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<br /> 5001$-�L61SP c&BARTL�TT CO.,Prantang,Lx(hogrdphzng¢nd Countg Supplxes Omaha _ _-- --
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<br /> �
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrurnent was entered on Numerical Index arld
<br /> filed for record this--- _._-----?9th_ __--------day of-- __ --------AprYl-- --_------------ '
<br /> .�, D,, 19__12_, at- - -- - - -__3.3Q _ __o'clock ----- - P•---M� '
<br /> �man_u_e-:.--Foss�reen -F�--`vif e---- ---- -- -- - --
<br /> Warranty /�
<br /> TO Deed. "
<br /> - - - ---- ---- -- - - -- - -- - --
<br /> //� • - �-- 7E'EQ¢�4�z'k,
<br /> -x.J_.7V_i1�6Eens--------- �/( °�
<br /> ----- - - - -- - - - ------ - -------- - ---
<br /> . Deputy.
<br /> . K�ow �I� l�en b� These Pr�es��ts: �
<br /> That---- - Ne, Er.1�}u��.--FosU�x-�;n ancl _Anr.a_�or�_�h�_a__F'ae�gr_e-�n,---- - - - -- -
<br /> --- - - ----- - -- -- ----------
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<br /> -- - --- - -- ---- - - --
<br /> -hu�b��nu anc?- :iz�� -�- - - -- - -
<br /> --- --- �
<br /> of the County of--- -----FI311- ------ - --------- ---------and State of_----...i1e=Gx_a�ka-------- --------- - ---__. --------- ------- - ---------Grantor---8---, in c�r�stdera�ion
<br /> of the sum of_ -- -G_T��_Th�u�a2�C1--�,.'1(1--ns�f lU0 - -- - -------- ----- - ------------------- - ---- ----- - ---------------------------------------- ---- --------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do---._.--.--------hereby GRANT, B�1RG�IN, SELL, All'D CONVEY unto_. _---- -H,J_.N���ri"i� -----------..--._--- ---- ---- --------------------------------
<br /> --- --- - - - - -- -- - ---- - - -- __ - - - _- --- - -- - - - - - --- �-- - - ---- - ---- - ----- - ------------ .
<br /> of the County of_._-�uf f�lo..,- -------------- --- - ----------_---ard State of--__l��ek�r��ka-- - ------- -- --------, Grantee-------,the fo�low�ng
<br /> -- -- -
<br /> Ii ;
<br />, described prernises, situated in t12e County of__._.__ ________. ________fi-�11-----------------------and State of Nebraska,, to wit:
<br /> � _Lc�� Liura�e_r._ T�Ft�_-l�)---in i�lock TTU�bar--T3�ree _�3} ��»�ldi-ng--ar_cl �r_eg,�QB Addi.t_ian- -LL� - -------- --
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<br /> - - - -_ _rT±an�i___I_�1ans�- -iseb.r��ka, as_..surVeyed, pla�*�cl- _ar�d--ra�nr-aed - ---- --- ---- ------ - -- -- - -- - --
<br /> -
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<br /> -- - ---- - - - ----- - - - -- - - - - ------ ----- --------- ------------
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<br /> I . . .- - - - ----- - - - - - -- -- --- - - _ ..---- ---
<br /> ---- - ----- - - - - - - ---- ----------- - ---- -- -- --------- -- - - --------------
<br /> To�ether witli atl the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, aiid all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and '
<br /> Demand u�hatsoever of the said Grantor__S__.__:, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, '
<br /> TO KA7�E AND TO HOLD the a,bove-described premises,with the appurteilances, unto the said Grantee_ ______and to___ __.__________h�,�___ ______.___.heirs and
<br />' assigns forever. And_____?�e____________________hereby covenant_.____with the said Grantee______ ____that____.e�re________..___hold________said premises by good and perfect �
<br />�
<br /> title; �hat_____._____w�e__.________11a_v8good right and lawful authority to sell �,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> I whatsoever----------exc e�t--t-�x�&- f ox --the �e�T 1°���- --- --- - -- - --- - --- - - --- - -- --- ---- - - - ----- -- ----------------------------
<br /> ----- ±he - --- - --- - - --
<br /> -- .. ._ --- - - -And- -- -- -- --�t8- - ----- - -------------covenant- --_to warrant and I
<br /> �i
<br /> clefend f.l�said pre2nises against the Iawful claims of all persons tivhomsoever, ____. exC_Q_?�t__�.a___2i�_Qye__s�at-er1_.--_----__-__----------____________________.________
<br /> --- - -- - ----- --- - -- - ---- ---- - --- - --- ------ - - --- -- - - ---- -- --- -- --------- ------------------------- --- ---------------------------------
<br /> �
<br /> I' Ilated the----- - �'�-x�� -- --- - -- --- ----da,y of_- - A�ril --- ------- --- ------- --------A. D., 19---1�:-.
<br /> WITNESS --�.Manu�1---EQ_as.��en----- ----- --------------------------- ,
<br /> - -Anna__�s��o.�he_a__Ec�g�gr�_e.n------------------------------- '
<br /> - -- ------ -- -__;_.c_.�us�an.-- ---- -� ------ - --- --- - i
<br /> ss.
<br /> --------�?al�.------ ---County, On this----------_���1�-------------------day of_--------��?x-i-1-------------------------A. D., 19---1�_, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a iVoiary Public----------------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came--,-------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> - ----E�aruQ-l--Eo�s-�r-e-�n- �=�d--_Anr.a__P.s�ro*���a--FQ�s�r_e�n--------------------------------------- --------------- '
<br /> ---------- ---- ---- - ---------------------- ----��u�'�.ard. --ana -:�!i.f-�----)--- ------------------------------------------ ------------------- ----------------- `
<br /> ;
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__3_._____whose name____s___3xe_______________________affixed to the above instru- '
<br /> ment as grar.tor__c______, and______th�y____________severally acknowledged the same to be_______;ho_i_r-----------voluntary act and deed ;
<br /> tBEAL� for the purpose therein expressed. �
<br /> na.r:le
<br />` IN WITNESS WHEREOF I 1�ave hereunto subscribed my�7¢�and afilxed my official seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ___________�z'3rc�__I�land,___.�l��r_as_l:a______________._____on the date last above written.
<br /> S.0 .Hust�n
<br /> -------------�-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public. '
<br /> My commission expires-------------------- - ------------------ --------Jul`t------�=5---------------------------19_12-----
<br /> I
<br /> ;
<br />� _ '
<br /> �. �
<br /> . �
<br /> -- - - - -- � ;
<br />