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<br />� _" 500i8—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printin9.Lithopraphing and Cnunty Supp[ies:Omaha. ° _.__ _,� ,.,,- _
<br /> I'ROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical �ndex and
<br /> - - ----- ---- - - - --- .. -- - - - - -----
<br /> 81ed for record this___.. ------- ---��--_---------day of_------A�?xil_-----_ -----__--------
<br /> :�, D., i9_.12.__, a,t-- ---- - --4•50- - - -- -._o'clock----, -- - ---p. --M�
<br /> -----_T�it.-.Ple�sant---�e;set-Q-r--�r--l�ss!-n ------__--- Warranty __J
<br /> TO Deed.
<br /> -- - -;- _ ,
<br /> -- _ - - -- --- ----�- --�
<br /> Re�iat„r of Deed � x�
<br /> - - - Thornas__t�!C o_nr o r- -- - - - - n Q
<br /> - - --- _ -- - -- - --- .- -- ------- ---- - --- - ---
<br /> -- - - -------- - -- -- -- - -- - -__ -- -
<br /> Deputy.
<br />�
<br /> Know All 1VIen by Tliese Presents:
<br /> That-------�lount __P�_eas_3n�---i�_e�s_e�.��r_y_._As_s_c�_ciat-ion.------------- -
<br /> --- -- --- - - - -- ------ - ---- ---- - - ._._ ---- --- -- -- ---- ------- -
<br /> - - ----- - - --- - -- - - - Gairo� ?'��� ---
<br /> of the County of_ . -- ----_Fi311-. ---and State of_ __ _---ile-G_r__---- ----._ - ------ ------- ------- ------- - ----------Grantor-------, in consideration
<br /> ofthe sum of--._F.�.Ve - - --- - - -- ----- - -- - -- - - ---- ---- -- - ----- ------- ------------ --------------------------------------------------------------D OLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do____________hereby GRA�VT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto_ _ _ihQ�,.��._U�_�,Q.rix���___o�___C_ai_r4._ ______________________. _____________________ .
<br /> -- - - - ----- - - - - - -- - - - -- __ -- ------ - - - _-- - - -- - -- --__--- - - - - -- - -- - --- -- -----. ---- -- ---- ---- -- - --- ---- --
<br /> of the County of---------------------tidll------------------------- ---and State of___.ilel�r-----_------ --------------------------------.---------.-----------._ _, Grantee------,thefollowing
<br /> describecl premises,situated in the County of________._________i��ll___..__. .__.___._ __._.__._._______and State of Nebraska, to wit: �
<br /> ---- --- 1SZQCi'>- '-�-•--- -- - - L�lf.}--�J+ - �i1.�Lic'�ti-°-C�.--ill yti.ri.-if.- .Gi-t+-. �i�.'s3c+;"'��t�".:1� ��-F1°v v°i-�- ---- ---- - ---- ---- ------ ----------- -------------
<br /> -- - -- - - - - -- -- - --- --- -- -- - - --- - - - - -- - - - - --- - - - - ----- - --- ----- - ---- --- - - - - -- -- --- -------- ---
<br /> -- - - - -- - --- ---_ - -- - --- - - ---_..- -_- - ------ - - --- - - -- - - - - ------ ----- -- �- - - -- --- - -- -- - --- - -- ----- ---- - -- - - - ------
<br /> -- - --- ---- - - - --- - -_-- --- - - ---- --- - -- - ----- -- ---- ---- - - -- - -- - ------ - -- - - - ---------- - --- -- ---------------
<br /> --- -- ---- ------ - --- ---- -- ------ ---- -- --- -- ---------------- - -- -- - - - - ---- -- -- ----- - ------ - --- ---- ---- - --- ----- ------- -----
<br /> ---- ----- ----- -- - ------ ---- -------- - ------ - ---- - - - --- -- ----- -------- - - ----- - - --- -------- - --- ----------- ------ --------------------
<br /> Together with alJ the tenements, hereciitatnents, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and aIl the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_._________, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__.______and ta__________ his___________________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And___._____.__�t_�___._________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee___________that________��ve__. __.___hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; tha�______ � _________________ha_.______good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever--------------------------..------ -- --- -- -- ---- - -- ------------- --�---- ------------------- - ------- - --- ------- ------ ----------------- ----------------------------
<br /> ---- - ---- - --- ---- ---- --- ------ - -- - - -----And------�le--- - -- ---- --- - - - --- - -- -- -------------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> t he y
<br /> ciefend t�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ______________________________________________________________._____________________________________.____________
<br /> ---------- -- ----- -- - ----- - -- -- - --- - - - ----..---- - - --- - --- - -- -------- -- ----- ---- - ----- ----- - - - ------------------ -------- --------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the---- - ------��.�'� - - ------ day of_. �iaY---- - - - --- - - --- ---------------------A. D., 19 Q�----•
<br /> WITNESS ------J.i�i.i������o n--�--------- ---T re a!-8----------------------
<br /> ---A�len---�,o�,r:-y_-----------------��c�--'--------------------------
<br />, ------- ---------- - --Al i�e_�t--Cf ie_1�, -- ------ - -------
<br /> -- -----_�__I�_a��---------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> � ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
<br /> �ss.
<br />� --------- ------iiall---------County, On this_. __llth-------------------day of_---------.Tune------------------------------A. D., 19_Dfi---, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public__________________.___________.___--------------within and for said County, personally came__________,____ ____________________._______________________________
<br /> GT_,_�I_.Fia::_r_i�Qr�---Allan_.I��_v�rr_'.�--a.*lssl_�T__.,-ia11--- - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ---------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persons_____whose name_s__�'�________.__________________affixed to the above instru-
<br /> �a��t'��) ment as grantor_s_______, and______�ng1'_----.--_---severally acknowledged the same to be__.._:�r��_1S_____________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for Ghe purpose therein expressed.
<br /> n
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREDF I have hereunto subscribed my and afi3xed my ofl3cial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> - ---_-�_�.i;Or--_::Iu_'�_�:_�k�r--------------------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> -----�.---�_��--�c�t t__Har r i s�n----------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires------------------. ..----------------------------------2?ov 16
<br /> ---�-------------------------19--��----
<br /> . . ;
<br />