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<br />— 50048—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,LithographinB and County Supplies;Omuh¢. ' � �
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical rndex and
<br /> filed for record this__- ------1�----------- ----day of--._.-Apr-1-1-------------.__--------
<br /> - -------- - - --- - - -- - - - _ _- - - - -
<br /> �, D,, 19 -1� , at-- --- -$.4�.__ __..-- ___o'clock------- - .._.A..__.__M.
<br /> -----------�ar_��.e--i3._S;ae:.t8_. �.�__hu�'��nd--- Warranty
<br /> TO � � Deed. � �� ��
<br /> - -��- -- /- - -= - - - - - -------- --- - -- -
<br /> �e i st e-r v f De e s �'��c
<br /> - - --- Susan_��i�Hu�he� - -- - - -
<br /> -- - --- - - --
<br /> - - - -- - - -- ------- -- ---
<br /> Depuiy.
<br /> Know All 1V.Ien by These Presents:
<br /> That - - Ca�r i_e...t�_.S�Q-i�� anc� �7-illi�ra -T-.�;nel��; --:ti-£e- .a��--�usi�and - - - --- ------------ ---- - -- - - ---------- - - -----
<br /> of the County of___ _______. _ nuf f�10___.____ ____ ___and State of___ _____Ti61�r��k�___. _._____ __.__.__ __._.___Grantor__s__, in cnnsideration
<br /> ot'the sum of_--------Cn�--D�llar,----and__other__valuak�Ie_con�icier�t_�a�i_�_-----------------------------------------------------------------------------���x
<br /> in halid p�,icl, do_--___---__-herebv GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto----_-_--Susaii_i�i.HugYiQ-$----------------------------___---__-_---_--_
<br /> of the County of- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - ---- ---- - --and State of- - -- Tv'�l�r��ka ---- - ---- -- --- - - ,Grantee----- ,the following
<br /> I c�eseribed premises, situated in the County of_______________._______.���.7._____.--------------- --------ana' State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> --- -- Lat s T:�.i rt-y--(39} ana- Tni�ty_-�t„u -(:��� --�f--�'��;_tax'�- Sub--tli_�r_is�or. o�- -LQ ys - 11 -F�---1�-�� -R_QOd----- --
<br /> -- -- L3�xan__S�ah-diT�ri�ian- .of- ��ar� a�'-�-.�.-� -a�' �1.�.�--a�c�-�a�r-t- o f �I.��-�- af --S.-�-�4 af--5�-��on- '�4�- - ----. --
<br /> --- ---- i.n--Sfl:�nshin 10_ ��x��nj- - a£ -�ar�.;$- 1:� -��est- of t-��a -otY�- �,�.�-.- -as-�uruey�-ci;- ?��a�tec�-anti---r-ec�r�:1��1.- --
<br /> ------ _.-- - --� - --- - - --- -- - - --- ---- ---- - - ---- - -- - ---- ------ - - -- - ------ -- - - -. ------------ ------- - - ------- - -- - -- --- - -----------
<br /> - - -- -- - - - - ----- -- - ---- - - ---- - - - - - - - -- - --- - -�--- -- --- - -- - -- - ---- -- - - - --- ---- - ---- - --- ---- ---- -- -- ---- ----
<br /> --- - ---- - ---- --- . - - - - - ----- --- ---- ----- - - -- - ---- ---- ------ - -- ----------.- -- --- -- - - ----------- -- - ---- - - - ------------------------
<br /> Together with aIl the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd a,ll the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_&_____,�s�c�-e€'-e��-o�#�e�s, of, in, or to the sarne, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO gAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to________.__h��______________________heirs and
<br />' a,ssigns forever. And_______._____k1�___ ____.___hereby covenant_____with the said Grantee__._______that______t,�,r.a________.___hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br />' title; that_____���___________.__.___ha___Y_8good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the sa,me; that they are free a,nd clear of a�ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> I
<br /> whatsoever---------------------..--------- ----- ------ -- ------ --- --- -------- - -------- ------------------------- ---- --- -------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- -� --------- ------ - ----- - ----- - -- - --- ------ -------- -- - -- ------- - - - ---------------- --------- -------------- ------------------ -------------- -------- ------------ -
<br /> ---- --- - ---- - - -- ---- --- -- - --- --- --- - - -- -- -- -- - - - -And------ - - - --;ve -- - - ----- - ------------covenant-------,to warrant and
<br /> t i1e
<br /> defend t1�said premises against the lawful claims of all persolis whomsoever, __________ _________________________________._______
<br /> ------------------ ---- - --- ----------- ----- -- ---..
<br /> --- ---- -- --- -------- -- - -- - --- -- - - --- - - - -- - - ----- - --- -- - - ---- --- ---------- --- ----- -- -------`
<br />, --------------------- ------------------------- ------ ---- ------
<br /> �ated the_ �n�i--- ------ -- ---_day of _i�ar_ch- -------- ------------- -----A. D., i9---��---�
<br /> WITNESS -----------------------C ar.r_ie---�-.S�s l�-s-----------------------------------
<br /> -a� • • m r
<br /> ------------------�-1�,1.1-�L--.1--.-►::�8_l'�-8----- ---------
<br /> *� ��r ddT
<br />'' ---------------�-�.IYJ-�----i�'`-'~'1`"-1-----------�-------------�---------------
<br /> ss.
<br /> ------ ��,tii3lo-----County, On this--------nna----------------.-------------day of---------------„S��h----------------------A. D., i91�____, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public_.______________________________________________within and for said County, personally came__________________ ____________.____ '
<br /> -----��r_ie---�=.-_�na 1t-s---anu--+Y ilLiara--T_._S�elt-s7---;��f e_--and.--h�zahanc3�-------------------------------------------------
<br /> ----- ----------�----------------------- ---------- --------- --- ------------------ --- ---------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------=----
<br />� to me personally known to be the identical person__s________whose name_8____.___.__�_8__________________af�xed to the above ir�stru-
<br /> (SEAL) ment as grantors_________, and__________�he,�*_______se�%erally acknowledged the same to be_______tne_ir_.____.__._voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�a,nd afCixed my ofl3cial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ___�;e��ne-�r-_iz1---�ai�._.G_QUn�y_____________________________on the date last above written.
<br /> --------------------------------n...M.B_�nSY-----------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> Mycommission expires------------------- ------------- -------------------------��--'r�-�------�:9.------19-15------
<br />