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lel �� ' , <br /> k,, ... - . <br /> D D ° � 0 ° D <br /> � <br /> 0 <br /> : � __ � _ _ _ _-___ __� <br /> 50018—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithographing and County Supylies;O�rzahe. �`-_ � ��"` ''" —= <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br />�' filed for record this_.___-- -u i----- -------------day of------�i�?r 11------ ---- -------- <br /> :�, D,, 19_lu._, at- ---- - - - - -- 11 - --o'clock- - - - -- -A. -M� <br /> -__-_____Le�t_i�___��;.�:o�ell..�__hus�und._.. _._ Warranty - <br /> T0 Deed. (,/����-�e/%� <br /> -- - ------ - - ---- ---- - ----- - -- - - - - - <br /> .. <br /> P.egister of l�eed Cr�¢� <br /> - -. _ ____ - -r�enry �J�rrer. -- - - _- - . <br /> - - - - - - <br /> --- -- - -- -- --- -- - -Deputy. -- <br /> I�now All 1VIen by T�iese Presents: <br /> That- - - _ Xe, Lez-t-iQ--�::-Ho�.as11-& 7�-i-lli�m--�1.Hoz�zell- - - -- --- --- - - -------- - - ------- - ------------- - - <br /> -- - - - ---- ---- -- <br /> - - ----_____. - -- -__ - - __ - - _ _ _ -E �r�fa_ P._.r.u�b3n�_ ._ - - _ - - - -- _- <br /> of the County of____ __ _H�11____,________ _ _ ______and State of____ ____i3eb�aska_______ __ __,._. ____ ____.____Grantor_t�___., in consideration <br /> of the sum of-- - -- �hxee__ilt�r�re�i--F'�--Eif_tu__P;__n��1�Q- ---------------- ---------------- -- - ------------------------------------ ----------------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand, do________________hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, �LL, AND CONVEY unto________._Henr_y._ 7�er_n_e_r__.______ ____________________ _ <br /> - - -- - - - - ----- - <br /> -- - - -- - --- -- -- -- - - - - --- - -- - - ----- - -- - - - -- - --- - - - -- - --- -- _ --- ---- - --- --- - --- -------- <br /> of the County of_--------fia11---- -------------------- --------------------and State of_---- -i�s-e_r_�tska-------------- ---,---- ------------------ -------------------, Grantee-------,the following <br /> described premises,situated in the Couuty of_________ ____._�:.a.li______________...____._._ _.._____.___and State of Nebraska, to wit; <br /> - - _. Lo�__ '�.uri�e�--T.rg___ �_�)_, ---ln-�lock-;'t�_r_.:�er--�e�,rQ__r.---�'7�-,_._in_,�ornie__�r_ae----,��cii�i�n__to__�rar_d---Island,------------ <br /> ';e�;ras�_a, _aC__ sur�tedTed� ??�a�yea � ��cox�ieu. -- <br /> ---- -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - --- - -- ------ ---- - <br /> -- - - -- --- - -- - --- - - -- - --- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - --- -- -- - - - ------ - --- --- - ----- - ---- ------ - ---- ---- - -- --- -------- <br /> ---- ------ - - -- -- -- --- --._-- ----- -- - --- -- .__- ---- - -- - -------- -- --- -- --- <br /> - -- --- - ---- --- ---- - - <br /> - ------- ----- <br /> I <br /> - --- ----- - - - ------ - - - - -- - --- -- -- -- - -- -- -- - - ------ -- - - --- - - - --- -- - - - --- --- - ---- -- --- -------- ----- <br /> ------- ---- - - - - - --- ---- - - -- - - - - -- -- _ - - - - - - ---- -- -- - - ---- --- ------ - ----- ---- - - - --- -- ---- ---- ------------ <br /> - ---- --- - - - --- ---- - --- - --- --- - - -- - - --- --- - --- - ---- --- --- - --- -- --- --- ------ - -- --- - - -------- ------ ------------- ----- <br /> Toaethar wit�'� all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, 7'itle, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and , <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_fl_______, and of either of them, of; in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO HAVE AND TU HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________.and to_______h�_$_____________________heirs and <br /> assigns forever, And___.___.__�re___.___.____.__hereby covenant_____.with the said Grantee___...____that_______�g________.___hold___.____said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that_______.�1e_______.______ha__Y_�_good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever--------------�zUL�_���_---t-cz--lc�l?_�--sub:e-qU.ent--taxas- ----- ------- ----- - ------ ----- ------ ---- - - ---- - - -------------- --------- -=-------------- <br /> ----------- -- - - - --- --- --- _- ------ ---- ------------ -------.. - --- - - And--------- - - - t�e -------- --- --- --------------covenant-----__to warrant and <br /> tr_e . <br /> defend � said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, _______E.�c�_��___a�__b i�o'Te_,.________________________.________________________ __________._ <br /> --- - ---------- -- -------- -- --- - - --- - ---------- ----------- - -- ---- ------ ---- -- - ----------------- -- ---- - --------------- ------ --------------------------------------- ----- <br /> Dated the-- -- - --w_�nd- - -- ---- -- - --day of 1�I?�i 1----- --- - - -- ----- ---_A. D., 19--1�--• <br /> WITNESS ----------I,�E��u1�---��i.HS�3nf811--- ----------------------------- <br />' ------ -�_iliiam---A.Hn�r�ll----- -------------------------- <br /> STATE OF�YI�:our�, <br /> ss. <br /> ----- ------�T Qtil?�.�..-----County, On this---- - -- --24�h----------------day of_- --- Anx'��.------- -------------------A. D., 19_.1�__, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public____.______________________________________within and for said County, personally came______________________________________________________________________. <br /> ___ Le�ti_e__1.�_.Ho;rell_anc�___N�_lli^.�___A.He;�rell_,__ hu�bancl_ and__ :=rif <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_______whose name�_______�.�Q______________________.____a1Y'ixed to the above instru- <br />' (SEAL) ment as grantor__g_______, and______t�1��_y____._____.severally acknowledged the same to be______�.i1C�_S_______._._voluntary act and deed <br /> for Ghe purpose therein expressed, <br /> n� :� <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subseribed my and affixed my ofi'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> �iQUn�air__tiTi_ew,___..iis s_ou_r:i._._________.___________________on the date last above written. <br /> I.:y t�rm �.s '�?c�t�.ry Public e:c?:iras �eNt 18� 19'13. <br /> -------------Theo cio re---�.Ray_mond--------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> Mycommission expires------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19------------ <br /> � <br /> i <br />