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<br /> .__. __.._._- - ----_`-'- . _..__� __._. __._�---�-— -
<br /> � '
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and �
<br /> filed for record this--- -2 - . - ----day of -���' -- -- -- --- �
<br /> A, D., 19___l� , at ------ -- - - 11 --- - ___o'clock- -- ---- - -A.--M. ;
<br /> ----------------.I,e�vitt---�_�R�llins__&__•�tif e-- --- Warranty
<br /> Tp Deed. '
<br /> �������� ,
<br /> - .. �- - - - ---- --- --
<br /> - - - -
<br /> Register of Deeds G'�a�t�en�c
<br /> - - - - - - -_Annia �_ikssn_ -- -- - '
<br /> - - -- - - -- - -- -- - -- -- ---- - - - -- -
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> I�r�a�v All 1VIen by These Preserit�: '
<br /> Tnat-- -- La�vi�t -�.Ralli.ns._�nd---�'r-anc-eB--H_.�to ll.ina ---- --- ---- - - --- - --- - - --- ----- - - -- - --- - -- -------- - '
<br /> --- -- -- - -- -- - - - - -- _ --- -- - - -- - -(.,hu�hantl--and--�i�e -� - __ _ _ -- -- �
<br /> of the County of_----__._H3_ .11----- -------.------ - _ ----and State of----------Ns_',�r3s_ka_---. ----- -- --------------------_------------------Grantor--H---, in cnnsideration
<br /> of the sum of - - -T_?�'e@ --Hunc'�ad__3nd__FQr ty _t1�PO- - - - ------- --�-- -- - - ---------- --------- ------ -------- - ----------------------------------- ------DOLLARS, ;.
<br /> in 11and paid, do--- ----------hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, A11'D CONVEY unto--------Annie---Er_i__k8_e_11-------------- ---__ ------------------------- -------------------� -
<br /> of the County of----------'fiall-----------------.----------------_and State of---- ----KBUr_a$ka-----_-------.------------------------------- ------ ----, Grantee-------,the foilowing
<br /> described premises,situated in the Coullty of__________.._________.H311 --__.__--- -----------.-----.---and State of Nebraska, to witr
<br /> -- -------Lot ,_TJur�_b__er---Seven----�7-}--Block--Fourtsen---(_�4-j---ir� _Ro.l.lins___Addi�io-n -to---ir�nd--�,sZ.�nd---ITe'araska--------------
<br /> -- �s__surveyadr -pl€�t_���..ans� r�.�Qxded. -- -- - -__ -- -- -- -- - -- - - - -- --- -- -- -- - --- ------------
<br /> -- - --- -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- -- - - ---- - -- --- - ------- -- -- -- - - - - - -- - ----- - - -- -------------
<br /> - ---- -- -- - - - - -- - --- - - - ---- --- -- --- --- -- - --- - - - -�-- - ----- - - - - - - - - - ------- - - ------- --------
<br />' - - ----- ----- - - - _ __ - -- - - - -- -- -- -- - - -- -- --- - -- - -- - - - ---- -- - - - - - -- -- - - ----- - - -- '
<br /> --- ----- ---- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - --- - _
<br /> I
<br /> ----- - --- ---- --- - - --- ----- -- - - -- ----- --- - ----- - --- - --- -- ------ -- - --- ----- -- - -------------- - ----- -- -------
<br /> Tegether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd a,ll the �state,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Clatm and �
<br />� Demand wllatsoever of the said Grantor._8______, and of either of them, of; in, or to the saine, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO K4ti'E AND TO HOLD tlie above-described premises,with the a,ppurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to__________heT___________ __ _,____._heirs and '
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And_______�?e _._______________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee_____..__.that_____�l�______________hold______.said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title.; that__.__.______*,9'�______________h�Tfl--good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances !
<br />' whatsoever----_but--subj-ac-Z-ta- -1°UB--and--subt�ec}uer-.�-t�xe� ---- - ---- - - --- - -- - - --- ---�---- - --- - ---------- ---- - -- -------------------•- '
<br />� -- - -- - ---- ----- -- - ----- - - - ------ -- --- ------ ---- - - ------------- - ------------------ -
<br /> - ----- ------ ---- ------ - - ------- - - ---- -- - ---- - - ---
<br />' ---- ------ - --- -- -- ---- ---- - --- -- - - - - - --- - - -- -- -- -- - --- --- - --- ----- ----- - - -- _--- ---- ------------ ----------------- ---------------------------
<br />' ----- - -- --- - - -- _. --- --- - -- - --- - -- - --- - -- -And----- k�►Q_- - ---- -__..- -- ----- --- - - ---------covenant------._to warrant and !
<br /> t r.� �
<br /> I� defend DO said premises against the latvful claims of all persons uhomsoever, _._..__________________________.___________________________________ _________________________,________________._____._ I
<br />�
<br /> Dated the--th�T-tietll - ---- --------day of --July-- - --- - - - ----- - --- -_.__A. D., 19Q$----� '
<br />, WITNESS ------•---I,e3vi�'G---�_.Rs�lli_218--------------�------------------------ ..
<br /> - - ---Ex an.�-e-�--�i_,_�o��ins ,-----------------------
<br /> --- ---- --�--------�-ames-E_.Ilill-- - -- -- -- - ----- -- !
<br /> �
<br />' -- ------ ------ -------------�---- --------- .--- --------- -- - --- -- ----------- ----- ------- -- - --------------------------------------------- �
<br /> ss,
<br /> -----------FIalI- - - ----County, On this--------- -__�9t_}%---- -- -----------day of- ----------J-U.lY----- -----------------A. D., 19�8-----, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public____________________________.__._____.________ within and for sard County, personally came____________________________.______.._______________ ___ ;
<br /> ---Leaui_tt--7P..Ao_ll-in�---and__Fr�ncas---H.Bo_ll_ins,_---hi-s--uxi�e--- -- --------------------- '
<br />� i
<br />� ------ - -- -----------------------�---�-- - ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ----------------
<br />,� to me personally Ynown to be the identical person__�______whose nameB___�6_______________________a8'ixed to the above instru= I
<br />� (SEAL) , ment as grantor___s______, and__,____t_h�y__.______severally acknowledged the same to be___the3T_______________voluntary act and deed �
<br />� for the purpose therein expressed. i
<br /> j IN ��ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and af�xed my ofCicial seal at______________________________________________ !;
<br /> _____________JTand__I_81871(ir____Neb7C_�_____.__________________on the date last above written. '
<br /> J.E.LiII '
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Jul _ 16th Notary Public, ;
<br /> Mycommission expires---------- ----------------- -------- ----------------y------------�----------------------�------�913------ ;
<br /> ,
<br />� , � 1 _ A
<br />