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1 <br /> � r`" '" ,y <br /> � � �_,� p p <br /> D D 0 Da <br />__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _: _ <br />_ . 500#$—KLOPY&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithagraphing and County Supp[ies,�O mahe. T � ' <br />- , _ - - ---- _-- — ---:,—.___�'- --- _. _ _...s — _:.-.._.__ .�_� <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for reccrd this-.--.--------��?-----------__._day of-----A�i?-1-- -- ----- <br /> -- - --- ---- - - -- --- - - --- - -- - -- ------- <br />, :�, D., 19_1� , at - - -- --- ��`�� --o'clock--- - -- �-�- --M, <br /> -- �% ._;.�i��----�-�i� :�1�� -- -- - - - Warranty <br /> --- - - - . <br /> TO Deed ' <br /> �/����=��y <br /> -- - -- --__ _ - -- -- -- - - - ----- <br /> :'.egister of T�eeds , �'��c� <br /> .,. ,.T ; -..i-<� � <br /> - - - - 1G�r-1-�--rl_�_�Y,� - - - - - - _-- - <br /> --- - -- -- -- - - -- --------Deputy,-- <br /> Know All 1VIen by These Presents: <br /> That- - �-r�, G..�_.rxing £;,.�.ir� --- - - - -- - -- - - ---- - - -- - - - - ------ --------- - - ----- - -- - ----- -- ---- - ------- <br /> ( 1�usU ��• �vif e j <br />' of the County of-- ---_----- -r�a11---- - ------- -------and State of_ _ _ _i�°i1x'�A:_l�a_----- -__---- <br /> . __________Grantor__s_., in consideration <br /> of the sum of -- ---5_ix�een--c4Ltna���i__�° Fift_�'- rx--n�/1_G�-------------------------------------------'----------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do___ ___________hereby GRANT, BARGgIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto_ _ ____.__ ��n_z'j� _Flor'_�:e___ ________ <br /> - -- --- - --- --- - ---- - --- - -- - - - - -__ - --- - - -- -- - -- - - -- --------- ------ - ----- - -- -- --- � <br /> �7„'�'1 �T�,-.,^n c1 . <br /> of the County of_- - -- -------- '`-`--�` --- - --_.a�nd State of_ - ----.,_.,__�_y u.�r,�- - � - - -- - - - - -- -, Grantee----,the following <br /> described preniises,situated in the County of_______ _ _ _ ______.._._._ti�.11__-_________ _______.____.___and State of Nebraska, to wit; �: <br /> --- -------------LQ�5-nu�i�er----Tyro---�-�).___�---T:.r-e-�---k�-)---1n--F�l-o��--n�r,;;.:�r---�:i-�.;-h-t-- ��-)--1-r�-=�-a-1�-ich-'-s---Adrliti�_n_ _� <br /> . <br /> -- ----- 1-.,l:�nil__i.�t�r�n_��}, �s c�u-r-�re=�e�l n=�'t���1 l r�-c;-�-r-c��-cz.- - ---- -- - <br /> ------ - -- ---- -- --- - _-- - - ----- --- - <br /> - - -- -- --- - - - --- - _ -- ---- - -- -- - - - - --- ----- - -- - ---- ----- - - - ---- --- -- -- - ----- --- ------ --------- - --- --------------- <br /> -- - -- - - --- - �-- - - - ----- -- - -- -- - - - --- - - - - - --- -- - ------ - -- -- - - -- - --- ------ ----- --- � <br /> - -------- ------- - ---------------- <br /> --- - -- - --- ----- - -- -- ----- - ----- --- - -- --- ---- ---- - --------------- ------------ ------------- -- - -- -- --- ------ --- - --- -------------------- <br /> Together with aIl the tenements, hererlitaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, �,nd all the Estate, R.ight, Title, Inte,rest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__s______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to__.____h__i_s___.______..___ heirs and <br /> assigns forever. And_____.��____________________.hereby covenant____.___with the said Grantee__________that_______-�d_e____________hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that____��e.__________._______have____good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever_ �-tc�" y �� �' ^ r " " ' '� <br /> ' . - -� �-;�.� - ------------ -- -------------------- ------------------ <br /> -----------`�� -`-`±'�'- -�+�Y,..a -�r-�--�- +� �- �--�1�- �f:4�Ll°A ..,,.�a....s.-- --- ---- -- - ---------- -- <br /> -- - ----- -- - - ---- ------ --- ----- --- -- -- --- ------- -- And------ �ve--------------- ---- - - - - -----------------covenant-- --._to warrant and <br /> �h� <br /> defend D� said premises against the lawful elaims of all persoiis whomsoever, ____.__�xC_�_�?t.__��____�'�UVe_.__________..________________________.______________________________._ ' <br /> ---- -- - - ---- ------- --- ---- - --- --- --- - ---- --- ----- ----- -- -------- ---- ----- - ----- - ---- ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the---- - -- -- -- - -- ivth-- ------ --day of_----- ��r'i-1---- -- - -- A. D.,19---1�---• <br /> WITNESS -----------------�-.�,.-{i-r�t�--------------- -- ------------------------------------- <br /> --------------�r;�r:ia--I�_Yin�--------------- <br /> ---------------------- <br /> �' .C .Husto:: <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ' <br /> ss. <br /> - - -- --i�t�ll---------County, On this------1:St�.._----------------------day of-------Ai?x-�1---------------------------A. D., 19_._12_, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public___________________________________________within and for said County, personally came ________________________________________________._____ <br /> -- ----�_ai_.�._in�'--��-��--L•�1-r�--- --- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------------------------- <br /> ----- - ------------------------------ -------------- -- -(--iZU��u__r._�---�'--��.if e---�- ---------------------------------------------- ----------- - <br /> ----- ---------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__s--_--whose name_g_______���____________________.___affixed to the above instru- <br /> �`��` " ) ment as grantors________, and__.__th��____.______severally acknowledged the same to be____t_1?,.�_7,r_.__________.voluntary act and deed <br /> �.:�:=.L � <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. <br />�e <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�d and afCixed my of�cial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> _�"_r�nd.__I_51�n�1__,____?��;�r_��k�.___________________________on the date last above written. <br /> ` ----------------------------------------------��-._�_.._I�us_L_s�n------------------------ <br /> Notary Public. <br /> Mycommission expires---------------- ------------------------------------------------�=�-�-Z'-------------��----------------19.12------ <br /> � <br />