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D D ° G �0 ° D �fA= <br /> � � o � <br /> =? __!:� __- �_ __ _�_� __ �: _ _-__:-� -_� ___:__�___ _ _ <br /> �:�_.— <br /> _:_: _ ___- __ _ _ ____ -_ _-_- __-_ _- _ — <br /> - 3UOIS--KLDPP"&�fIRfiLETT CO.,Pr¢nlin9,Litho�raphinq a'nd Caunty Suyplaes:0maho,. - - � - -_- ---- <br /> '°- ----::-�----- -----. --' _-- _—:—._-�-_. -- �---- --- <br />_�._. -: -- --- --- - ,._= - ----.- —..- ---_—-.°:- --- ----------------__��-- <br /> I <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrunlent was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> - --------- - --_.. - __ - -- - -- -- - - <br /> filed for record this---- - _- �?-�-- _ __ ----- ----day of---- -----A��-i-1---------------------- ' <br /> A, D., 1912 , at- -__ . -- - -�--o'clock -- - -- _F_.._--M� <br /> - F�e-��y-<T-o°hnc�C -�- i�ife - --- - -_- Warranty �— <br /> Tp Deed. ���,i,� �� ��� <br /> �� ' <br /> --- -- --- - -- -- - ---- <br /> Re�ister of reeds (�x�c�'�e�: <br /> - ---Au,3ust�__Fn�ell�n��� - ---- - - - <br /> _ -- - -- - - ..--- -- - - ---- - - ----- - - --- - <br /> Deputy. <br /> All 1VIen by These Presents: <br />' That-- --:�enx_y-,T-��hnck--an�i--:;lar�ar_e_tlir�--J_�_ehnc�,- i�us_b_an� _ancl__�r-ife- - -- - - -- -- ._ -- -- - - - ----- <br /> of the County of------ ----------Ij�l�--------------------aild State of_---------i���,.r�s��------------------------------------.-- Grantor-s----, in cnnsideration <br />�� of the sum of-- --- Qn�-D_c�_11ar and--o_tii�r---Valuable '=o-ns_i�l�e�:=a�ian- --------------------- ----------------------�------------------------------&���� <br /> in hand paid, do__._.--.--------liereby GRA?VT, BARGAIR�, SELL, AND CONVEY unto--.Au��s�a Ez1�e-lld�cle�--------------------------------------------- --------------- . <br /> - --- - ---- - - -- -- - --- - - - - - --- - - - - -- --- -- - - - _-- - --- - -- - - ----- - -- ---- -- --------------------- <br /> of the Coanty of_ i��l��;i�s - - -- -- - -_and State of__ _ iTy i::r�rk�_ - - - - - - - - _ -- -, Grantee-- - --,thefollowtng <br /> described premises,situated in the County of____________ __._____�i�ll.__ _____ ____ _. ____ _____and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> ---------I►a-t-s--Fi?z�--.l_5)---and._�i:�----��-)----in___B_1�-c?:--`"Pn_--{-1�-)�.Ic��hr.c:>-=-s---Acidi�i�n--�o--�he---�-i u',�--Qf---��an�--I_�_1_��dd--- <br /> ✓ <br /> ---- -i�i�_i-�•ask �s--:�.urve 1e-c�,_ --�lat-�e-ci-��u---r�c-or�iec�. -- - - - - __ -- - - - - - -- ---- -- - - - - ---- --- <br /> � -... <br />� - -- --- - --- - -- --- - - -- - - -- - - --- - - - -- - -- -- - --- - - ---- ---- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- ---- -- --- - --- - ---- <br />' -- -- - - --- - --- - - --_ - - - - --- - --- - _ - - - --- - ---- - - - - ---- -- - - - -- --------- --- ----- - -- - - -- ----- <br /> - - -- - --- -- -- - - --._-- --- - --- -- ---- ------ - -- - - - - - - - ----- - - -- ----- - -- -- --- -- -- ------ - --------- - -------- ------ ----- - -- <br /> Tagether wit,h all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenarces thereunto belonging, a,nd all the Estate, R.ight, Title, Interest, �ower, Curtesy, Claim and ' <br /> Dernand whatsoever of the said Grantor_�_______,-a�c��e�e#t,�ier�o-€-�I�e�ri, of, in, or to the-�ame, or any part thereof, <br /> I TO KAVE AND TO HOL� the above-described premises,wi�.11 the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__________and to___.______.___h�_r__._ _____._._____heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. And._______*�e___ _____________hereby covenant_:_____with the said Grantee____._ __that____?±CQ___..______.___hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title,; that____���A_____________.____.___ha_v8_good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll 1ie11s and incumbrances ! <br /> j whatsoever_-----------------.._------ ------- ------- - - --- --- --- - <br />, -------- - - - -�--- -- - -- - -- - - ----- - - ----- - <br /> --------And--------.------------!�g --------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> i:iie <br />, defend � said premises against the lavdful claims ofaIl persons whomsoever, ____._ _________.___.______ ______________________________________________________________________________ ; <br /> --- ---- --- -- ------------ --- -- - ---- ---- ---------- --- - ------ _ --- ----- ---- --- ------ - ------- - -- ------- ------------------------------- - ------ , <br />� Dated the- ---- 29th - - - - - --------- - - --day of_- - ---Anr il - - - ---- - ------ ---------A. D., i9--1G---� <br /> WITNESS ---------------------��Qnr'�-Sn_ehn�-�---------------------------------------- ; <br /> 'i�zx_�ar_�Lha--iTo_Qh_nc�:-------------------------- <br /> „t <br /> ------ ------- -I�_,_�.�llan------- --------- ------- - <br /> ----------- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> � <br /> -- ------ - ------ - -------- -------- - - ----�--- -- - ------- --- <br />' STATE OF NEBR�SKA, ' <br /> ss, <br /> s r_il-------___------------------A. D. 19_.12__ before me the <br /> ----------------I�.�1.1-- -----County, � On this- --------�9�Yi-------- -- -------'---day of_------- � , , , <br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Pnblic-------------------------------------------------within and for said County, personally came--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , <br /> -----��anr',r-sIc�ahnc-�:--3-„�.ci.--;�'��-=-�;-ar c�uha--J c�uhnc�----�li�_�:r::�_e,_ <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_s____.__whose names____ase__________________._________affixed to the above instru- ; <br /> 1��=�) ment as grantor_,�_______, and_..____u�1��*__________severally acknowledged the same to be_______._t_?�e_ix_._______voluntary act and deed ! <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN WITNESS tiVHEREOF I 11ave hereunto subscribed my D�t and affixed my o8'icial seal at_____________________________________________ ' <br /> ^�_�a;�s�___�_�_:_a�s�_____�ti�1�_r_.___in__s_aid__Csz:a��.;�an the date last above written. <br />' -----------------------------------------IJ-.�_._Allan--------------------------- ' <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My conlmission expires------------------ - ---------------�--------------------------------A�°���----�-`-Z'r---------.__19---1-�--- ! <br />� . ; <br />