------- ---------- ----------- -- --- ----�- - -- --- --------- --------- ----- ----------------------------- <br /> -------- --------- --- ---------- -------- - -- ---- ---------- -- -- --- --- ------- ----- ----- --- - -- --- -- -------------------- ---------------- -- -------------- - -- ---- -------------- <br /> --- ----- - - ---- ---- ---- - -- -- ------ ---- -- -- ----- - - ----- - --- ------ ---- - ------------ ----- ---- -- - - -- - - ------ --------------------- ---------------------------�---- <br /> ----- ---- - -- -- -- ---------- - - _ - - -- ----- -- - --- - ----- ---- ----And---------- -�te---- ----- - - -- -- --------- ---------------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> t he <br />' defend bQ said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, _______. ______.._______________________:_ <br /> - - ---- - - - - --------------- ------------- ------- ------- <br /> D�ted the---------- -- - -�.T_d_ ----- - - ----day of_. - --�d3y_---- -- ---- ----- - --------------------A, D., 19--lk---• <br /> WITNESS -----------�i3th-ax�.i�l---E.Di-Ckinaon---- --------------- � <br /> ------------Har r_ie ., <br /> ---- -- -------- - --- ---- - ._I)_.D,4_!�ane_- --- - - <br /> R ---------------------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br />'' ------ K311--- - ---County, On this-- - ---- - -3rd.-- -- -----------day of_--------- 1'da1- -- ------ --------A. D., i9__12__, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public--------------------------------------------within and for said County, Aersonally came---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---Iv'athan ie 1--P.P_i c k inso n__and--Har ri__e__�--E_,D icki nson----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__s________whose name$_____�r8______________________________affixed to the above instru- <br /> (SEAL) ment as grantor__8_______, and_____'�hBy______________severally acknowledged the same io be___.__��Q��__________.voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> name <br />�', IN WITNESS WHEREOI' I have hereunto subscribed my�and afCixed my official seal at______________________________________________ <br />'; ______�Po_o_d__Riv�r___in__ssid___C.Q_unt�t,__________________on the date last above written. <br />' ---------------------------------------D_,.D.O!Kane--------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires-------------------------------------------------------��anY------1�--------------------------.19-1$------ <br />, <br />, <br />�I <br /> i <br />� - ,, .., _�. <br />