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<br /> �b0�8-J�UPP&BART_LT'TT C¢„Prentxnp,Lzthopraphxng and County SuppZxes Omaho _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ____�__ -�.— __
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<br /> I
<br /> � FR014T I hereby certify tha,t this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and I�
<br /> filed for recorci this---- . --u5----- ------ ------day of-----A��-1-1----------- ' '
<br /> - - ------- - - -- - - -- -- --- -- ---
<br /> �, D., 19 1�__, at- - - - --- - - -N-4Q - - - --o'clock ---- - - P•--M•
<br /> - ---- -- I_ohn--E_.-I�io-n;�i-:��--F:-.'rif o--- - - ,._ Warranty
<br /> T0 Deed.
<br /> �
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<br /> Re�ister of Deeae x�1�de�
<br /> - - --- - -Ann_ie Rsita�,---- - - -- - - � '
<br /> --- - - -- -- - - - -- - - ----
<br /> -- Deputy.
<br /> I�.now All 1Vien by Z'hese Presents: �
<br /> Aa John. L_�Kapl�i~:�--an�.__Licla r_,.��_p_'r,_i::�._ - - - -- - - - - - -- --- _ - ---- - - - - - - I
<br /> That_ }___. �.
<br /> - --- --- - -- - - -- -- - -- -- - ( ,iu�yu:ld .anci__;7cif-� ) - ----- ;
<br /> of the County of_-----------------.. _ _ H�1_l_-- --and State of---- -._.._ --- -`+el��s;s.l�� ----.---__ ----_ - ------ ----------- - ------Grantor---s--, in cnnsideration
<br /> - -- - n � - -------- -
<br /> of the sunl of -��re_nty_-�:z�.ee--Hun�xecl--arici__nv�l�i�------------------------------- ----- ------------------------------------------�---------------- ----------__DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do-------------hereby GRANT, B�1RG_�lIN, SELL, An'D CONVEY unto-------a.T�r.i_3_-R�i u9�-------.--------- .-------------------------------------------------- -
<br /> --- --- - - -- --- - -- -- - -- - - - - - -- - -- -- - ------ - - - -- -- - - -- - -- - - - -- - ---------------------
<br /> of the County of- - �h��1:i�n - --- - - -----and State of i�ek�r�s'-_�. -- - - - -__- --- - - . Crantee---- ,the following '
<br /> described premises, sitl�ated in the Coulity of________ _________ _ �T°11..__- _-._ _ __._._______and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> -- _��
<br /> ----_L�t__i�urik�e�__Ei�ht----�3)--in_Fs1Q��__��L�r---E�rt-Y---1;_ins- -1-4�-)----Dr-i,�i-n�-1- --Ta�r-�---�?ow-C-itST---o-f---�:ard---I-sl-an.d---
<br /> -- T_le'�ras�a�- -�s--s_�irYe��� - -T�_1at_ted a.n�__reuor_ded-- - -- - --- ---- ---- --- ---- - - - ------ ----
<br /> - ----------Sur�;�-ec-t- t�--'�he_ un;�-ai�i--�os_t_ion--�f---ar_-��'JC�-.-OJ--s:�or-t.;��;e -in---i_auor---of---�-he--Equi�abl-s---Buildi-n.�------- ;
<br /> � Loan --Ass�c_�.at_�o-r�- --��_�.�.cl---�.s��nd,----?�_�'�r�aa-oa,---��ahi�h.__4�.�---J'_r_3:�t�a--as_s_ur�es -�--ag.r_ees---u�---�3-Y--------...
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<br /> -- ----- - -- ---- - - ----------- --- -- - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - ------ --------------- --- - - ----- --- ------- -- - ------------------
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditamellts, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, a,nd a,ll the Estate,R.ight, Title, InBerest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> � Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___s______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any pa,rt thereof.
<br /> ;
<br /> ,, TO K�iVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, tivith the appurtenarzces, unto the said Grantee_____ ___and to________________neT__ __. _ ______heirs and
<br /> s; a,ssigns forever. And_____t;�l_Q____________ ________hereby covenant______with the said Gra,ntee___________that_______,te________-___hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> ' title,; that________?��_______________haY3_good right and lawful authority to sell �,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances �
<br /> �. '.a ,. .t..h � .� �` 1C � , r 4 � .F.
<br /> - �
<br /> whatsoever-----��tzu- 8�- ...---�-o----u 3__�_��,�_S___�_G�-- J. � �nC� -�11U_�II ll�n„- �-�.X. ----- - -- ---- ----- -- -- -- -- ------- --- - - - ----------�--------.
<br /> I
<br /> ----- ----- -- ---- --------- ---- - - - --- ------ - -- ---- - - - ---- --- - -- ----- ---- -- --- -- ----- ----- -- -- ------------ -- -------------- ------------------�----
<br /> -- - -- ---- --- .. - ---- ----- - -- -- -- - -..-- -- - - - - -And--- - - - - -�r,t9 - - - - -- - - -------------covenant_------to warrant and
<br /> the
<br /> clefend7to said premises against the lawful clailns of all persons ivhomsoever, ______ exCe�t__as_ a�;ove..__________________________________________._ ,______________________.____
<br /> Dated the-- -- --w��� ---- --------- ---day of__._.- --- A�r11- ----- - - -------------__A, D., 19_12--- •
<br /> I WITNESS ---------------------Js�hn__E..Hnx�kins--------- ---------------•---
<br /> ------- -- --Lida__�_���fl�l�ins------- ------�---------- '
<br /> ---- -- -----�-•�-.=Hu�-�-o�----------- -- ----- -- ------------
<br /> �
<br /> ---- --------- ---- ---------- -�-- - - --- - - - - ----- - -------- --- i -------- ---------�------------------------------------------------------�--------- !
<br /> ss.
<br /> ---- ----H�11---------County, On this-----------__�4_4h-------------------day of----------An�-11-----------------------A. D., 19_12---, before me, the '
<br /> undersi�necl, a Notary 1�ublic_______________ ____________________within and for said County, personally came___________._.__________________________________ �
<br /> _JQhn_�.Hmp'wi.ns-__and---�,ic�a-�-.-��c�?1�-�-r�s--------- --- --------- -------- �--------------------------------------- �--------- ,
<br /> --------------- -------- ---- - -------huslaa�d anci--.ti-�s-------------- ------------ ------------------- --------------- ,
<br /> to me ersonall known to be the identical erson8_______whose narne_ �.8_________.__.___.______aflixecl to the above instru- '
<br /> P Y A �-------
<br /> (uE AL) ment as grantor__,8______, and_____.___t_:'��}T__._._____severally acknowledged the same to be________their__________voluntary act and deed '.
<br /> for b12e purpose therein expressed.
<br /> narae
<br /> IN tiVITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�bx,�l and afC'ixed my ofI'icial seal at______________________________________________ ; '
<br /> -__----__---�r�T1d-_Is_1_�r:�l�,_--TdBb-r-.--------------�---------on the date last above written. !
<br /> ----------------------------------__S_�.�_._�I.i�-�-Q-�------------------------------- i
<br /> Notary Public. '
<br /> My commission expires----------------- ---------------------------------���------------��---------------------j9--�-----
<br /> �
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br />� _ II�
<br /> L_ �. 1 i
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