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<br /> ��. � � o � o �
<br /> 0
<br /> 500�$-$LOPP c@ BAR1^LETT CO.,Printing,Li/.hographing and Countb Supplies;Omah�. ' � � °"� �—
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrum.ent was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this--- .------� ---------------._day of------2�1�,y---------------------------
<br /> �, D,, 19-12- , at- - -- - - --4_,55 __ _ ---o'clock---- - . - -- P�._M,
<br /> ----John_�i.Eddingf_i�ld---&-y�if8 ----- _ .__- Warranty
<br />, TO Deed. �%������° l.�C/� .
<br /> -- -- - --- --
<br /> �- - -- -
<br /> - --- - --- - -- -
<br /> Regi�ter of Deeds �nmcpc��
<br /> - - - - . - -Qs_car �_a1liCha - - - - - -- -
<br /> - - - ----- - -- -- -- ---- ----- -- - -- - -- -
<br /> llepuiy.
<br /> Kn�w All 1VRen by These Presents :
<br /> That-- --3�Q ____J_�hn_ �i_._E�.�iin �.is.ld_ _and 2�4�c Edcli' - - - - - -- -- -------------
<br /> � $ 3� � �gf�eld ��s--wi�e - -- ---- ---- -- -- --- --- -
<br /> of the County of_-------__------I�AI,l---- --- - --------_
<br /> __..---a.nd State of..---_--- Nebr�ska--__------... ------ ------- ------ - -----------Grantor--g---, in cnnsideration
<br /> of the sum of-- --- - _TY�B�___ThOU._��Il�l_ 04/1QQ- - - - ----------------- --- -------- -----------------�---------------------------------------------.DOLLARS, �
<br /> in hand paicl, do________ ______hereby GR�?VT, BqRGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto_______OBC� �Palliehs
<br /> - - -- -- --- --- - _ -- -- - - - -- - - --- - - -- �
<br /> of trie County of_---------------------__H311----------------------and State of-------------N_e_Lr��3 ka--... --------___---------------------------------, Grantee------,the following
<br /> described premises,situated in the County of_________.___________Hetll.._._______.. ____.______and State of Nebraska, to wit;
<br /> _ __,_I.ot___Eou�---�!#_)__._a,n---�lo_c'�_ Qna._.hurdr��--txzir-t�r--fnz�r---(-134}----af--17nion---�aci�i� --Railway---Cnm�r_�r'_�___Sa�s�nd
<br /> ----_ Ad�ition -to--a�and --I_�1_ar_d---,-�a_brask� .._.as--.sur.va3red�----plz.tted-and--r-e�ar-de�.---��d-b-e-i�g---thA----same-------
<br /> H
<br /> ------p��mise-s---c.onve-ye-�l -t� s�id-.Tohn_AEddingfi�ld,-----by---tha--r�ame--and--$ty�e--of---{--�'ahr�--H.�di�gf'i-eld-)--------
<br /> -----k��---�raxrant-�-deed--fro� .Jo-ae-�h---Raa�2� a�c�-���e �-ate�--1�arch--?�,--1�8�---ar..�---rs�s�r_cie�l---in--Fo-o-k---7,---pa��.
<br /> 235 of - t_�ie_ L�eed_Racorde---of said__Hal-1--County� - - -- - - --- - - -- -- --
<br /> --- __ - -- -- - -- -------- ---- - ---- --- -----
<br /> Together jvith all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__g_...___,.a,�-e#'..eit�ar-�.t,�e�, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AND T0 HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_____..and to_________._hi8__________________heirs and
<br /> �,ssigns forever. And__.______w�____________________hereby covenant__.____with the said Grantee_________that_____�_�_____.._____hold________sa,id premises by go�d and perfect
<br /> title; that__________�ft9____________ha._`Tggood right and lawful authority to sell �,nd convey the sa,me; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever----------- --------------------------- ------------------ --- ---- -- ---------------- ---- --- - ----- -- - ----- -- ----- ----- ------------ ------ ------- -------
<br /> ------------------------
<br /> - - --- ----- - -- -- - ------._ And-------- - ---- -------_9�9 - ----------- -----------------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> the
<br /> defend t�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ___..__________________________________________________________________________________________________,_______._
<br />' Dated the--- - -2�5� --- - -- -- ----- ---day of- -------Ad��---- ----- -- ---------------A. D., 191Z------�
<br /> WITNESS ____________________John__FI_.Eaain�f ieia_____-_____--_____--___-__-___
<br /> -------Idar-y--Q-R Es��i�r�g f_�e�t�-----------------------------
<br /> ---- -- ----------------- -��hn--,A��.��
<br /> �ss. ,�
<br />' __ Iiall------------County, On this-------unCi---------------------------day of_---------b�ay-----------------------------A. D., 19___�_2___, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public---------------------------------...----------------within and for said County, Personally came-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> i, ---,To�n__H.�ddin�f i_�ld---and_I�-�r_�--Q.Ed�3ir�gf_ie�ti,--.hi�---�rif.s--------------------------------------------------------------
<br />' ------------------. --------------------- --------�- ----------------- ---�-- ---- ------------- ----------------------------------------------- ------------ ------ ----------------
<br />�' to me personally known to he the identical person__8___._whose name...f�___E�.g____________________________af�xed to.the above instru-
<br /> _ ment as grantors___._____, and_____t?'l�y_____________severally acknowledged the same to be________.__th�siT______voluntary act and deed
<br />�i (SEAL� for the purpose therein expressed.
<br />��, IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��and af�xed my of�icial sea�at______________________________________________ '
<br /> _rrant3_St31_anci�----in_8�7�.d__-C.o-unt_y-,---------------on the date last above written.
<br /> II -------------------------------------John__Allari--------------------------------
<br />� Notary Public.
<br />'��r My commission expires---------------------------------------- ------------��------�,-----------------------.__19_18------
<br />�
<br /> r ;.
<br />